Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Mystery Item

 We ordered something for Tilly. 

Do you have a guess? 

Now is it familiar?  

I can bet that some of you know what it is...


Here is the answer! 

Remember going to a Drive In Movie?  This is the speaker that you took from the post and hung it in your window...some were real staticky...then you moved to a different spot.   Some people used to drive off with them before returning them to their  post.   I wonder how often that happened.   It seemed like as soon as the movie was over everyone was in a hurry to get out of there.

Far Guy cleaned the old speaker up and he is looking for an old cord for it...he has a blue tooth speaker inside and from his phone he can play music...he intends to use it during car shows.   We picked music from my phone and from his and made a playlist...all 1950's music. One of our favorites...Teen Angel ..........you are welcome for the earworm:)

Far Side


  1. You can tell I am old as I knew immediately what it was. Hahahahaha!!!!

  2. I remember those. They were big and awkward and heavy. And sometimes people forgot and drove off without removing one from the window and placing it back on the post! Maybe that’s what happened to yours.

  3. That is so wicked cool. I often show my husband pictures of Tilly and what you are doing with 'her'. He loves following the progress you guys make. I will see if he can guess this too. I bet he will as he spent a lot of time with his babes at the drive in!

  4. I do remember those, but I wouldn't have been able to guess without your clues. And yes, thank you for the earworm. Humming away right now. -)

  5. Yay! I guessed it. When I was a teen is when our drive in closed. Karen

  6. Although I went to my share of drive in movies , I did not recognize the speaker.

  7. I knew immediately when I saw the first photo! I guess that makes me vintage, too. Playing music at a car show through the speaker is a great idea.

  8. I knew without seeing the second photo! I loved the drive in movies. I remember seeing "The Exorcist" with my sister and a girlfriend at the drive in. My sister went to use the bathroom and when she came back she quietly climbed on top of the car and at a really scary point, dropped down over the windshield upside down. Oh my gosh! Ellen and I were terrified! Good memories. Ha!
    I think having the speaker working during the car shows is brilliant. (And thanks again for another earworm.)

  9. I thought it was a speaker with the first photo, and as soon as I saw the side profile I knew it was a drive-in movie speaker. I had no idea those could be used today - isn't technology something?

    Lots of memories from the drive-in movies. I don't recall watching many of them, we spent our time visiting among the vehicles. :p

  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG_VIcoiCFA

  11. That's neat, and I never would have guessed. I did go to drive-ins but I was very small, and if I remember correctly, the sound played through your car stereo.

    A few years back, Dave restored and old floor radio (it' from 1937ish) for me. He modified it so it's blutooth and can play music from my phone or computer - so cool!

  12. Yes! Many of those got accidentally ripped from the posts!

  13. What a fun idea!! I did recognize it - guess that ages me! Our local drive-in theater closed about 10 years ago, but reopened during Covid. So a whole new generation is enjoying the fun of going to a drive-in movie. Of course they listen to the sound via a "radio" station.

  14. *haha* Wonderful!!

    When Dan and I were first dating, we went to the outdoor and accidently drove away with the speaker still inside the car. Well, it ripped it right off the post and the thing ended up in the back seat of the car. We kept it for many many years before finally throwing it away. We probably shouldn't have, as it would be worth a little money today. Who knew?!

    Fun memories... probably a little bit "too fun", actually! *giggle*

    ~Andrea XOXOXO

  15. A drive-in movie speaker.
    Now you need a tray from A&W.

  16. I knew what it was, I must be getting old

  17. Those were the days!!! I agree with the above comment on the A&W tray and s ome of those mugs! Great idea for the car shows.

  18. Ah, I was able to guess but I was thinking "really"? That is pretty cool! And better yet to put music in it! Fun!

  19. We had a drive in movie theater almost until I was in my teens. I think the original Superman was the first movie I saw in one. I really disliked those speakers and was happy when our local one upgraded to just sending it out through the car radio on a specific channel.

  20. I knew what it was right away! You two come up with the coolest ideas. You will definitely be the hit of the car shows!

  21. I thought that's what it looked like, but I didn't know why he would want one. Now I get it. New tech in an old box. :-)

  22. I knew what it was right off! My first job was at the drive-in during the summer after my junior year in high school. There were at least seven times someone drove off before remembering the speaker hanging on their window -- broke a couple windows, too. What a cool idea to use it for music at the car shows. Kudos to Far Guy for thinking of it! Be sure to take a video of it when you guys do that! Blessings to you guys!

  23. I had no idea those could be used today. That's really awesome!

  24. I have only been to a drive in movie a couple of times and that was during the summer in Grand Rapids. One movie was so bad that I fell asleep during it.

  25. I kind of guessed. I grew up in New York City and we didn't have a car (that was common back in the 1950's) so I never even got to a drive in until I was 16 and my father and I visited his brother in a city upstate, and his family took us to one. I've been to maybe a couple. Putting a blue tooth speaker in it and a 50's playlist - a modern and retro touch. It will be fantastic when he finds a suitable cord, I'm sure and yes, thank you for the earworm. Alana ramblinwitham.com


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