Sunday, August 22, 2021

Busy Days

 Busy days at my parents garage sale.  They got rid of lots of "stuff."  There were only two garage sales in town on Saturday just one block apart so we had lots of business.

My baby brother was there yesterday afternoon, Mom asked him to change a light bulb in the garage....the ceilings are very high.  Long story short he fell off the ladder onto the concrete hitting his back and head. He fell a long ways down; the ladder it is a five foot ladder and my brother is over six feet tall.   I did a quick assessment...he could move everything and didn't want an ambulance called.  His bride took him to Urgent Care where he was x-rayed and nothing is broken...just lots of muscle pain.   Thank goodness it could have been much worse but he will be pretty miserable for a few days.

Baxter came home with me for awhile...after we closed up the garage sale for Mom and Dad.  

I am way TOO OLD to have that big adrenalin rush...when I was younger and an EMT it was just an everyday occurrence.  Not so much anymore.


Far Side


  1. Oh my goodness! I hope your brother feels better soon. A very tall friend had a horrid fall when a ladder she was at the top of just collapsed. The person in charge of the ladder just laughed and said ‘I thought it looked broken’. Ugh.

  2. That is very scary! He is probably very lucky that nothing was broken, and hopefully no concussion. Glad he is OK.

  3. Ouch, that is horrible, but I am glad he is okay. So often a ladder fall can be very serious. I think of that each time I clean our gutters.

  4. Ouch! I'm glad it wasn't serious. I missed the bottom step on the ladder the other day, and that was enough for me! I hate ladders - big or small!

  5. Oh my, I'm glad your brother wasn't seriously hurt. He's a lucky guy. I'm sure your folks are happy to see some stuff leave their home, and I'm sure the purchasers are pleased to find good deals.

  6. He was so lucky to not have broken anything or to have cracked his skull. Scary thing to have happen!

  7. Oh no! I hope he is going to be perfectly fine after a few achy days. So very scary!
    I didn't know you had been an EMT! Wow! Good thing, though, so you could assess him quickly like that. Glad they did well on the garage sale. Hope you have a quiet week! :)

  8. Falling off a ladder looks innocent but it is dangerous and you can be severely injured.

  9. I am terrified of ladders for this very reason. Dennis thinks I'm paranoid about them. I'm so glad your baby brother will be okay once he's had a few days of rest. I'm glad you had the skills to assess his condition. Both of my brothers and my Dad were EMT's and Paramedics. I always felt pretty taken care of if they were around. :-)

  10. Heavens...I am glad it wasn't as bad as it could've been. Scary stuff for sure.

  11. So glad baby brother didn't have any serious injuries.

  12. Your brother's fall must have been scary shit hitting ones head can be bad, good he is ok

  13. OMG! He could have cracked his skull wide open or broken his neck or his back! That was an awful fall! I'm so happy he'll be alright. Sam changed my garage light bulbs while he was here. His Mom held the ladder. I guess you should have a blow up mattress around for doing things like that. I pray he will be okay! My adrenaline surged just reading about it!

  14. How scary! My heart went pit pat just reading it. Glad to hear nothing is broken and he is on the mend (after some hot baths and rest). Not how you want a day to go!

  15. When I see a pump like that I think of my "John and Iva" connection with all my antique stuff they game me. They had a working pump from a cistern in their kitchen along with running water. I fell from a step ladder once that did the twist on me. I can still feel the falling in air and the thug sound you make when you land. I am so sorry that it happened.

  16. I'm glad your brother is OK. That was certainly an unwelcome addition to what souds like a successful unloading of stuff.

  17. Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your brother. Sure glad he didn't break anything. I didn't know you were once an EMT....that's wonderful! Glad you were there to check him over right away. Whew. I'm glad your mom and dad sold lots of stuff at their sale. Take care.

  18. I'm in the group that doesn't trust ladders- I had a bad fall from one and ended up with a broken wrist- 3 pins in it. I'm glad your brother didn't get seriously injured and I hope he doesn't have a concussion.

  19. oh no ~ hopefully he heals up fast! Thank goodness for Urgent Care.

  20. What a thing to happen!! I'm sure glad your brother didn't get seriously hurt and I sure hope he feels better soon.

  21. I'm sorry to hear about this. I hope he heals up soon but I'm sure he will be sore. He is fortunate he didn't break anything! Ladders can be really dangerous. Tom can't get on them anymore because of his balance problems.

  22. Oh no!! Your brother is damn lucky he didn’t get hurt worse. Hitting concrete at any distance is very concerning. I assume they checked him for a concussion. Ladders scare me and I will only go so high, and do so very cautiously.

    Great old pump-n-barrel photo! Glad the garage sale went well. No surprise, you are a pro ;)

  23. Oh my!! I hope he is doing okay now!! Concrete is such a disaster on the body from any height! Prayers he is doing well!

  24. Terrifying. Hope he is paying attention to his body. Sometimes it takes a few days for problem areas to show up.

  25. Glad your parents' garage sale went well, and they got rid of lots of "stuff" in it. And relieved your baby brother didn't do any serious damage to himself when he fell.


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