Saturday, December 4, 2021


 Jen has a Craft Room here and set up a desk for me, I brought some projects with me and will enjoy the nice bright space to work in.  A space you can just leave "stuff" sitting out and no one cares. 

If blogger would let me upload a photo I could show you. Instead it is being a brat.

I have oodles of things to work on...I stamped images on watercolor paper for cards like a mad woman before we left home, and Jen has stamps here...someday I will get some more watercolor paper and raid her stamp collection and see what kind of cool stamps she has!   I have the stamp for next years Christmas Card!  I brought that along and I have some other projects to watercolor.   I have three afghans to work on and a Christmas gift to finish and I have a new pattern for many crafts...

Jen painted a picture since we got here and I assisted her hemming some curtains.  Neither of us are accomplished seamstresses but we got er done...hope both panels are reasonably the same length! 

Far Guy is going to start woodcarving again soon.   He left his woodcarving tray at home so I found him a wood tray at Hobby Lobby that he can convert that will be similar to what he has at home.

Supposed to get a blizzard here Saturday night through Sunday night...we will see. 

Far Side

Yeah photo uploading is working again!


  1. Nice you have your own little space in Jen's craft room. Sounds like you have plenty of crafts to keep you busy. And if you do somehow run out - or want something new to play with - perhaps Jen will share her supplies with you?

  2. I would love a craft room. I suppose I could make one upstairs. But I'd be running up and down the stairs all day to do other things.
    I love this room. At one time I had one of those long fold up tables for my crafty stuff.
    No longer...thus, less crafty time!

  3. Blizzard? Yikes! Good thing you don't have to go anywhere.

  4. Glad you can post photos. I like to see your crafts as you work on them.

  5. Having some space for crafting is wonderful. And since you both enjoy crafts you may enjoy some wonderful time together too.

  6. I love how cozy and comfortable Jen and Andy have made you two. You are certainly blessed with a wonderfully close family. Lots of fun things to keep you busy in the cold winter months too. I can't remember if you said you put the snowstick out at home before you left. I'll miss the updates. :-) We still haven't had any snow although it is getting colder. I don't mind the no snow but I'm sure the farmers would like some.
    I have Mandy's Christmas socks done except the last half of the foot of the second sock. That will go quickly now and I'm hoping to finish it today. Then, I have to knit Mom's socks and presents will be done. I hope.
    I need to get started on next falls mittens. I'm already about 20 pair behind and I also want to start a new batch of shawls for the hospital. So much to do, so little time.
    Take care and stay warm. I'm so glad you don't have to go out in the blizzard.

  7. I love the family togetherness this move has made. A new adventure and new scenery as well. Glad all is working out SO well. Enjoy.

  8. It's wonderful you have a space of your own to work on at Jen's. I suspect you'll get lots done and probably start something new too.

    Take care, stay well.

  9. Every time I make curtains it’s a such a struggle to get them the same length. I hope you and Jen got it right!

  10. GREAT WORKSPACE! And it sounds like you are pretty prepared to keep busy in your winter home. Glad you have Far Guy all fixed up, too. Personally I have a very difficult time hemming curtains to the same length. I don't know why it is so hard for me. I hope yours end up close!

  11. You have plenty to work on and a crafts room to boot? Do you use your stamps more than once for your Christmas cards? You and Jen are going to have so much fun together! It's like a really long retreat . Plus, a blizzard to boot? I hope you have plenty of great food to hunker down with!

  12. Looks like a nice big desk for you to work on! planned ahead and have a lot of projects to work on this winter! How nice that you and your daughter are both crafty! and far guy is carving! So cool. Yep....we're getting that winter weather tonight thru Monday morning. Batten down the hatches!

  13. You have all the comforts of home which is nice since you have to be away from your house.

  14. How delightful!
    We've freezing rain expected. sigh.

  15. A craft room would be wonderful! I have a multitask room and the kitchen table :) I have tried a couple times to post pictures and it hasn't worked. Will try again

  16. You just sit baskets in front of the shorter curtain. It is nice to have a work space. I had to figure out how to translate between google and gmail meaning I had to dig up a password.

  17. This unknown comment was me ~ not sure why it would say unknown (hmmm) -- We have lots of snow here in the "homeland" :)

  18. Wow!! What an amazing space with plenty of room to spread crafts out. I don't have a craft area. Everything has to be pulled out/put back for me to do any projects. It is more fun to craft with others around. Happy for you!

    I see Jen's Cricut. I still can't decide if I would use one enough to warrant the price tag, or which model would fit me best. There are sooo many add-ons & variables. It is intimidating. Does Jen use hers a lot? They do seem versatile.


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