Friday, April 2, 2021

Book Club and other stuff

 Grocery Day wasn't much of an adventure...everything was as ordered.   At Wally World I am usually the only car there, yesterday there were three other vehicles.  Some people must be cooking for Easter!

Yesterday afternoon was Book Club...not much of a Club...there are just three of us...a few others may or may not join in from time to time. 

I chose the book for April.  A few of my blog readers can guess which book I chose. 

The gals enjoyed it!   It was a good Spring read.

One of the gals said she has already mailed the book to her brother.   

So my pick was a success.  Next month we discuss Something in the Water by Steadman...along with a side discussion about the book Anne of Green Gables vs the Netflix Anne with an E.  Neither of the gals have read the book or watched the series.  So that should be interesting.  Book Club is an online meeting.

I ordered the next couple of books...I use Thrift Books.

I am almost done with the car seat cover....the last fitting happened yesterday.  

The bit of yarn in the photo with my favorite book is cashmere...and ever so nice to work with.

Far Side


  1. I was just looking over A Sand County Almanac yesterday. We have two copies. One is an oversized book filled with beautiful photographs. A Sand County Almanac was one of Tom's favorite books.

  2. Glad your grocery order went well Wishing you and Far Guy a very Blessed Easter weekend.

  3. I will always be grateful to you for introducing me to this book. Thanking you once again for continuing to give Aldo to your friends and admirers. :-)

  4. You do sure keep busy! I'm not very good at things like a book club!
    Love your photo, it says so much with just one shot!

  5. An interesting discussion for next month dealing with Anne with an E. I loved the books and the PBS series. I miss our book club, but we actually quit meeting about a couple of years ago now as our members dwindled. There were 10 of us, and one has passed away. Then gradually 5 more ladies moved away. One is a physician and she opened a new clinic and has been too busy to meet. The last 3 of us still "get together" frequently. We actually met in person for coffee last week.

  6. I remember reading all the Anne books in my youth. (Ah youth, so long ago!) The series is not true to the spirit of the original Anne. Why do they have to twist everything to fit the modern agenda?

  7. Looks like I need to get that book!

  8. Casmir is hard to work with, your able to do so. WOW!

  9. Yay! Finally a complete grocery order for you. I'm glad. It seems online book clubs have become very popular over the past year, kind of like jigsaw puzzles. And, I agree that cashmere is so nice to work with. Soft like a cloud.

  10. The book club sounds like fun.
    Have a great day! :)

  11. Your book club sounds like fun. I'll be interested in hearing about the comparison of Anne of Green Gables and the Netflix series. I bet that cashmere yarn and what your making with it does feel good! Enjoy your day!

  12. DJan mentioned this book to me, referring to your sending it to her, about something I posted a while back, so I went on line and bought a copy. Mine is not a pretty one like yours, just a black and white paperback. I read it in snatches. I have read the almanac portion and have started on the essays.
    Aldo's writing is remarkable and a treat for nature lovers.

  13. It looks like an interesting book. The loon on the cover alone would draw me in to it. An Iowas was taking a photo of loons that are migrating north. I think it was on the Des Moines River.

  14. I loved all the Anne books and keep meaning to watch Anne with an E but other things take my time. Never mind, sooner or later I'll watch it. My mother's name was Anne. She was always called Annie.

  15. I read A Sand County Almanac back in about '68 or '69, and later visited Leopold's cabin. Big influence in my life!

  16. That book looks great, wish I could get back into reading books. Reading puts me asleep, I get no where fast and lose interest.

  17. Read that book in college... a LONG time ago. I can't remember much about it. I think there was a discussion about a chickadee... that lived 5 years. IT was a long time ago. maybe I'm confusing it.

    1. You are not confused, he put bands on Chickadees...and one did live five years!

  18. Thanks for sharing about the book. Wow, hard to believe your grocery order was correct!

  19. My 9yo granddaughter LOVES the book 'Anne of Green Gables'. She's read it a million times already. Her birthday is later on this month and my youngest daughter bought her little niece an Anne of Green Gables cookbook, supposedly listing many of the recipes for foods in the book. Granddaughter LOVES to cook & bake so... I thought it was a great idea of my youngest daughter to get her that cookbook for her birthday. ~Andrea xoxo

  20. Hooray for the grocery order! I read that book years ago...I should reread it. I love nature books. That cashmere looks scrumptious. I've never had any.


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