Friday, August 27, 2021

Home again Jiggity Jig

 We were gone yesterday for 13 hours.  It was a very long day.  We are home and tired.  I have to keep one eye on Far Guy for 24 hours. 

This was my waiting around was better than in the waiting room...a storm moved in it got dark like at night enough for the lights to come on blew a bit and rained and then it was daylight again.  The sculptures are aluminum...and called "Dialogue."  Believe it or not there was a Bunny running around in the gardens surrounding the sculptures.

Far Guy had his procedure...each team of Doctors have different requirements for surgery.  Of course Far Guy met all his Surgeons requirements...but not the Surgeon that was doing the surgery...go figure.  They wanted us to go home, stop a medication for five days and come was too risky and he may drown in his own blood.  Far Guy told them to call his Surgeon...they had a conference and decided to go ahead. ( If his surgeon had been doing surgery it would have gone ahead as scheduled) All four valves were removed.  The consensus was " Your lungs are not compatible with the valves so they did not work as they were supposed happens to a few patients."  Luckily there was no bleeding to speak of and Far Guy did just fine.  Far Guy says he feels less short of breath already...and we hope that continues.

We got home just before dark.  In the morning we saw five deer, three turkeys and a cow in a ditch.  In the evening we saw just one deer. 

It was smoky all the way home...from the fires in Northern Minnesota.  Far Guy took a photo for me. 

Today will be a quiet day.  Maybe a lazy nap day.

Far Side


  1. So stressful for you both. I'm hopeful this procedure does what it was designed to do and FG feels better and better every day. I will be thinking about you both today.

  2. So thankful the surgery went ahead as scheduled and Far Guy is feeling better. Praying he has a speedy recovery.

  3. Wow this has been so much to go through lately. I heard the fires have closed the Greenwood Fire has closed the Boundary Waters. This year has been just as maddening as last year.
    Hope you and FG have a very quiet day.

  4. I'm glad it's behind him and that he was able to get the surgery done. It's been such a long and difficult journey to get his lungs working right. My prayers go out to both of you.

  5. Praying for Far Guy's continued recovery and for this surgery to help with his breathing problems. On a separate note, did you notify someone to help get the cow out of the ditch? ~Andrea xoxoxo

    1. It was safe in the ditch just wanting to graze where there was more grass than in the fence where the rest of the herd was. It probably just jumped over the fence was not in the ditch when we returned:)

  6. Good to hear the surgery was a success. I only just heard about the wildfires in the boundary waters area yesterday. The last time I was there was after a huge straight line wind event a few decades back and it was very difficult going with vast swaths of trees laying down over the portage trails.

  7. You've both earned a nap day for sure after that extra long day. Feet up with a good book or some crocheting, in between naps.

  8. Glad that is over and went okay. Fingers crossed!

  9. Praying for Far Guy, that the procedure will help his breathing. Hope you both have a restful day & weekend. God's blessings

  10. What an ordeal! I hope things improve from here on out.

  11. Oh my, that was a long day. I'm glad that Far Guy was able to get the procedure completed and he is feeling some better. I hope that his breathing continues to get easier.

  12. Praying for both of you. I hope FAR GUY's breath comes back to normal and your stresslevels can even out. Love you!

  13. So glad he was able to get the surgery and that he is feeling better already!! That is wonderful news. It's true--sometimes medical procedures don't work for some people. I'm just glad he was able to get it reversed. I hope he does well now for a long time to come. :)

  14. Thinking of you and FG and praying for improvement every day.

  15. Prayers for a quiet day and a slow and steady recover from the procedure!

  16. Hospitals are not fun. I am glad to hear that the removal of the valves went well and he is breathing better. The drive is long but seeing animals along the way broke up the trip. I too am praying for Far Guys improvement.

  17. I'm not surprised that you need an easy day to recuperate after yesterday. I sure hope this procedure will help Far Guy breathe much easier.

  18. I'm so glad to hear he had the surgery and is doing well. Maybe he is just not cut out to be the bionic man! I'm so happy he was able to breathe better after the surgery and I hope it gets even better soon. You two have more than earned a lazy day with naps! Keeping you in my prayers.

  19. these days must be very stressful for everybody.

  20. Sending get well wishes, lots of rest and hoping the breathing continues to get easier.

  21. Oh I'm so glad that far guy got that surgery done. Seems like those valves haven't done a bit of good since the beginning. I'm praying that he'll be breathing better soon. What a conundrum, to have one surgeon say its okay and the next, no it's not! Glad you got that all figured out. Praying for many better days for far guy now.

  22. Enjoy a quiet peaceful day with your love. Wishing Far Guy a speedy recovery.

  23. I've had to insist on second opinions from surgeons for Jerry in the past, otherwise we'd never get anything done. We're keeping Far Guy and you in prayer for a great outcome and comfortable recovery! ❤️

  24. So glad to hear that Far Guy's surgery was successful. I hope that his recovery goes well and will keep you both in my prayers.

  25. Continuing that his breathing improves even more. God bless you both.

  26. Glad the surgery itself went smoothly, and Far Guy is so far breathing easier. Hope that continues to be the case.

  27. Blessing of the smallest are the greatest. Just a little air…just a breath.

  28. Oh, I'm so glad Far Guy is alright! They say if you have more than 7 people in a meeting there will be no consensus! So glad it all worked out. I think you could make a song out of the 5 deer, 3 turkeys, and a cow. It would make a great Christmas carol! LOL! I hope those fires stay away from your area!


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