Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Adventures on Monday

 I spent about 25 minutes in the Post Office mailing off ornaments to family and friends...you know who you are so be on the lookout!   The postal lady is practically brain dead and kept exclaiming how many packages I had (16) and wasn't it fortunate that no one else was coming into the Post Office to stand in line.   It is  first come first serve brain dead lady.   I seriously thought about going in there five minutes before she closed just to irritate her...and even though I am daylight savings time cranky I figured I would be nice. On our first trip of the day to town we bought bird seed, and paper to print out the Christmas Letter.  Last of the big shoppers.

We had a leak under the kitchen sink.   That drain has always been a problem...we fix it every couple of years.  This time we may have fixed it for good... crossing our fingers.  I was just the plumbers assistant...we had to go to town for new parts and fresh plumbers putty.  Far Guy was the plumber in charge.

I took down the flags in the yard but didn't get new ones put up yet.  

I suppose I should take this scarecrow gal down for the winter.  She makes me smile.

The S word is in the forecast....bummer.

Far Side


  1. Glad you got the faucet fixed; nothing worse than a leak. Except maybe a dead sump pump. We had to replace ours two weeks ago. Just glad we caught it before we had a wet basement. Leaves are still falling here, so I mulched again. Sure hope we don't see the white stuff for quite a while.

  2. Tonight we are supposed to have cold and rain develop and the possibility of light snow. I have to wonder about the lady in the post office. She should have said, thanks for being so prompt and early with your shipping!
    That sort of customer service is awful.
    Your scarecrow would end up buried by snow if you didn't take her in!

  3. Lordy day, that brain dead postal lady should be thankful you were giving her agency some business! Sheesh! I'm sorry to hear about your snow! I've got about 4 more days of working outside before our land is ready for the white stuff....I pray it holds off. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  4. You could always put a scarf and gloves on your scarecrow gal, she could spread her cheer a bit longer! We've got the S word in our forecast too. It will probably be more like the F word, flurries.

    I had to chuckle on your thought about returning to the post office right before closing. Ha haa! I have thoughts like that too, people can be ridiculous.

    We lived with an on/off leaky kitchen faucet for 20 years. We moved it got fixed for the 10th time, so far no more leaks. I don't get it. I guess we were the drips.

    1. Oh that leaky faucet syndrome! My husband had a solution to one leaky faucet. He turned the water off to it and called it fixed for about a year. LOL.

  5. In years past what was the earliest date of the S word?

  6. We've had such weirdly warm weather so far. My geranium on the porch is still blooming and hasn't even frozen yet, even though I haven't moved it at all. My husband mowed the lawn on Sunday again.

    I had to mail 41 certified letters for work back in September. It took almost an hour for the postal clerk to get through the whole process. But I must say he was kind and cheerful the whole time. Now - our mail delivery guy is a whole different story. Grumpy and rarely will even respond to a hello.

  7. I actually drive a town away to go to the post office. It is a really small operation, but she will pull out the notebook where they store stamps in plastic sleeves and let me pick what I want. It is the type of place where if someone comes in with one thing while you are in the middle of a big operation, you just let them go ahead of you. But that rarely happens since there is rarely more than one customer at a time. Luckily they are still in operation. The village does not have delivery so everyone has a post office box and comes in for their mail.

  8. Some people serving the public should get another job. They just cannot be pleasant.

  9. We have a lady like that at the P.O. too. I mailed a package to Alex & Tara in London and she kept asking if I wanted to spend that much just to send a package. Yes. Or I wouldn't be there! How clever I was to know I needed a customs form and already have it filled out! I was there 25 minutes for one package that I had ALL of the forms done for already. Sheesh.
    I hope your leak is fixed permanently now. Even a small leak can get to you after awhile.
    No s-word here yet, but I was told Spokane could have it this morning. I haven't checked to see if it happened.

  10. How nice of you to send out fun packages. I need to go and buy Christmas cards this week! Enjoy your day!

  11. No snow for us yet, but we got our frost.The last two days have actually been pretty warm, so Dave and I have been doing lots of little things outside.
    We've never decorated the outside for Christmas before (other than a wreath) so I have to get some lights and stuff this month.

  12. LOL, I think the gal at the post office needs an attitude adjustment. So wonderful to have clear, blue skies for the last week, but the white stuff is headed this way, too.

  13. Does the post office lady not understand what her job is...and does it matter that one person brought in 16 packages or sixteen people (who stood in line) to mail one package? Sometimes people make me shake my head.

    Good luck with the sink drain. Nice to have a plumber on hand.

    No snow here yet - they keep forecasting it but so far it hasn't arrived. Which does not hurt my feelings at all.

  14. Luckily Far Guy can do plumbing and I'm sure you were useful so it got done and didn't involve calling a plumber!

  15. You would think people in the service industries would be kinder...

  16. Good job on getting the plumbing work done yourselves. I love your scarecrow gal too. Maybe you could dress her up for Christmas!

  17. I see you have snow a commin. We will get cold.

  18. Rain is in the for caste for us with snow in the mountains. Sigh.

  19. I avoid the post office if I can, and I usually can. We have very little need for shipping anything now.
    The "R" word is our constant, one squall after another coming in off the Pacific.

  20. I'd trade your S word for our M word every day. M for Murky, sunrise at 8.15 am, sunset at 4 pm. the sun barely clears the treetops at noon, and it's overcast, drizzly and dreary all day. Our clothes take days to dry, and ... bleak and murky all along.

  21. I hate dealing with people like that. If they'd get on with dealing with the packages it wouldn't take nearly as long.

  22. It has been a drizzly and very chilly morning today. We don't expect much snow in the next couple of days, but it does feel a bit overdue.

  23. Glad you have a resident plumber and plumber's assistant! My plumber retired so I just pray a lot. I love the Fall back....it's the Spring forward I don't like. They should just stop it. Your little scarecrow girl is mighty cute and I wi ll live vicariously through your snow!


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