Thursday, March 18, 2021

Shot report

 About 12 hours after the vaccination my arm got progressively sore...perhaps because it was nighttime...who knows...pain always seems worse at night.  I could not sleep through it.  I took Aleve and iced my arm.  It felt as though someone had shot me in the arm...or applied a red hot poker.

I was just exhausted... finally got ahead of the pain by yesterday morning and slept off an on all day yesterday.  It was a jammie day....I still have a bit of a headache and the chills.

I did nothing all day long.  Far Guy is a good Nurse. 

Sure hope today is better! 

Far Side


  1. Ditto. I never could get rid of my headache. And both my husband and I got our 2nd shot on the same day and both of us reacted poorly <---- understated -----> it was like death! So glad it is done. The next day we were both all better!

  2. That is a bit how my husband reacted to the second shot too. Hopefully you feel better soon. FG is a good nurse!

  3. So sorry to hear this. Glad you had a great "nurse" to help you out.

  4. I'm glad you have a good nurse and I sure hope you feel better today too!

  5. We got our second Pfizer shots a week ago. Not much happened after the first shot, but we were expecting maybe something after the second one. My wife's arm got very sore, much like yours but not as severe, and I had a strange experience. In the middle of the first night, about 16 hours after the shot, I woke up, and felt like I had rolled or fallen down a flight of stairs. I was lying on my back and hurt all over, anything I could move hurt. I just lay there very still and eventually it kind of went away and I went back to sleep, and the next morning I was fine, no pain anywhere. Our only reaction after that was several recurring episodes of extreme fatigue for the next two days, and nothing after that.

  6. I hope by tomorrow you'll be right as rain. Sorry to hear about your reaction. :-(

  7. I am glad you have Far Guy. Hope today is better.

  8. It's strange how different people react differently to the same vaccine. Both my wife and I had just a sore arm for a day or 2 from the 1st shot. Same for me with the 2nd, but my wife's arm hurt for 3 weeks.

  9. Sounds like my shot number two of Moderna. Sore arm but itchy,headache and tiredness for first day

  10. You are probably better by now, but for what it is worth - all my medical people said take Tylenol as drug of choice for Covid shot reactions. Must be a reason!

  11. Awwww, I hope today is better for you too!

  12. I was hoping things would go better with the second one. Get mine on Friday and I had quite a reaction like you did. I think I'll be joining you soon with pajama days. All so worth it, though. *hugs*

  13. So many people say the same thing and by the second day feel like themselves again. I sure hope that's true for you. I'm sorry it's a miserable reaction. Guess we have that to look forward to. Praying for you and so thankful Far Guy is there to help you out.

  14. I hope you’re feeling better today after finally getting some rest. My second shot is this afternoon.

  15. hope you are better soon ~ we have our second dose coming up. The sun is shining today!

  16. My husband had a horribly sore arm after his 1st vaccine shot. I can only imagine what's going to occur after his 2nd. Get well soon, my friend, and thank you so much for the beautiful homemade card. It was a joy to receive & brightened my day! ~Andrea xoxo

  17. So sorry you had a bad reaction, but glad you had a good nurse. Our son had a pretty nasty reaction to the shot (and this, after he actually had COVID!) but he had a good outlook. He said a day and a half of being miserable is so much better than having to suffer like that for weeks or months with the actual virus.

  18. Hopefully today will be much better. It's good to have a "nurse" to wait on you when you don't feel well. My first shot is tomorrow afternoon.

  19. Sorry you are having a bad reaction. I hope it passes soon.

  20. I am so sorry to hear about your bad reaction. I know this is your day to go into town and I hope you feel well enough for all you have to do. Prayers that you feel much better soon!

  21. I glad that you got your shots, but sorry that you are one who suffers from them. I hope this time it fades faster.

  22. Yep, I had the same except for the arm didn't bother me...a little sore but not bad. I did have the chills, a headache and exhaustion. It's so funny now that with the first shot I thought it was old age creeping in. So glad it was the shot cuz I thought I was ready for "the home"! LOL! You'll feel better in a few days...maybe sooner. So glad you are all vaccinated!

  23. Oh dear. Hope it’s better today.

  24. Oh darn, I was hoping you wouldn't have an adverse reaction to the second shot. Hope it is better today - wonderful that you have a good nurse on hand.

    Take care!

  25. Thank you for sharing how you went with your Covid shot.

  26. Oh dear, hope you are much better soon. Take care.😘

  27. I am sorry for the reaction you had. I do hope today has been better. I have not had the vaccine yet.

  28. We are getting our 2nd Moderna the Saturday after Easter. My husband didn't have much of a reaction to the first one. I had a very achy arm and had trouble lifting it. Since I can't lift my left arm, it made life a little interesting for 24 hours. I am guessing we will have a pj weekend with the second shot.

  29. my cardio nurse practitioner was sick 4 days following 2nd 2nd coming up later so hoping for a better outcome than him...

  30. Praying that today has been better for you, Connie.

  31. Sorry to hear that. Hope things have improved by now.

  32. My neighbor guy said he had six hours of chills so I was expecting the worse. I think it feels like a couple of trucks hit you going in different directions.


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