Saturday, February 12, 2022


 Sadie knows all about security...for her it is falling asleep with her feet near mine and not caring that your ear is folded over. 

Far Guy's only sister Jan is very ill.  She is in the hospital and has been diagnosed with Leptomeningeal Carcinoma.   It is a very rare form of cancer that can occur after metastatic breast cancer.  Jan went through chemotherapy for breast cancer during the pandemic.  Survival for this kind of cancer is usually a few weeks to a few months.  Please keep Jan, her husband, daughter, son in law and Far Guy in your prayers.   It is very hard news to get.  Jan called to say goodbye to Far Guy and told him she would see him in heaven.  Jan and Ron live in Southern Indiana.  When we know what the plan is for her care  Far Guy may want to visit her.  

One day at a time.  Jan is secure knowing where she is headed.   It is the rest of us that need to embrace her calm acceptance of the diagnosis. 

"In my Father's house are many mansions, if it were not so, I would have told you.  I go to prepare a place for you."  John 14:2

Far Side


  1. I am so very sorry to hear this. No matter how old we are, losing our siblings is difficult. Thinking about Far Guy & others who love Jan the most.

  2. Such sad news. I pray for her to have a peaceful transition. My condolences to FG and the rest of her family. :-(

  3. Be assured that we all have her and all of you in our thoughts.

  4. I am so sorry for all of you. That is a hard pill to swallow. i will for su re pray for all of you. It is always the ones left behind who have the hardest time dealing with the prognosis.
    The first thing I thought of when I saw Sadie was the ear bent over...too cute. You guys are sure going to miss her when you go back home but by then the weather will be better for traveling so you can visit back and forth. I wish you peace this weekend and always.

  5. I am so sorry to heart this news. This has got to be so hard.

  6. Prayers. I am happy that Far Guy's sister is at peace and will pray for all her family at this sad and difficult time.

  7. Oh I am so very sorry to hear this news. My thoughts go out to Jan and her entire family at this difficult time.

  8. So sorry. Such a heartbreaking time and distance makes everything even harder.

  9. I'm so sorry to hear of her news. Sending lots of good thoughts to you and her family. I hope Far Guy is able to visit with her

  10. Awwwww... I am so very sorry to hear this news, Connie. Be assured I am keeping Jan in my thoughts & prayers, as well as everyone else who loves her. Give Far Guy my best. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  11. I'm so sorry to hear this. Prayers for all.

  12. Jan sounds like a very grounded person, and my prayers are for her family too.

  13. Prayers for all during this unsettled time. I also hope that FarGuy will be able to visit Jan.

  14. Oh Connie, my heart goes out to Far Guy and the entire family. It's SO hard for the ones left behind. Jan sounds as if she is ready to see her Lord and Savior in Heaven and those that have gone before. I'll pray for continued peace for Jan and for the rest of the family to feel the same.
    Blessings and much love,

  15. This is tough. I am so sorry.
    We've come to terms with JB's cancer. Another treatment this month. We just live day-to-day.

  16. Sweet Sadie. Are you going to be able to part with each other?
    Sad news. My thoughts and heart go out to FG and his family.

  17. This is such hard news to receive. I'll definitely say a prayer for Jan and her family as well as Far Guy.

  18. The love of a puppy is shown in many ways.
    As is a person's love for someone they don't even know. Love to all and hugs.

  19. Another sadness…seem to be stacking up like a deck of cards. Praying for help where it’s needed.

  20. I am so sorry for Jan's illness. It reminds me of what happen to our friend Shary. Prayer going up for all of the family especially for Jan and Far Guy.

  21. I'm praying for far guy's sister Jan. She sounds like a sweet lady and lovely sister. So hard to get news like that, especially since she has already been battling breast cancer. Praying for the whole family.

  22. I'm sorry to hear such sad news. Jan and the family are all in my prayers.

  23. My heart goes out to Jan and her family. I will keep them in my prayers. Having a strong faith will surely be solace for her as she prepares for her eternity. May God bless her at her passing and may the heavenly court assist her.

  24. Such sad news. I hope her last days are comfortable and filled with love from family and friends.

  25. Oh! My! Gosh! That was a heart breaker to read. Prayers for you and Far Guy! And everyone else.

  26. In my prayers. Every one of them.
    Sounds like there is a lot of love around her.
    *big hugs*

  27. Sadie's a sweetheart. It's going to be tough for you both when you go back home.

    Sorry to hear about Far Guy's sister.

  28. I have had a rough month, so today did a lot of catch-up reading on your blog. So sorry to hear about Far Guy's sister. What a shock that must have been! I will definitely be praying for all of you as you go through this difficult time.


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