Thursday, May 5, 2022

Spring Like Days

 Busy days and nice to be outside. 

My spinner survived the winter and birds are at the bird bath bathing! 

Far Side


  1. Good for spring like days! I'm glad you are finally getting some nice weather.
    It looks like I may just have to start the mower soon! Goodness, I'm not quite ready for that yet.

  2. I put some water in my bath the other day but I haven't spied birds in it yet.
    Im really hoping I can get out this weekend and so some serious work out there.

  3. I put a bird bath out this year but I haven’t seen any bird in it yet. I did switch out the type of bird seed back to safflower and the black birds are finally giving up. So now I’ve had a better collection of bird at the feeder too. Last week I saw chickadees, cardinals, downy woodpecker, and lots of little finche.

  4. I haven't put out the bird bath yet, should do so as the robins are definitely back in the spruce tree out front.

    Enjoy the lovely weather!

  5. I have wonderful childhood memories of pinwheels! Enjoy the warmer Spring weather and sunshine.

  6. That's a strong spinner to make it through the winter! It is still cold and wet here but the coming forecast looks like we may jump from winter to summer. We do that a lot and I hate to miss out on spring!

  7. We will be 80 Monday and Tuesday! I am not ready for that.

  8. Yay! Spring is arriving in your neck of the woods. Apparently it's been raining since we left. Not much here though so we're able to enjoy ourselves outside as well as in. Dennis and Alex have been busy with garden projects the past two days.

  9. Glad you're having spring like days. If anybody deserves warm spring days, it's you. Guess June the snow pile, is that her name, is still there. :)

  10. Are you finally out of snow? I missed a few blog posts. I see you have a robin. Did you beat the "One who sees Robins First" this year?

  11. I'm glad your weather is finally cooperating with the season, Connie. Yahoo!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Glad you were able to enjoy a lovely Spring day! Now we just need to get rid of June!

  13. Sounds like a beautiful day in your corner of the world. Love your colorful spinner too!

  14. I hope you get some lovely spring weather soon!

  15. We’re going from cool spring to hot next week. We will hit 90 degrees weatherman said.

  16. The birds are bathing, so it HAS to be spring!

  17. The spinners are always fascinating. It is hard to believe ice and snow did not take it out. I have a robin feeding babies under our deck so it is officially spring. We are about two weeks late for the season but next week we are going to hit 90° and maybe your snow pile will go away.


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