Sunday, December 5, 2021

Far Guy's Sister

 Far Guy has only one living sister and she lives in Southern Indiana.  She noticed a numbness in her face last week.  She was admitted to the hospital with a subdural hematoma.  The Doctors are waiting to see what happens next, she may have to go to surgery, or they may send her home...time and more tests will tell. 

She spoke at length with Far Guy, the hospital is full and nurses are over loaded with patients.  These are uncertain times we live in, nothing should be taken for granted...not your health or an empty hospital bed should you become ill. 

Our days are numbered for us before we were born, so be thankful for everyday. 

Far Side


  1. Hope all goes well for Far Guy's sister.

  2. Hugs for you in this time. I just read some distressing news about hospitals and availability of beds. I won't go in to it here. But...

    Oh I hope you all don't get knocked by the blizzard! So will you go out and play in the snow?
    We are hunkering down as the winds are going to hit us!

  3. Connie, is this the sister who had cancer treatments some time back?

  4. I'm so sorry to read this. Healthcare has been so difficult.

  5. Oh I hope she's OK! I'm gong to have to go look up what that is that she has. It's such a scary time to be anywhere, much less a hospital.

  6. Wishing Far Guy's sister restored good health.

  7. Oh my goodness, Connie, how did Far Guy's sister get a subdural hematoma? Did she fall or did she have a bleeder in her head? I'll be praying for her. Please keep us posted. Yes, the COVID cases here in Indiana are horrible. The whole state is about to go back to "red" status again. *sigh* ~Andrea xoxoxo

  8. At this age some simple things can go wrong very quickly.

  9. You are right about our days, and this post is a good reminder! My best healthy and healing vibes for Far Guy's Sister restored health.

  10. Prayers for Sister. Hoping for good news. Ohio is just as bad. We had 40 cases last week in our small school system. My niece who is a BSN RN in Mississippi is ready to find a new job. She was mandated to do infusions in a parking garage for 12 hours straight in full protection gear during the last surge. She said she is not doing it again. Our medical professionals are over this. She had an unvaccinated little daughter at home last time and suffers from a medical condition herself.

  11. You are so right! Be Thankful for each and every day. And for wonderful family and friends, such as you!

  12. I am happy for you that you take comfort in your faith.
    My thoughts are with both of you and FG's sister too.

  13. God's hands hold all the answers. We are but his plan.
    Hugs to you guys.

  14. I think the entire world is so tired of Covid, but it's not done with us yet. Sending healing energy to all, especially FG's sister.

  15. My 60 year old brother died because the hospital was over flowing with all those that don’t “believe they should be vaccinated”. Hope his Sister can overcome. We never know if this is our last good day. It’s overwhelming and I just try to keeping going and being as positive as I can. Wishing you and Far Guy a blessed winter season.

  16. OH no! I hope his sister will be okay. This is such a scary time in the first place.

  17. So sorry for Far Guy’s sister and I hope the tests turn up favorable results. We encountered the same thing when my mom was in the hospital in Florida and then with space in the rehab center. Nobody had room!

  18. I'm so sorry for your SIL. You are so right a bout being grateful. Gratitude for what I do have is what has gotten me through. Who did the chalk art...some one is talented! I will pray for her along with you and your family who are always in my prayers.

  19. Oh my! I'm sorry to hear this news and hope that it will resolve by itself somehow. It's hard to take medical care for granted isn't it when it's so hard to see a doctor or have even simple procedures taken care of anymore.
    If you could email me your SIL's name I would love to pray for her by name. May God give you all peace of mind.

  20. Praying for a successful recovery.

  21. I am so sorry for what is happening with Gene's sister. Hopefully meds can interrupt the problem and it can be fixed without surgery.

  22. I hope Far Guy's sister will be okay. Thanks for the reminder to be thankful for each new day.

  23. I am praying for healing for Far Guy's sister. Everything is in God's hands, and I am praying he sends the right doctors to take care of her.


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