Friday, February 18, 2022

A short trip

 Far Guys infusion went well, we had lunch in a diner where the floor was old LP records covered in epoxy…the food was ok but they took no pride in the surroundings. Needless to say they had only two other customers while we were there. 

Another blizzard was forecast for today …Friday … so after lunch I helped Jen at their air b & b for a bit and then we headed out.  The roads were great except for the last three miles were very icy. 


A farmstead that we pass on our way, note the brick silo.

We will stay here a few days, until the weather is better up North. We will visit our accountant, my brothers and my parents.

Holy cats is there snow here, I will take some photos before we leave.

Far Guy spoke to his sister she is at home now.  We are waiting for a portable oxygen unit for the airplane ride….the oxygen company has been working on it for a number of days.  Yet again someone is not doing their job. Last week Far Guy called them and this week I called them. 

Far Side


  1. Be careful on those roads, girl! Don't be getting too sassy with the traveling! :-) I take it you & Far Guy are taking a plane ride to go see his sister? Is that what you meant about the oxygen tank and all that? I hope all that works out so he can see & embrace his sister before she goes to be with the Lord. God bless your flight & may the visit be sweet. ~Andrea xoxo

    1. We have to have a FAA approved portable oxygen unit before the plane ride is a reality. Far Guy uses a large concentrator and b tanks neither of which are approved for air travel.

  2. Have a great weekend. Stay safe and warm.

  3. It was interesting last week when the 02 guy came, he had no little replacement tanks that we use when going to doctor appointments.
    Is there a shortage of portables happening?
    Anyway, it would be nice if they gave you an answer!

    1. I am not sure what the problem is. Far Guy uses the b tanks in a backpack as his portable and they are not FAA approved for travel on an airplane

    2. Ah hah! Since we never went on a plane with 02, I guess I wouldn't have known.

  4. Glad to hear the infusion went well - it's about time things went well.

    Stay warm!

  5. One of the neatest floors I have seen is one covered in pennies and covered in epoxy.

  6. Travel safe and enjoy your visit "home". And I sure hope the oxygen situation is resolved quickly so FG can travel. I have a girlfriend on oxygen 24/7, and she had to travel with portable units when we did a cruise together in 2019. The batteries to her unit were heavy, and she had 6 with her to rotate. So the 4 of us traveling together each took at last one in our own carry on bags to lighten her load.

  7. Can't wait to see pics of your snow. We got a pile of it over night last night. Dave's outside enjoying the fact that he finally has a snowblower! Boys with their toys!

  8. Health care is a big challenge sometimes.

  9. Ii'm glad you and Jenn made it home safely. I was surprised to wake up and see that there are blizzard warning not far from us in Iowa. We have bright blue skies and in the 50's today!
    I hope they get the oxygen tank situation figured out soon so you can visit Far Guy's sister. I know how important that is to him.
    Be careful out there.
    Blessings and love,

  10. Yup--another blizzard is in progress. Really windy out there.
    Glad FarGuy's infusion went well. I'm on my way to mine soon--in the blizzard.
    I hope he gets his travel all figured out with the airlines. He has a brave heart.

  11. I hope you can get answers from the FAA....though I doubt anyone in government is eager to do their job efficiently and qickly.

  12. I hope the trip goes well. Hopefully the problem with the oxygen tank gets resolved and you can be on your way.

  13. We have so moved on from winter that it seems strange to see all of that snow. Of course winter isn't over and anything can happen. My Facebook page shoes me memories of years past with lot on snow in February. So far aw are having a very easy winter. the daffodils are starting to bloom.
    I wasn't sure where you were heading? Are you going home?

  14. Icy roads are scary roads not that I have ever driven on one but still..................

  15. Ice storm here. That floor sounds so unique! What a neat idea. It's too bad they don't take more pride in the business. We have a storefront here where a musical tenant covered the floor with pennies in mosaic patterns and then epoxied over them. Now it is an interesting (maybe not in a good way) storefront church and it looks like they scrapped the floor down.

  16. There sure has been a lot of snow this month! We had a big one two weeks ago and an even bigger one yesterday. Now they are talking about yet another one next week. Be careful on those roads. I bet it is nice to be home for a bit. Hopefully it will soon be worked out for you to visit Far Guy's sister. I'm keeping you all in my prayers.

  17. Welcome to our neck of the woods (home) - yes we have so much snow! Been a few years (I think quite a long time) since we have had this much in our yard - the roads are more than just winter driving roads, the are not good! Enjoy your little getaway and hopefully things line up with your other traveling plans.

  18. Glad Far Guy's infusion went well. Hope you get the portable oxygen unit soon. Stay safe in the blizard.

  19. Did just you and Jen go "home"? Is their air B&B in Grand Forks....I was getting confused but that doesn't take much! LOL! Stay warm and safe! I hope the oxygen comes around soon so he can see his sister and say sad.

  20. Far Guy and I went home, he had to sign the taxes toO! Yes the Air B & B is in Grand Forks ND


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