Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Trail Ride with Jody

 My other baby brother picked me up one afternoon and we went for a ride around the lake. 

He has a very nice Ranger and even lets me drive it sometimes.

The woods are still in early Spring mode. 

We saw one squirrel and this Ruffed Grouse.  Grouse are often along trails as they come out to get sand, they need sand in their gizzard to help grind up their food.

The old bridge.  No fish were running.  

We were hoping to see a bear or two...no luck.

It was a fun ride...soon he will be back at work more than full time as his construction business takes off with Spring, Summer and Fall work.  I really like his Ranger...I am kinda sold on the idea. 

The S word...it snowed here yesterday morning enough to make the ground white...the sunshine melted it...it is cold enough to snow again and probably will.

Far Side


  1. We'll be getting snow later today and into tomorrow too. I hope it melts a fast as yours did! We heard on the news that a black bear was hit by a car just north of Flint Michigan. That's way weird, we have bear in northern Michigan and across the UP but not down here!!

  2. I have heard that the Ranger is is a fun vehicle to drive. Sure must be nice to ride on those back trails.

  3. I would love a Ranger to plow with. But I guess that is not in the works. There has been a few bear sightings in this area. Last night we had a lone coyote in the mule pasture. It was eating something icky of course and the mules chased it off.

  4. A lovely ride & a bonus getting to see wildlife. Karen

  5. Your ride sounds like it was very pleasant, Connie. I'm so glad you had the opportunity. As long as the white stuff keeps melting almost as fast as it came, we'll be alright yet. We're getting some snow either today or tomorrow apparently. I think I'll keep my curtains shut! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Glad you had an enjoyable ride. Fingers crossed for no snow!

  7. Looks like a fun place to ride around in the

  8. That looks like a very peaceful place to ride, or walk. Except for the possibility of seeing a bear of course. Today is another cold day in the low 40s, but the sun is finally shining.

  9. Isn’t it great that the vaccine is allowing life to gradually return to some normalcy! I’m glad you were able to ride with and visit with your brother.

  10. What a fun ride! It's 54 here right now but they say we could get "up to" six inches of the white stuff tomorrow... ugh. But spring snow doesn't last long so there's that...

  11. What a wonderful place for a ride! I've always loved being in the woods. We had a couple of inches of snow last night. It was strange to see snow on our already blooming redbud tree.

  12. That looked like fun! I was surprised though — I thought there would be more green out by now.

  13. Looks like a fun day to explore!
    Your brother will be very busy soon. The nice weather should be here shortly. ;)

  14. After a week in the 70's, we are under a warning for 2-4 inches over night! What a lovely ride. You do have the greatest baby brothers.

  15. A pleasant drive. Thanks for taking us along.

  16. Glad to hear the snow is having trouble staying. Snow time is over! Time for some spring sunshine and maybe a few warm showers o get those Mushrooms blooming. Also lilacs.
    Love the smell of Lilacs.

  17. Thanks for taking us along the trail. What a nice brother taking his sister for a ride, and even letting you drive! A Ranger is on our wish list too.

  18. Hi Connie! I'm really late today. Mom's visiting nurse came early and I stayed over there most of the day. She doesn't have internet so I had to wait until I came home to check blogs. We had snow yesterday all day but it melted almost as fast as it snowed. Thank goodness! It's supposed to be 85 next Monday. Crazy spring weather.
    Your ride around the trails looks like a lot of fun. We used to do fun things like that in Spokane but don't know anyone here with "toys". :-)
    Take care. Blessings,

  19. Your spring looks much like ours, slow to arrive but the signs are there. Sounds like a lovely drive.

  20. What a fun ride ...I can see why you would enjoy it! I would too! Maybe you'll see a bear next time! Warmer air is coming!!!

  21. I agree with Margaret. You have a nice brother.
    The ride looks like fun.

  22. Sounds like a lovely outing with your other baby brother.

  23. We had snow flakes and a frost. What is a Ranger? Is that a Dodge? Truck? Ford? I'm not good with brand names of cars. I love that road and the bridge.

    1. it is a Polaris Ranger a side by side or Utility Vehicle. They are pretty sweet...comes with heat and air conditioning:)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie