Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Chick Magnet

 Far Guy and I had an adventure on Monday morning.  He drove his new/old car and I drove the other car into town.   I followed along, he was cruising along about 53mph and then an idiot passed me when a semi was coming and passed Far Guy in a no passing zone..there are idiots amongst us.  Anyways we made it to our destination in one piece. 

We left the new/old car and came home for a couple of hours.  They called and the new /old car was all set to go.  I waited in the parking lot for Far Guy to get into the new/old car.  First he had an extended conversation with the business owner...and then the women started showing up.  Older women complete with masks asking questions and laughing...Far Guy was laughing... I thought to myself he is now a chick magnet. 

I waited at the edge of town...he had to stop and fill the car with the special gasoline.   It took quite a long time...then there he was!  Yea we can go home!  He pushed her into high gear and drove 60 mph on the way home.  

When we got home he said "You know those old ladies? "  Yes, I saw them.  "They said that the car was a chick magnet!"  Exactly my thoughts.  "They had to be over 90 years old!"   They didn't look that old to me.  "The same thing happened at the gas station, lots of people asking questions oohing and ahhing." Were they men or women?   "Some of both."  If I croak you can just take your new /old car to town and find yourself a new gal...cause you are a chick magnet!

And the old gal...looks so much better without her snow tires that were manufactured in 1968.  The whitewalls are just perfect!

We are looking for someone to take care of some small rusts spots and take out a few small dents and repaint her.  All the Auto Body Shops seem to be real busy...we can get on the list for next winter...uffda.  

Far Side


  1. It's a beautiful car! I would stop and ask about it too!

  2. That story is way too funny. But thinking about it, I guess a classic car is a chick magnet. Way to go Far Guy.

  3. Next Winter, wow - who knew auto body work was such a thriving business. Not me. Unique vehicles do seem to be an attraction. Has Far Guy named his new/old car?

  4. What a fine looking chick magnet! I hope you can find someone to paint it and then you will have a perfect new/old car. :-)

  5. I bet Far Guy was a chick magnet before the new/old car even came along! ;)

  6. That new/old car really is something special and she looks good in her new tires.

  7. Those tires are pretty slick! And now he is a "chick magnet"! That is so funny. Maybe I should be glad that my husband has been tinkering with his 1957 Chevy for decades and isn't close to done.

  8. What a fun & interesting day for the new/old car...Hehe!

  9. Driving around in old cars is a delight! Terry and I really enjoy it. People wave and give us thumbs up and always come to talk.

    You guys ROCK!

  10. Well- it is a sexy new/old car! The cars nowadays are pretty ugly and boring and it's hard to tell them apart. I think they look angry with those narrow headlights.
    Used to be you could tell what make a car was just by looking at it's shape.

  11. "I thought to myself he is now a chick magnet." I laughed so loud at this, my husband wanted to know what I was laughing at. I told him he wouldn't understand. :-D LOVE THIS story!!! ~Andrea xoxo

  12. Ha! It's always the car isn't it! He probably gave those ladies a thrill to see a memory from their past in the car. It is difficult to get a car in for body work as not enough people are interested in going into those types of jobs now. My grandson studied auto body work and painting in Vo-Tech during high school. There is a huge need for people that do that work. When he graduated he already had a good job that pays very good wages. I hope you get your car in before next winter!

  13. Cars didn't all used to look alike...and I think they provoke memories that draw people to them. Has FarGuy decided on what color he'd like to paint his chick magnet?

  14. I know that I would pay attention to that car, and to whoever was driving it.

  15. I laughed all the way through reading this. I love that Far Guy is now a chick magnet. I sure hope you can get it painted sooner rather than later.
    Dennis got his 1st shot yesterday. No side effects so far other than a mildly sore arm.

  16. Remember when we used to say
    “I’ve got to trade this car”
    it hard to start in the mornings
    and it won’t go very far

    Now, everyone is wanting that old car and it will go far with Far Guy at the wheel.

  17. I think he reminded a lot of people of their youth while driving that car.

  18. Ha! It was bound to happen....driving around in that cool old car! Glad you both made it into town and back home again. I think people may have spring fever with this nice warmer weather happening!

  19. Many people have a big interest in old/new cars particularly if it's from their age.

  20. Chick magnet??? Too funny!

    You'd think there would be someone who could take care of those rust spots sooner than next winter. Too bad you didn't live close to here; I know just the place for you...give or take a couple thousand miles...

  21. Ha ha! Cars can do that! You need to drive it - it will work for you too!!!

  22. Beautiful car! I can understand why so many people were attracted to it. Hopefully the wait list shortens.

    Take care, stay well.

  23. It is such a wonderful looking car. It has to be fun to own for Far Guy and it looks better than my old 1962 Ford Fairlane that was my firs car. Mine was a two door but it still had a sedan center post. One of my close buddies told me it was a not cool car.


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