Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Ornament finish and more

 3PM Monday afternoon I finished the ornaments for this year.  I was very happy to put the paints away and get the dining room table back to "normal" there really a normal anymore?  110 ornaments were finished. 

How about an ornament giveaway??   I will draw at least three people names on Sunday night ( November 7) and then get them off in the mail.  Well lets see...IF you want to be entered please leave a comment that includes your favorite Christmas Gift as a child.  You can also email me.   I will mail packages to the United States and Canada...all other countries are just too expensive to send packages to....sorry. 

 My favorite Christmas gift as a child was a pair of ice skates.    I wished for those Ice Skates for a whole year and got a pink radio...then I wished for them again and finally got them the next year.  I loved those ice skates and wore them for about 10 winters...a Christmas gift that kept on giving and giving! 

I was feeling guilty that no one won the Snow Stick contest last I drew some names...Congratulations Karen at Wildflower Adventures and Pauline Persing at Pauline Persing Art, Writing and Natural history!   Karen I need your address, you can email me at captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom  Pauline I have your address.  Something will be on the way to you soon.   There I feel better now! 

Far Side


  1. Congratulations on getting your ornaments done, Connie. That's a huge thing crossed-off your list, isn't it. Let's see... my favorite Christmas gift as a child... there were so many "favorites" and all from the Sears Wish Book. I would say my favorite gift was probably a doll house for all my troll dolls. It looked like a house from The Flintstones cartoon and if I close my eyes I can still smell the plastic it was made out of. I loved that thing! ~Andrea xoxoxo

  2. My favorite toy was a baby doll. I kept that doll for years. Well, at least, til I was married the first year. My momma made several changes of clothes for her.

  3. Congratulations on finishing painting the ornaments. My favorite Christmas gift as a child was a matching Bobbie Brooks sweater and skirt outfit.

  4. Thank you for the chance (once again) to win one of your wood carved ornaments. My favorite gift as a child was one of those point and shoot cameras. I also remember getting a twister game and I still have a small stuffed tiger after all these years (I'm 66).

    You two are so talented with your carvings and paintings and Christmas cards. I've followed your blog for many years and consider it my favorite blog. Thank you!

  5. My favorite Christmas gift happened when I was in 4th grade. Dad made us all sit down in front of the TV on a Sunday night and watch carefully. He was in advertising and had arranged a commercial for us. The music to United Airlines came up and the voice over came on with some Hawaiian music. "Guess what Tom Rogers is getting his family for Christmas. A trip to Hawaii. Fly the friendly skies."
    And we all sat in silence for a few seconds. 1965 was a Christmas we never forgot!

  6. I too, wished for ice skates. It had become my automatic answer, because it was all I wanted as I had been using previously owned skates and they were hard to get tight enough around my ankles, as they were so well used. I wanted a pair of brand new leather skates, where the leather hadn't started to break down.I did get them and I wore them practically every day. We had a ice skating rink less than a block from our house. I spent hours there. I thank you for the opportunity to win one of your ornaments.(fingers crossed) I appreciate how much work you and your husband put in to each one you make. (MY personal favorite is the lady slipper, living in Minnesota) Ranee (MN)

  7. Yes, I would love to win an ornament. And congratulations on getting them finished before most people have even begun to think about Christmas! :-)

  8. Yay! I won something! Awesome! Thank You! Karen

  9. I remember getting a camera one year, and taking lots of pictures with it, but money was tight back in those days, lots of rolls of film went undeveloped. But it was fun to have!!

  10. Don't enter my name in the give away but my favorite gift as a child was when my grandfather gave me a $50 bill much to the shock of my parents and myself. I used that money to buy a stereo receiver and two very cheap speakers that I enjoyed for many years afterwards.

  11. I got a Kodak Instamatic camera which made me feel like I was so mature. Kids don't have their own cameras don't ya know. It had a 'flash cube'. When a film 'cassette' was full, I would mail it to Brown Photo in a special envelope and the wait began. Took forever to get the photos back (usually about 2 weeks)

  12. I would love to win one of your Christmas ornaments! My favorite gift as a child was TinkerToys. This would be about 1960, maybe a year or two earlier.
    Have a great day!

  13. My favorite Christmas gift was my Baby thumbalina doll, I was 7 or 8 that Christmas and I wanted it so bad. I had godparents for her and treated her as if she was my firstborn child. i still wish she was around but the oldest of 5 in a family where everything was tight meant having to pass her down to one of my three sisters as I grew!!!

  14. My favorite gift as a child was a jigsaw puzzle. One year my sister gave me one. She had opened the box and wrapped the pieces in a towel so it wouldn't rattle if I shook it. I still kept guessing that it was a puzzle. She made me give the towel back though. Would love to have one of your ornaments

  15. My favorite Christmas gift was a Tiny Tears doll. Thank you!

  16. My favorite Christmas gift as a child was my Barbie doll. And for years my Barbie received beautiful hand made clothes - made by my mom and my grandmother. I spent so many hours playing with Barbie and her pals.

  17. My favorite gift was a doll cradle from Santa. Loved it! It wasn't until I was an adult that I found out that my Dad had made it. I had no idea all those years! He has since made one for my daughter which is now passed down to my 3 yr old granddaughter.

    Love following your blog for years. You and Far Guy are so talented. Love your Christmas ornaments.

  18. I wanted a Bride Doll with arched feet so she wore high heels! I would love to win an ornament

  19. Oh how exciting to have the chance to win one of you and Far Guy's ornaments. It is wonderful of you to even think of us here on the blog.
    My favorite Christmas gift was an apron. My Mom used to help serve at wedding at our little church and the ladies who served wore these beautiful frilly white organza aprons. I was so excited when I opened up my apron for Christmas. It meant that I was finally old enough to be an actual "helper" and not have to stay out of the way in the corner of the kitchen. It's pretty silly as I type it, but I was so excited to be able to help serve the mints and cake and see the bride all dressed up.
    Congratulations to the "snow stick" winners too!

  20. Well, sadly I really had to think back and remember a gift. I remember having an International Velvet horse and rider that I loved. Surely that was a Christmas gift. :-)

  21. My favorite gift as a child was a transistor radio. I could get a rock and roll station (if I remember right it was KOMA) that played late into the night. I placed the radio under my pillow and went to sleep listening to music every night for years. Thanks for a fun opportunity to win an ornament and for everyone's memories.

  22. The gift I remember the most was a small tape recorder (reel to reel), and I practically wore out the tape. Since I already have a carving from you and FarGuy, I’ll pass on the giveaway.

  23. YAY for you! I have two favorite Christmas presents and they came in the very same Christmas. A walking doll I named Angela, and a large stuffed collie dog (for the time) I named Lassie. Of course!

  24. My favorite Christmas gift was a doll that I received when I was when about 5 years old. She had curly hair and was just about the same height that I was!

  25. My favorite Christmas gift as a child was a tricycle which I shared with brother and sister.

  26. My favorite gift was a set of hand-knit clothes ( by my Mother) for my teddy bear.. There weren't many gifts during the post war London years. Fingers crossed.. would love to win!!

  27. Congrats on getting your dining room table back--LOL!
    My favorite Christmas present was when I was about 5 or 6 yers old--a Tiny Tears Doll that cried real tears. :)

  28. My favourite christmas gift was a doll house however, my brother and i kind of ruined it by snooping and finding our Santa gifts in the basement. I still loved that doll house and even had it for my girls when they were born. Sadly, it was a little dangerous - all those sharp metal edges!!

  29. My favorite gift as a kid was a pair of steel roller skates. They could expand and contract to fit different sized shoes, so I think they were a gift to all 4 of us. I can still remember the sound and feel of those steel wheels rolling on the sidewalks.

  30. Good on ya.....................
    My facourite Christmas gift was the red rocking horse I got when 2yrs old

  31. My favorite gift was a puppy, a Chihuahua, that I named Fawn because of her coloring.

  32. Congratulations on getting all the ornaments completed! You two are so talented and your ornaments are always wonderful.

    My favorite gift as a child would be a baby doll I received when I was about five. I named her Susan and my Grandmother made clothes for her. Thank you for doing this drawing each year!

  33. The gift I remember most is a doll and doll crib that I received on Christmas eve, early, when I had the chicken pox and could not go to my grandparents for the Christmas Eve family celebration on their farm. I had a good Christmas anyway, but I do feel sorry for my mother having to stay home with me.

  34. Congratulations on finishing your ornaments! How exciting about the ornament giveaway....hope,hope,hope I am one of the lucky ones!!! My favorite Christmas gift as a kid, was a sparkly Ballerina doll. I can still smell that "new doll" smell when I think about her. Anyway, please do enter my name in your give away. You have such a good heart Connie! Good for you!

  35. My favorite gift was given to me by my daddy (and mama) the Christmas after my mama died of cancer in October 1971 (I was 14 years old). When I opened the big box, there was a beautiful guitar that looked like Glen Cambell's Ovation Balladeer! Apparently my mama and daddy had bought it several months before (when they knew how much I admired Glen Campbell and wanted to learn to play guitar) -- both had handwritten their names on the gift tag. Yes, I taught myself to play that guitar, and yes it was much-loved! I can still see that big package under the Christmas tree in my mind and how that guitar looked when I opened the box!

  36. Good for you for getting the painting all done. It is a good feeling to get major jobs done. My brother worked in Kansas City when I was young and he bought me a big box of Tinker Toys. My parents never gave me much of anything big ever. Sometimes I got a used bb gun from a cousin and some used skates from another cousin. I still have those Tinker Toys today.

  37. Congratulations on getting all 110 of those ornaments done! A labor of love, but...what a lot of work. You are amazing.

  38. Congratulations on getting the ornaments all finished.

    I can't enter because I'm in the UK, but I'll tell you what my favourite gift was anyhow: it was a doll I got for my 2nd Christmas. I loved that doll so much he ended up having his own Christmas presents each year during my childhood, and I learned to knit especially so I could make him blankets and scarves. I still have him too.

  39. My favourite gift was a Chrissy doll. You could pull the hair to make it longer or turn a knob on her back to shorten it.

  40. Love your blog! My favorite gift was bunk bed style doll beds. Naturally, being from a family of 4 sisters (plus a baby brother), they were sort of a group gift. Quite the hit - lots of doll play with all those little girls! The older girls had those tall Madame Alexander dolls; similar size of today’s American girl dolls. Such fond memories! Congratulations on finishing all 5hose ornaments- truly a labor of love! Karen P

  41. My favorite childhood Christmas gift was a doll from my Aunt Hazel and Uncle Bill. Hazel had sewn clothes for her including a beautiful green coat and hat with white fur trim. I loved that doll! Sandy B

  42. Our family spending Christmas together from beginning to end. I only realize that now while trying to think of my favorite gift. Thank you for opening my mind to the best of childhood.
    You guys are such an inspiration.

  43. I loved getting books for Christmas, but my favorite was my own white ice skates. I'd been using some ratty hand-me-downs so finding those brand new skates was just the best. I used them for years and years.

  44. My favorite gift was a Kodak Instamatic Camera. My first photos were of my new baby brother born shortly after Christmas. Didn't realize then it would become a life long hobby that brings me great joy in retirement.

  45. I'm playing catch up with your blogs so I missed the drawing but 110 ornaments? You are to be commended!


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie