Saturday, April 3, 2021

Old Barn

We went to Menards, everyone wore masks and kept their distance. 

We always look for this old barn along the road.

One of these days it will be a heap on the ground. 

We got almost everything on our list...a birdbath, umbrella for the patio table, a flexi hose and solar lights...possibly a few other things may have jumped into the cart! 

Youngest daughter Jen got her 2nd vaccination ( Moderna) on Thursday...she is feeling tired and not quite herself.  Son In LawAndy and Grandson Adam had their first shots (Pfizer) on Friday and are feeling just fine.

I did not get a haircut...there was a three hour wait and all check ins beyond that were not available.  Everyone must have wanted a haircut! 

Far Side


  1. I haven't even attempted a haircut either but eventually I will. Sounds like it was a big successful trip to Menards. I can't recall the last time I'd been to one.
    We used to have an old tobacco barn on our corner that we'd use to tell folks to 'turn by'. It is gone now.
    So many old barns around here have people who come in and strip them for the old 'barn wood'. Some places make enough money selling the old wood that they can put up new wood siding on their old sheds!

  2. We used to have a leaning barn just like that near here that I drove by every day to and from work. And yes - one day it had finally fallen down. It was kind of a let down to not see it leaning anymore. Sounds like you enjoyed your trip to Menards. They always have such interesting things.

  3. It's wonderful to be able to be out (with masks) and feel safer than you did for over a year! Nice! :)

  4. That barn sure has seen better days! Glad everyone is getting their vaccines. Sorry you couldn't get a haircut, maybe next time. Happy Easter weekend!

  5. Sad to see old buildings deteriorate so much but they do create some interesting shapes.

  6. Love old barns!! Usually when they get to that sad point, someone repurposes the good boards. I have been going to the hairdresser all along, except during shut down. I would age by at least 20 years if I didn't!! There are only two chairs in my salon and the they work opposite hours. They went to extreme measures to be cautious. I felt safe. Hope you get in for a haircut soon, it is refreshing!

  7. It seems the Moderna vaccine has more side effects than the Pfizer. I have residual joint stiffness and pain (2.5 weeks after the second shot) in the knee where I had replacement surgery 3 years ago.

  8. Old barns that are falling are so sad. Like the one I posted, all the hard work that those who built them and used them are lost to history when they eventually collapse.

  9. It is such a shame to see the old buildings left to disintegrate. I've been thinking that I should do a photo project this summer and go looking for the old buildings. We'll see.

    Sorry to hear your daughter isn't feeling well after her second shot - hopefully the fatigue doesn't last long.

    I'm dreaming of a haircut but I suspect it will be awhile yet. Good luck getting an appointment. Take care, stay well.

  10. I have always loved to see those old, tired barns and buildings along the road. They are a vanishing part of the past now. I used to say I wanted to make a scrapbook of the old, weathered buildings but I never took the pictures and now it is too late.

    What a fun trip to Menards and you got a new birdbath and other goodies! I'm glad to hear more of the family is getting their shots. I hope Jen feels better soon. You know, I think women have worse reactions to them than men do. Tom never had a problem but a slightly sore arm for a day. You probably couldn't get in for a haircut because of this being Easter weekend. I hope you both have a blessed Easter!

  11. We are so fortunate to have Granddaughter Kate come to cut our hair (she's in our bubble). My hair don't need much attention but my DH looks shaggy after a few weeks.
    Oh that leaning barn. It can't last much longer.

  12. I too think it won't be long before that barn is completely horizontal. I have heard the same story about the Moderna side effects being stronger than Pfizer's. But once done, they seem both to be efficacious against the virus and variants. Well worth it!

  13. I glad more of your family members are getting vaccinations.
    One wonders how long old barns like that will last, and yet they just seem to go on and on.

  14. There is a light in this tunnel we’re going through. I see it down ahead.

  15. This made me think of my tenage years when looking for an old barn on the drive into town

  16. Happy that you were able to get out and about ~ it feels good doesn't it? That poor ol' barn, I keep an eye on it and have thought for some time it will be down the next time I see it.


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