Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Summer begins

 Around here we think of summer as June, July and August....or from when school lets out to when it starts again.  

I am already thinking summery foods...we had some potato salad over the weekend...it is a summer food but I have been known to rock the boat and make it in the winter. 

I dug up the small flower bed...I suppose I should plant some flowers in it.   Next year I think I will just have pots of flowers.  

Far Guy and I repaired the lawn mower, I mowed the far driveway to test out the mower...it blows a little less grass and dirt at me.   I have my very own pair of Safety Glasses now! 

I checked out the weather report...no rain....the other day it rained about as much as I can spit.  It is going to get warm...like August warm later this week. 

I baked some cookies for a "doings" next weekend.  If it is close to the 100 degree mark as forecast we may just send over the cookies.  I baked them, let them cool and put them in the freezer. 

Far Guy hung up the Butterfly house for me...it was a gift from Mark and Cindy in Oregon....Mark built it and Cindy painted it!  With the price of lumber it is a very expensive gift!

Far Side


  1. I just checked the forecast! It is going to be hot here too. Which is like springing right into HOT summer. Eeeks. Well good thing the yard is mowed for the week and the mower is cleaned up. I can do the work in the hot weather.
    I made a cake this week!
    Looks like I will be making salads for us to eat later on.
    That butterfly house is amazing!

  2. Not much rain around here either. But that hasn't stopped the grass from growing. Man can that stuff grow fast. Love your butterfly house. Sure hope it doesn't warm up too fast; I want to be able to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine.

  3. I think I need a butterfly house.

  4. It's supposed to be real warm in Spokane too. Hre not quite as abd but I'msure thh A/C will be on. We need rain too. May was well below average rainfall. The farmers really need it. Spokane is supposed to be near 100F later this week. I bought a ticket to fly there next Wednsday so I can see everyone and then drive back here with Dennis. Hes had lots of drivng time by himself lately.
    Stay cool and helathy.

  5. I wish I could mail you some rain. It's been a very wet Spring for us.

  6. What a pretty butterfly house. The weather seems a bit crazy everywhere!

  7. Oh boy, hot here to next weekend too, not quite 100 but forecast reads 97. Tator salad & burgers here over the weekend to celebrate the arrival of summer. Karen

  8. Terry said, "Since the hay is down, and you washed windows; I suppose it will rain." So far nothing. I guess I can wash and clean the cars. He has another field to cut. Personally we really need rain, but personally we would prefer it to rain AFTER the hay is in the hay stack yard. :)

  9. I'm a spring and fall guy. I savor them both. I hate to say this but I'm ready for summer after this cold damp spring we've had.

  10. This time last week it was so stormy we were getting soaked to the skin in seconds when we took the dogs out, and we lost power a couple of times... Wasn't all that warm either. Today it's a sunny day, only just below 80F, and starting to reach the point where it's too hot for my liking.

  11. Butterfly houses are a new concept to me- I had to google it and see what they are all about. Yours is very mice!
    I have spinach in my garden ready for salads... BBQ steak and salad for dinner tonight.
    We are in a heat wave too.

  12. I have never heard of a butterfly house. Yours is such a pretty gift!
    80s and 90s for the next week. Good grief! Yes, August weather. :(

  13. Potted plants might be the extent of my flower garden this year. The perennials I planted last year didn’t make it through the winter.

  14. Beautiful butterfly house! I don't know much about them. Seems they have houses for all kinds of critters. Including bats, toads etc. I always wonder if they actually get used, of it they are more for decor. My guess is they get used. Please let me/us know if you see butterfly (or flutterby's as I call them) activity. Stay cool!

  15. Pretty butterfly house!
    The heat is on here as well for the next several days. I may have to break down and turn on the a/c later this week. It depends on whether we cool off at night so I can have windows open and fans running.
    Have a great day!

  16. I wish I could send you some of our rain! We have had so much your feet sink in the ground. I love the butterfly house. That is a lovely gift!

  17. The butterfly house is wonderful. You are getting warmer and things can look like summer. My brother in California has all his flowers and vegetables in pots and they do great. It just a little strange for him to have a whole back yard filled with pots as he has too many.

  18. And here I thought the potato salad was for a function, not just for your consumption. Well, why not.
    Summer has begun here in the PNW, with the temp climbing to 85 today and tomorrow, but never worry. Rain may return by the weekend, with highs in the low 60's.
    I'll be interested to know if your butterfly house attracts occupants. It's pretty anyway.

  19. We had almost two inches of rain on Friday so I think my annuals will survive. Today started cool but got to almost 80 by afternoon. Those are July temperatures, not June. I am not looking forward to a long hot summer.

  20. I don't like summer heat. Right now the grass is green, the leaves are out. birds are nesting and flowers blooming. What more could I ask?

  21. Going to get blistering hot here in my part of Ontario too. I planted out the zuccini this evening and gave that planter box a through soaking. I have about forty pots of plants on the back porch looking for homes so I better get to it. They won't last long in pots in the coming heat.

  22. We have actually gone from pleasant to hot, in just one day. It's 81 out there! Love that pretty little butterfly house. :-)

  23. It was August warm here today as well. So much watering needed doing after supper. I must have been crazy to pot up 20 Hostas!!

  24. Making cookies ahead of time & freezing them. What an ingenious idea, Connie. I'm going to try that the next time I have to take a dessert anywhere. I've heard of women doing that for Christmas cookies but I never thought about doing it during the year. It's supposed to get hotter than hades here too this coming weekend. I'll do my yard-tending either real early in the morning or right before it gets dark in the evening. I thought I was more than ready for summer this year but... I'm not, after all. ~Andrea xoxoxo

  25. What an adorable gift! Mark and Cindy are very creative!

  26. Oh I love that Butterfly house. How beautiful and unique. Let us know if you get any lodgers for it!


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