Wednesday, April 14, 2021

April Snow

 It snowed.  About 2 inches of the white stuff fell.   Why is it that the snow in November and December seems so pretty and April snow lacks all beauty? We have had snow birds (Juncos) in our yard for days  foretelling of the snow that was coming....and my arthritis said it was coming also. 

We had yesterday morning off and then in the afternoon we both had Dental Appointments.   Look Ma No Cavities!   We are good to go for six was 13 months since we had a Dental visit.   The Dentist and his hygienist are married and are long time friends of we got in a good visit has been a hard year for them...a death in their family, the dentist was in a bad accident and had to have a number of surgeries...and of course Covid and all that entailed for their business. 

One good thing about a visit to the Dentist is the bakery that is next door and the Cracked Wheat Flatbread they sell.

Baxter (my brothers dog) and Annie (my sisters dog) were here in the morning so I got a dog fix...they had a blast running through the fresh snow.   Baxter herds Boston Terrier gives him a job.

I did not shovel, Far Guy said "let it melt" so I did.

Far Side


  1. Three cheers for NO Cavities. It has been cold enough around here to snow but thankfully no snow. 36 degrees here this AM.

  2. It isn't enchanting in April because we are just starting to see flowers emerge in the woods and are tired of all the bleh landscape! We had a blizzard here I think 3 years ago? It was beautiful the next morning. Well, I thought so!

  3. I will get my teeth cleaned and inspected next Monday for the first time in about a year, too. I wanted to wait until I was fully vaccinated before opening my mouth! Congratulations on no cavities. And sorry about the April snow.

  4. I hope the other S word shows up and melts your Spring snow away! That flatbread sounds delicious.

  5. Lots of snow the past few days. I'm glad I drov last week even if I did have snow in the passes even then. Glad you were able to just let it melt. Blessings,

  6. Glad all went well at the dentist. I hope this is finally the last of the snow for you!

  7. Another thing that is unique to spring snow - we are willing to let it melt rather than shovel The snow this week missed us thank goodness. But it is sure cold and windy.

  8. The Juncos have been hanging around here too and I keep telling them they better not bring me any more snow!

  9. Our snow is starting to melt, though we may have a bit more yet. There are icicles forming on the eavestroughs and I can see pavement on the street. Spring will return soon I'm sure!

    Glad you appointment went so well.

  10. Glad all went well and you also got a dog fix, too. :)

  11. I woke to about 4-5 inches of white stuff. I’d much prefer rain this time of year!

  12. Congrats for no cavities! I hope this really is your last snow and Spring sets in soon!

  13. I'm with Far Guy... let it melt! No way would I pick up another shovel until at leave the middle of November, if then. :) ~Andrea xoxo

  14. I totally support - LET IT MELT!

  15. I am glad you could get to the dentist and enjoyed visiting with them, as well. I am looking for a new dentist here. Glad you could just let the snow melt. I think there is a junco with a nest in my carport currently.

  16. I'm glad your dental visit went well, and I can imagine the joy of watching the pups racing through that snow :)

  17. Oh no! Does that mean it's coming here next?

  18. Ugh! Snow... And Dentist! No thanks on both counts.

  19. Sounds like you had a great Dentist visit with friends. We're lucky we didn't get any snow that stuck! It came down beautifully but didn't really stay around here. How nice that there was a bakery near the dentist office....always a fun place to visit! Take care you two!

  20. I wish that I could write like you. I really do. Your post are just fun to read. Sounds like a good dentist visit especially with a bakery next door.

  21. I’m glad you “let it melt”. Who wants to shovel snow in the middle of April. Congratulations on no cavities! What I dread is that awful word CROWN but I’ve managed not to hear it for a couple years now, thank goodness.

  22. I am happy most of it has melted :)

  23. "Let it melt." Now, that's a great life philosophy!

  24. I need to go to my dentist but he is in a city with a packing plant full of covid people. I may change to another that is in my new city. I was just saying to my wife how I was glad we didn't have winter anymore.

  25. Glad you're now finally able to get in some of the appointments and visits you've been missing out on.

    Nice you got to see Baxter and Annie.

    We got a little April snow too, but only a light dusting.

  26. Good for you guys with the no cavities! It's been cold and wet here but then the sun comes out but not for long. I watch You tube videos of Rottweiller and Dachsund puppies to get my dog fix but there's nothing like a real one to pet and play with.
    Sometimes it just makes me miss them more. I've been meaning to make some Naan bakery here except in my kitchen!


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