Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Before the snow flies

 I had a busy morning, I raked  the leaves from under the back deck, cleaned the leaves out of the two grates out front,  checked out solar lights and replaced a few, vacuumed up those darn old Japanese Beatles out of the sauna again. 

  Far Guy rolled the patio table away.  The important windows have been washed.

 I still have one hose out but not connected....I would like to wash the Ranger but it is off getting its 25 hour service appointment.   I should sweep the garage floor one last time....that is on the bottom of my list.  Of course I could add some brush trimming to the list.

Then we went to the Dentist, I had a fine checkup...Far Guy has to return.  

Far Guy is going crazy trying to work on the Christmas card address label list...Windows to Mac...oh my.   I told him to just start all over again entering them one at a time...that met with resistance. 

I made the appointment for my third shot....Thursday. 

I ordered yarn.  That was great fun.  I needed to order yarn for a new Crochet Along that starts is called Winter Wonderland and will be shades of Ivory and Greens...all shades of greens....and I might put a little light blue in there too.   It has snowflakes, snowmen, reindeer...all things winter...there is no escaping winter so I may as well embrace it. 

Far Side


  1. Yes, I know what you mean! Embrace it! Well, I will, but I like it.
    I had a few things to tidy up. I used the goat and the pony to trim sections of the yard I didn't want to mow again. It turned out quite well!
    I can't wait to see what the color yarns look like.

  2. Sounds like you had one very busy day. Your new crochet project sounds like it will be fun.

  3. Connie. I had my third shot yesterday at 9 a m. Didn't even feel it. By 9 pm I ached all over especially my shoulder. Headache all night. Switched cold lavender pillow from head to shoulder all night. Good..luck

  4. I'm starting to make similar transitions into winter too. I'm ready for a idle weekend spent napping and reading in front of the fireplace.

  5. Today is dentist day. I go at 1:00. I hope this is better than the one I tried last month. I miss our Spokane doctors.
    I can't believe how much you get done in a day. It's supposed to rain all day here.
    Piper was supposed to get her first covid vaccine Monday night. They had a 6:30 "appointment". When they arrived there were hundreds of families there. Mandy said they definitely would have had covid if they had stuck around very long. Several schools are closed here and the numbers are going up again. I think she's going to make an appointment somewhere else.
    Have a good day my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  6. You are so right...embrace winter IN THE HOUSE!!! That's my motto!

  7. I like the photo of the old wagon. Hope your third shot doesn't cause any kind of reaction.

    I'm an absolute fraidy-cat about the dentist and avoid going there as long as I possibly can. Hope Far Guy's next appointment goes well.

  8. I’m keeping a watchful eye on my arm for signs of a rash but nothing since I got the booster on Friday. I need to use the leaf blower to get the dirt out of the garage (I’m too lazy to sweep). Got a temporary crown replaced with the permanent one yesterday so I’m finished with the dentist for a year.

  9. You folks are on the ball. Blessings!

  10. A busy day for you! We have raking to do, and getting rid of some of our dead planter plants (dead from the frost). It's a nice afternoon for it but we have a family in a couple of hours. That yarn sounds nice. I'm thinking of buying some 100% wool yarn for a hat but not sure about the pattern I saw for the hat. Alana

  11. Those yarn colors sound nice, and a bit of blue always sets off various shades of green. I too am amazed at how much you accomplish in a day. :-)

  12. Sounds like you are ready for the snow.
    Hope this shot went well with no after effects.

  13. Sounds like a busy day. Glad your dentist appointment went smoothly and you don't have to go back. Good luck with your shot. The new crochet project sounds like it's going to be fun, plus lovely when completed.

  14. You have been busy! I love the description of your crochet along. Good luck with your shot tomorrow!

  15. November is outside clean up month here too.
    With a dry day I have gone for my walk and then raked tree debris off the driveway again. More wind and rain coming tomorrow.
    Clean up will continue.
    I started another quilt patch with an on line tutorial.

  16. You got a lot done! I still have gardening things left to do before everything freezes up. Including bringing some remaining flower pots into the garage. I tried to start earlier this year. There is just SO much to do!! It is hard for me to pull plants that haven't stopped blooming. Your new project sounds lovely! Hope your booster is less problematic.

  17. You will be happy to cross all those things off your To-Do list :)

  18. We might get snow this weekend, but it won't be much. I don't think. Buying yarn is always fun, way more fum than raking leaves or sweeping out the garage or even washing the car. I vote for more yarn.

  19. I like the old wagon photos. I will never forget riding in them.

  20. Busy Busy Busy!!!! I hope you are relaxing tonight!

  21. Chance of snow later this week. I get chills just thinking about my time in Minnesota. I was in the southern part of the state for 4 years, and it still managed to get 40 below. Even without snow! Iowa is almost as bad sometimes with the windchill Hope you are able to get all those chores done before the snow flies.

  22. You're both keeping busy!! Nice picture of that old wagon.

  23. I don't think my first comment went through.
    You're both keeping very busy!! There's always something that needs doing.
    I like the picture of the old wagon.

  24. Praying for you and your 3rd shot, Connie. May all be well. You sure are getting a lot done at your place. Amazing.

  25. I hope you are okay with the shot but I know how you react to them so I just pray it won't be too bad? The Wintertime CAL looks wonderful...I'm thinking...maybe...I shouldn't but it is a beauty. I love the Scandanavian look of it. Hmmm, another yarn order or maybe I can use stash.

  26. We sit out in the sun room for a break each morning and the snow falling is not that great to see. I know it will get more serious but going south would be so wonderful at the winter time.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie