Friday, June 24, 2022


 The tomato plants are really growing! 

This is the Roma tomato plant and it is flowering and has small tomatoes! 

Yellow Pear tomato on the left Roma on the right.   The Yellow Pear is also flowering and has tomatoes forming. 

The sheep watering tank works great, the South side of my garage is the perfect spot against the steel building the tomatoes stay toasty warm!   The dog fence keeps out the far anyway. 

We should have tomatoes mid July!  

Far Side 


  1. I had to re tie my tomato plants yesterday afternoon and they look great with a lot of blossoms!
    Sven, the goat escaped last night and pulled some potted plants -- grrr, but left the tomatoes alone!

    Life on the farm. Hmmm.

  2. I usually don’t have any animal problems with tomatoes. My biggest problem is rainy cold springs and then sometimes blight later on.

  3. Oh, lucky you. The best part of summer are the fresh home grown tomatoes. Sure wish my yard was conducive to growing tomato plants. Have a great weekend.

  4. Everything is late here, since we've had such cool and wet weather. Tomatoes are way behind.

  5. Aren't the wonderful! We have a little hanging basket of cherry tomatoes. Just right for us.
    (ツ) from Cottage Country , ON, Canada!

  6. Your plants are doing so much better than ours. Hopefully something will happen soon and they'll have a grown spurt.

  7. My tomatoes are not nearly as far along as yours, but they are showing signs of flowering. Mine are on the south side of the deck and get full sun for a good portion of the day. They sure love the heat!

  8. They are doing really well!
    Mine aren't that far along. I have four old water fiberglass tanks I use, they are good raised gardens.

  9. Nothing, absolutely nothing, like homegrown tomatoes.

  10. Now you could start a tomato stick to see who gets the first tomato. All the guys from the south would be excluded!

  11. Your tomatoes look so healthy. Hope those deer stay away and you get to harvest a bumper crop :)

  12. They are looking great. My pear tomatoes are only six inches tall. I guess you will win the race. You tank works so great. Keep the deer from jumping in. I have a shrub I think that deer took out a couple of weeks ago. They or it didn't take anything else.

  13. Your tomatoes really took off! Obviously they love that location.

  14. We have tall plants and flowers on ours too. All we need is heat. Sounds like we will be getting some this weekend.

  15. Looks good! No tomatoes for us this year. But there is always a Farmer's Market.

  16. Your tomato plants look so nice and healthy! I can't wait to see all the tomatoes you're going to get.

  17. I hope you have a bumper crop! :)

  18. Yeah for tomatoes!!! I can't wait to have some fresh ones.

    My cucumber plants are full of blooms but I do not believe they are getting pollinated. They have been blooming for over a week but not cucumber do I see. I see no bees or butterflies...just occasional cabbage white butterfly. I have not even seen a bee on my coneflowers, and they are usually all over them.

  19. Nothing like having home grown tomatoes. Thank you for the beautiful iris card. It helps to get so much support. I miss her so much.

  20. COMING SOON! July is just around the corner!

  21. Glad the tomatoes are growing so well. Bet you're looking forward to getting to pick and eat some fresh tomatoes soon.


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