Monday, March 1, 2021

Two projects finished

 Remember all those ends from the Mosaic Crochet I was working on.  They have all been encased in the border stitch.  It was a little putzy but worth the effort!

This is an Apache Tears stitch worked one row at a time.  As you can see the reverse side is almost as pretty as the front.

The scarf will be put away until a special little girl grows up and needs a scarf. 

All the grey yarn has been used up...many wasp nests were made. 

They are all shapes and sizes.  I will mod podge them in the Spring when I can let them drip outside for an entire day.  I have a number of them that are complete and will be stored flat until a need arises.

I started Spring cleaning the Living corner is now done.  Spring cleaning will be a work in progress for some time.

Goodbye February Hello March!

Far Side


  1. That scarf is gorgeous. The receiver is one lucky little girl. Now that I have seen your wasp nests I really need to get some grey yarn and make a few myself. Thanks for the suggestion and pattern.

  2. Hello March indeed! I can't tell WHICH is the right side on that scarf, it's beautiful on both sides! Some little girl will be thrilled! You are so productive, wasp nests in advance!! I am still driving on my way home to Michigan and my girl. (and husband too I suppose. LOL)

  3. Those nests look pretty wild! Do they keep all sorts of bees away? I have an issue with European wasps, they make little funky nests under the eaves. I really have to keep after them in the spring with some spray and last year they were not bad.
    Love those colors and patterns on your crochet project.

    Oh no. Spring cleaning. This week I may pull off some screens and wash the dust/dirt off from them and start washing windows!

  4. Happy March to you! I love your scarf! Those colors are so pretty! I bet I know who's going to get that scarf someday! You made a lot of wasp nests! Good for you! Spring cleaning around here is a year long thing! LOL!

  5. The scarf is so gorgeous! Happy spring and happy spring cleaning :)

  6. Yes, Hello March!! That means spring is on the horizon. The scarf really looks awesome. I think it's interesting how the pattern is straight on the back and has movement on the front.

  7. Such a pretty colorful scarf for a lucky little girl!! Look at all those wasp nests, wow - you have been busy!

  8. The scarf is beautiful. I do like how it has a nice pattern on both sides.
    Thank you for posting about the spring cleaning. It is an encouragement to many of us. I love that you do it the way I finally read about in a book - - - start in one place and do not move on until the one place is done.
    I used to be a distracted "cleaner". When I took one thing to another room, I would see something there that needed cleaning or to be put away so I never got done with anything.
    I just hate it took me so long to discover that book. Life would have been easier and more productive with better results many years ago.

  9. Ooooh, that beautiful scarf!!! *gasp* One lucky little lady will wear it one day. ~Andrea xoxo

  10. It's SO good to see March arrive although it's such a gorgeous day I wonder what the end of the month will bring if the old adage applies this month.
    That scarf is gorgeous on both sides equally and will be very loved by that little girl someday.
    Good job on all of the nests. When we get settled, I'm sure we'll need some at the house.
    Take care and enjoy your cleaning.

  11. The scarf is stunning! Those wasps nest will definitely come in handy

  12. I LOVE Your SCARF!!! HAPPY MARCH! Finally!

  13. I agree - that scarf is just gorgeous!!!! I still need to start working on some wasp nests.

  14. Great job on the scarf - that little girl must be pretty special.

  15. That scarf looks like it should be around a young girl's neck, for sure! So pretty on both sides.

    You should definitely be wasp free! :)

  16. That scarf is gorgeous and I bet I know what special little girl will be getting it one day! I really love the Apache Tears stitch. It looks like you have enough wasp nests to chase the wasps out of Minnesota, or at least your county! I'm so happy it is March! Spring is getting closer. You are always so good with your Spring cleaning. Maybe you could give us all pointers? I sure need to get started on mine. You two have a good week!

  17. The scarf turned out beautifully. It's sooooo pretty! It isn't "spring enough" here for me to start deep cleaning, but with the longer days and warmer temps it is not too far away.

  18. Happy month of March to you too. The thought of Spring cleaning is not thrilling me. Maybe I don't have to do that any more. I'll try to convince myself that it's not necessary. We don't get to have people over anyway.

  19. Beautiful scarf! What a lot of work that must have been.

    Oh, spring cleaning...yes I guess it's just about time. I won't wash the exterior windows though as I'm getting those replaced in April or May. :)

    Take care, stay well.

  20. I think that Apache Tears stitching is fascinating.
    It's 57 here this afternoon! Our walk in the park was lovely. It was even OK doing housework and laundry with the sun streaming through the windows.

  21. Beauty of a scarf. Looks a lot larger than the photo from before.

  22. I love that scarf. That little girl will love it someday! You are so talented!

  23. I love your pretty scarf and am glad to know it already has a lucky owner. It's a very different sort of stitch. I hope I can get around to spring cleaning before summer arrives! :-)

  24. That scarf must have been a lot of work, but I'm sure it will be worth it for the delight it will bring a certain special little girl.

    Bet you're glad to have the wasp nest project finished.

    Good luck with the Spring cleaning.

  25. The scarf is gorgeous. The pattern and colors work well together. I like h ow the back side is different than the front. It will be a lucky little girl.

  26. Awwww...that pink scarf will be such a special gift for your special little girl!


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