Wednesday, October 20, 2021


 Yesterday as I mulched the leaves in the yard for the 8 1/2 time out of a possible10 the temperature began to drop.   I was chilled by the time I was done.   I was spoiled by the warm weather.

Poor Tilly had a hesitation when she shifted into passing gear...well it is fixed now...she runs like a champ.   Far Guy has been tinkering with her everyday.   He was pleased with the way she drove. 

I caught up with some things inside the house...laundry and cleaning the bathroom.  I managed to paint 12 Christmas ornaments ...yeah me...24 are done!

I am feeling much better...still a tad tired...but that might be my new normal. 

I need to dig out a pair of snowboots, a hat and some mittens..oh and maybe a coat. 

 I am not watering flowers anymore, the hoses have been disconnected.

There was still a bee out on the Salvia...apparently it did not get the memo.  Oh and the Juncos (we call them Snowbirds) have been here off and on the past few days...making their way North I hope...perhaps we are just a stop on the way.

Far Side



  1. We had a beautiful day here. I think we may get the rest of the yard mowed too and be done with it for the year. We are supposed to have some storms perhaps and then a frosty Friday morning.
    Glad your bum is better!

  2. Yes, the seasons are changing aren't they, Connie. I stopped watering too... it is time. Life rolls on. ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. PS~ Yep, we thought about unplugging the phone. In fact I suggested that to my husband... but then he reminded me we've got two adult kids out-in-the-world, who might need to get ahold of us for whatever reason, and hubby's mom is 96yo so somebody might need to get ahold of us about her too. But thank you for the suggestion, kiddo. It's the only one I could think of also. XOXO

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling so much better. And the weather might be colder, but it still looks awfully nice up there.

  4. Was 29 last night I think here. Crispy cold.
    No more watering here, either.
    You really tackled the ornament painting!

  5. It’s astonishing how much time men can spend tinkering with a car. And how they appear to enjoy it so. My husband used to take VW vans apart for fun. Now he has a modern Audi - you need a degree in computing to mess with that.

  6. The weather is changing here in Oregon too. The forecast is for rain for the next 10 days. Oh well, we need the water and that's what is supposed to happen here.

  7. I haven't seen an Juncos here yet... but they should start arriving soon!

  8. You're on a roll with the ornaments. I've closed all of the windows today except for one an inch or two in the craft room because I do love the fresh air. It's a HUGE change from yesterday.
    Glad Tilly is running better and that you're feeling better too. Life is full of "stuff" isn't it?

  9. We woke up to much cooler temps this morning, and it had rained during the night. There has been snow out west in the Black Hills which isn't surprising. I'm so glad you finally feel a bit better.

  10. Yesterday was downright cold - it snowed all afternoon for a total of 4”. It’s the second storm in as many weeks. Thankfully, the snow will melt soon unless the warmer temperatures don’t return as predicted. It could be a long, cold winter.

  11. Glad to hear you are feeling some better. It's definitely cooling down in a hurry. But at least for now, none of that horrible four letter word in the forecast.

  12. Fall outside work is just about over. However , as long as the weather is nice you can find something to do.

  13. I haven't brought in the last hose but that day isn't far away.

  14. Cool and comfortable here in Ohio. It is a very sunny day and it just makes us feel warmer. I am putting my heavier blankets on the bed though

  15. Tom has been filling the bird feeders again and the chickadees and Juncos and finches are quite happy. The big blue Stellers Jay and the flickers are not so happy, since they don't fit so well on the bird feeders made for small birds.
    After heavy rain all night and this morning, the sun is peeking through, just as we are finishing up the housework.
    I hope you both continue to feel better and better. Tired seems to be my new normal. I may have to get realistic about a new heart valve before too much longer.

  16. I'm sure that little bee is saying, "Just one more ... "
    A bit like us when we are trying to cram in everything before a deadline :)

  17. I'm glad you're feeling better.
    Great picture of the bee on the Salvia.

  18. Glad that the car is working better. Always nice to see pictures of your environment.

  19. Yes it's a lot colder now. That bee had better skedaddle soon. Your flowers still look good, which is probably why Mr. Bee is still hanging around. You're doing great on the mulching and the ornament painting. You sure do accomplish a lot in a day!

  20. Glad you are feeling better. I haven’t seen any Juncos for a while now.

  21. I just am not ready for winter to happen. I need to dig glads and dahlias but will wait for a stronger freeze. I guess I have a canna that needs to be pulled out also.

  22. I love winter! As long as I don't have to shovel or push a grocery cart through a snow filled parking lot. It's too nice here for too long! LOL! Your salvia is so pretty.

  23. Glad whatever Tilly's issue was is fixed, and you're making great progress with various projects - inside and out.


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