Tuesday, April 13, 2021


 It is dark and dreary outside...the rain became a bit thick and flake like late in the afternoon yesterday. 

So it was a blah day...I tried to cheer up a bit with some color.

I worked on some watercolor stuff for cards...then I worked on the baby afghan that I would like to finish up this week. 

My work basket is filled with color.  I have enough of this yarn to make several baby blankets.  I crochet while watching TV.

I watched a very strange show on Netflix called I Care A Lot...I give it a 5 out of 10 stars...I should have stopped watching it...but wanted to see how it ended. 

Now for a rant:  Yesterday I saw part of a popular day time show and could not believe the stupidity of some people.   An out of work mother was rationing plastic diapers and letting her child sit in wet diapers because she could not afford to buy enough plastic diapers.  News Flash...buy cloth diapers...wash them, hang them to dry and use them again.  If you cannot afford cloth diapers...use towels...cut apart old flannel shirts...there are many ways to diaper a baby besides in plastic diapers. 

Far Side


  1. I used cloth diapers but we had a crappy little washer. At least I could wash the diapers and hang them outside. I had a hard time keeping up with washing diapers once we lived in an apartment and had to pay $1 per load.
    On the other hand so many young people have not been shown how to properly deal with things!
    Can't buy new clothes all the time? Wear the old clothes.
    My rant?
    My friends who couldn't afford much who went out and bought the latest highest priced cell phones because of the new 'stuff' on them.
    And then they complain about how short of money they are. Um.
    What an interesting subject this brings up in such a timely fashion.
    How do we teach another generation to be self sufficient and not more self reliable?

  2. Love your rant. I had to use cloth diapers on my son as the Base Exchange was always out of disposable ones. They were so easy to use and always smelled so good after hanging outside to dry. Stupid still reigns.

  3. I love all your pretty colors, and I agree that the woman must have never heard of cloth diapers! Sheesh.

  4. There are going to be some lucky babies receiving beautiful blankets in the future.

  5. I'm sorry the rain got thick and flake like - enough already! I love your colorful artwork and the beautiful colors in the baby blanket. I'm telling you, people get more stupid by the day!

  6. Your cards are so beautiful. You really have an eye for coordinating colors!
    I agree with you about the lack of intelligence of some people - - and it doesn't bother them to display it to the world!

  7. I totally agree with your rant on the wet diapers. A very ignorant mother!! We haven't seen any snow flakes but is sure got cold and windy again. I so sick of 30-40 mph winds. And sick of grey skies with no rain coming with it.

  8. It is good to be proactive and color our world on otherwise gray gloomy days. It is amazing how younger generations have no clue how to think through situations.

  9. I so agree with you about the diapers. That show tells you how the world is today...a sad mess

  10. I agree with you on diapers. Disposable diapers are convenient, but convenience comes with a hefty price!

  11. Love the colors! I diapered both of my children in cloth diapers for the first 6 months, until I went back to work and the child care providers wouldn't accept them. But I agree, having the child sit in a wet diaper if not appropriate. There are agencies out there that will help I'm sure.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. I really question what has happened to common sense sometimes! Both of my babies always wore cloth diapers and it just seemed natural to me. Your baby afghan is beautiful!

  13. We watched "I Care A Lot" too and it was very strange. But if the pretext is realistic, it was very worrisome too.
    I don't know that mother's circumstances, so I will withhold judgement.

  14. I saw a preview of that I Care A Lot and it looked really creepy!
    Totally agree with you on your rant. That is how out of touch and unadaptable some people can be when there is no shared family history and they don't have old folks around to let them know there are actually other ways to do things. So sad.

  15. My babies all had cloth diapers (only we called them nappies). It seems a lot of mothers have now forgotten how useful they were - they lasted more than one baby, and afterwards made the most amazing cleaning cloths :)

  16. I like your rant. I had my kids when there were only cloth diapers. they worked well.

  17. The baby blanket has great colors and design.

  18. I had a supply of cloth diapers for my first - and she had a skin condition where I had to use the disposable ones. I couldn't even touch her with my bare hands - we tried to keep her on receiving blankets and pick her up in the blanket. Thank goodness she outgrew that! I do remember a bad laundry day where I had a couple babies diapered in dish towels. I do like the disposable ones for my grandkids!

    I actually sit on a charity board who helps low income folks with utility bills. They will come in and have too many bills for our assistance. They will have outrageous cable bills. Surprise! Cable is not a utility - it is a luxury. We have had a number of people who try to discuss that with us. And stomp their feet. *Disclaimer for internet for zoom schooling. We do understand that.

  19. What a beautiful baby blanket. The colors are so nice together. You seem to have touched a nerve about that show. I don't understand how luxuries are considered necessity these days. I used cloth diapers. Cooked for years without a microwave and didn't have a dishwasher for the first 14 years we were married and none growing up either. We kids were the dishwashers!

  20. Oh your watercolor cards are just beautiful! You are so artsy and always have the neatest projects going. Your yarn colors are beautiful too. Guess that will keep you busy for awhile. Snowed here today....but so far, it isn't sticking! We've had a lot of cloudy days in a row.

  21. Love all your color; your cards are so sweet and that baby blanket is so pretty! I love that yarn! As for the diapers; some people don't use the brains God gave them!
    That poor child!


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