Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Nice October Day

 It is our last nice day for awhile...it was  79 F  or 26 C eh yesterday afternoon...really nice for October.  Then tonight the weatherman said the "s" word. 

Far Guy was busy tinkering with his car, I finished spraying for weeds cause it was a nice sunny day for the little suckers to suck up the killing poison.  Then I sprayed for ants one last time...cleaned up all my buckets and stored them for the winter.  Check something off my list! 

I am trying to paint Christmas ornaments everyday...half the dining room table is full of paints and ornaments drying.  I have 12 all done.  My goal is to do 6 a day until they are all done.  It is a slow process.  

We went for a Ranger Blue ride in the afternoon.

We were trying to find a trail that we were on a number of years ago...we didn't find it but will try again another day.

At home my flowers are still blooming.   The South side flowers were frozen but the North side survived...go figure.

Far Side 


  1. Hope you find the trail again. Nice to see some flowers still blooming.

  2. We had a slight frost but not a killing frost the other morning. Looks like Friday may be our Frosty morning. We normally have a first frost around the 4th of October.
    S...word? Eeeks!

  3. My red geranium is still blooming too. And yesterday was 79 here as well. This certainly has been a lovely fall, which is nice since we had a miserable hot, humid, and smoky summer.

  4. We grabbed the rest of the green tomatoes. I have washed them and will put them in paper bags. We had a long run in the tomato patch this year! I am trying to decide if it is worth deadheading the marigolds or if they are just going to burn in the frost. You will enjoy your Blue Ranger so much. I bet you will find that trail!!!

  5. The "S" word! I hadn't heard that yet.
    Your north side flowers look great still.

  6. Unless the sun is shining, our days are quite cool and the nights are downright chilly! I had to scramble to bring all my houseplants inside for the winter.
    I envy you and your trails!

  7. This has been a beautiful Fall. I’m glad you’ve been on more trail rides. My flowers are toast since the hard frost last week.

  8. I sort of need a frost so I can start cutting down things. I will do a few each day until they are all gone. Putting a sealer on my cedar deck today. Rolling it so I can get done faster.

  9. I need to get out and get after some weeds, but I can't seem to get caught up enough to do so. Sigh

  10. We have no frost yet but it has been in the 30's in the mornings. We still have little color but the weather has been great for being outside...70's. I hope you find your trail. Ranger Blue sounds like so much fun! Your colors and flowers are still pretty.

  11. The temperatures have dropped overnight and it is going to be a cold week from now on in. I'm not ready!

    Enjoy your painting and Ranger Blue rides.

  12. We had one morning at 39 but otherwise in the upper 40's and 50's at night. 80F is forecast for here today but then a BIG change. 50's & 60's for the highs. I guess fall is truly here even if we're not ready for it. Although the humidity was awful this summer so maybe winter will be better.
    You've got lots done in preparation so now it's snuggle in time.

  13. Oh no, the "S" word! It does sound like you are well prepared for it. I know you have plenty to do indoors when the cold arrives. It sounds like you have a great system for getting those ornaments painted. I can't wait to see them!

  14. 79 degrees sounds wonderful. Too bad it won't last. Good thing you got out and about while the good weather held. Are you feeling better?

  15. Not the "S" word! Too early for that! It's weird how flowers survive cold weather in one section of the yard and just a few feet away others do not. Have a great rest of your week.

  16. All good things must come to an end. We haven't had snow but some very cold nights in the minus 7 -8 range.

  17. That is downright HOT in my book. Glad to know you are doing so well and filled with vim and vigor. :-)

  18. This was our last nice day here too, and then the R word - rain, and more rain. We went to another garden full of radiant autumn foliage. Photos are forthcoming.

  19. What a lovely day you had - hopefully next time you will track that trail down.
    Good luck with your ornament painting :)

  20. Your flowers still look beautiful! Glad you had a nice ride. Yes this was our last beautiful day...now it gets colder although I haven't heard anything about S!!!

  21. Snow! That sounds cold. I'm just not ready for cold weather yet. It was in the low 40s this morning. That's cold enough. There were several more morning glory blooms this morning. Hope to get a picture tomorrow.

  22. We are getting down to the 40s at night. Some years we have had a frost by now.

  23. Sounds like a very productive nice day.


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