Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Robin Red Breast

 We had a Robin in our yard  May 3.  Yeah us...Spring must be here...finally.

I keep track every year and record the day I can finally take a photo o a Robin. 

We are not feeding birds because of the Avian Flu.  Hope we can start feeding soon as the birds that fly North are really hungry when they get here throughout the month of May. 

Far Side

First Robins In Our Yard:
April 19 2008, April 11 2009, April 5 2010, April 4 2011, March 23 2012, April 27 2013, April 9 2014,  April 24  2015, April 21 2016, April 5 2017, April 29 2018,
some time in late May 2019, March 31 2020, April 5, 2021 and now May 3 2022.


  1. All the scientists I’ve heard have said to go ahead and feed birds if it makes you happy and that it won’t increase the chances of avian flu.

  2. So happy for you seeing that first Robin. Hope spring it there! So neat to see the different times and months the Robins first appear. Oh and that was so sad about the mama deer losing her baby. Animals have it pretty rough.

  3. It's a good sign!! Most years Robins over wintered at our old place.

  4. We've had the robins for about a month now. When it's raining, they love to hang out in the tree outside my office window. I love seeing that little red belly!

  5. That is a big swing in dates from year to year. I’m guessing it’s pretty similar around here. I don’t keep track, but it did seem that this year it was later than normal when I finally saw a robin.

  6. Hooray for the robin! I've seen a few in the last couple of weeks.

    I've continued to feed the birds, though I am careful to wash my hands when I come indoors.

  7. I haven’t seen a Robin yet, but I’m hearing more and more birdsong.

  8. It does seem late for your Robin this year. Wouldn't it be great if they could put some kind of medicine in the bird seed this year to help the birds and make us feel better too?

  9. I haven't noticed a robin but I'm sure they are here now if you have them. I love that you record this.

  10. With the snow gone the birdies can now find nesting materials and maybe even a worm or two. The need bugs. Is it buggy there yet?

  11. I'm so glad you got to finally see a robin. We had some in our yard in February and although it was a mild winter, we did have more snow and lots of cold afterward. But May! It HAS to be finally spring for you.

  12. This morning I spied a robin building a nest in the corner of the garden shed. I went to get my camera and when I came back she was gone. I'm sure she'll be back though as they next there every year!

  13. Yay for your first robin! We've been seeing them for a while now even when we had snow. I guess they were doing their best to bring spring but it just didn't work. I bet your robin is bringing spring!

  14. Poor mama deer. I wonder if they stick around for a while watching if the fawn will live or do they know instinctively that it's dead. I hope the Robin sighting means you will now have Spring weather?

  15. I'm surprised that the robins have just visited you. I'm not sure when the first robins arrived here but they've been here a long time.

  16. We just saw our first robin about a week ago. Our Loons are back and were singing up a storm about midnight last night! I love the sounds they make!

  17. I usually do that too. I can't recall my first dates with Robins. I didn't start keeping good track of the birds until just recently. I do track when I see the first Skunk Cabbage and find the very first Hepatica though.

    No feeders out here either until after the last day of May. Then hopefully we can enjoy the hummingbirds and Orioles.

  18. Interesting statistics on Robin arrival. Nature has the same cycles over and over but the timing varies. Our wildflowers are all in bloom now but they didn't come in the usual order. We have had an up and down weather, then cold weather with frost or freeze warnings...then back to hot weather...70s and 80s. I think we are back to spring. You and Far Guy have had a traumatic year. Hope you are in for some peaceful days.

  19. Are we not supposed to feed them? Does it make it more transmissible? I've been feeding them.

  20. Illinois is also not feeding birds along with Michigan. It is too later for our state. Millions of hens and turkeys have had to be destroyed. Farmers are busy raising new chicks for a rebound in egg laying.

  21. That might be one of “our” robins as it’s been a while since they left our neighborhood. It’s funny — I notice them all winter but when they leave I don’t notice they are gone. I’m catching up on reading blogs today after a very busy time in Florida with my mom.

  22. Glad you finally had a robin come visit.


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