Friday, March 19, 2021


 I am recovering slowly.  We managed to pick up the groceries and get gas for the car...gas is up another 5 cents a gallon this week.  We disinfected groceries, had lunch and I crashed for most of the afternoon. 

Far Guy woke me up when my other baby brother showed up with three of his grands...Teddy, Vivian and Erwin...the older ones are excited about going to visit Aunt Katie...and no Vivian does not was to come live with us forever and ever.  Erwin just smiles and flirts with his eyes.   Fun to see them!  Their Grandpa had them all safely belted in the side by side so we just talked to them through the door. 

I am still very tired bordering on exhaustion and the headache comes and goes as do the hot flashes.  My arm is not as sore as it was but I still ice it when I lay down.  Aleve was the recommendation from the Nurses that were giving vaccinations. 

It is still better than getting covid being on a vent and possible death. 

For the next few days I don't have much planned...some laundry and maybe I will clean the bathroom...when my body says rest...I will.

The Big Island January 2019
Far Side


  1. I hope you improve over the weekend. I know it was tough to pick up the groceries as bad as you feel. Glad you had some sweet visitors. That is a lovely pic of your Big Island visit,

  2. Take it gently! Your body is having a tough time. We want you better. I’m sure the laundry will wait.

  3. Sorry to hear about your reaction to the vaccination. Sure hope you feel better soon.

  4. That sounds good, I know hubby was tired and it took a few days for him to feel slightly normal. Whatever that is.
    I hope to become eligible here in the next month or so.
    I won't vary most of my precautions, but I may start doing CrossFit again at the gym again. The coach is very good about cleaning stuff and in the warm months all big bay doors are open for good ventilation.

  5. Well, it's all behind you now and I'm so glad you are steadily improving.💖

  6. I hope you are feeling better soon, just rest this weekend. Everything that needs to be done will still be there when you're feeling better!

  7. I hope you are feeling better now than when you wrote the blog. I am glad lots of people I know have had the shot and more have appointments.

  8. Glad you are a little better. We had to drive grandchildren for visitation last night across 3 towns. Gas was 2.69 in our town, 2.63 in the next town, 2.81 in the next town and then 2.53 at our destination. It was a 45 minute drive from end to end.

  9. Always fun to have little ones for an unexpected visit.

  10. Bet that Hawaii trip feels like a lifetime ago. Sounds like you are on the mend. My first shot is this afternoon and I'm really hoping for not much more than a sore arm.

  11. Nice to have cheery visitors. Take good care while you are not feeling the best.

  12. Hope you feel better soon! Be gentle with yourself and take it easy.

  13. Yes.... rest, rest, rest, Connie! Do what you can when you feel like it and for the remaining time, rest. As my mama used to say "Lay on the couch & watch the rest of the world go by". I get my second vaccine in 10 days or so. We'll see how I do. ~Andrea xoxo

  14. Thanks for sharing your shot reactions with us. Good to know what to expect.
    All of the energy young ones have is catching.

  15. Hope your recovery speeds up and you're back on your feet soon. It's nice to see little ones even through a car door. With any luck, hugs will be possible in the next few months.

    Take care, feel better soon.

  16. Such fun to visit with little people! I hope a nice, restful weekend has you back to normal. Rest and relax...

  17. I'm glad to hear you are listening to your body and resting! I was thinking of you all day yesterday, knowing it was your day out. The last thing I want to do when I feel bad is deal with groceries. It's nice that you saw your brother, nephews and niece. Seeing children is a happy thing! Rest and feel better!

  18. You have the strongest reactions of anyone I know. I'm just glad the worst is behind you and soon you will be fit as a fiddle! One who won't get Covid, too. :-)

  19. Thanks for keeping us posted. You are important to us.

  20. 2 Nd shot got me too. I’m not back to par yet. Hope you are better today.

  21. My gosh lady, heal quickly and I'm so sorry you had such horrible reactions! Thinking of you! --Sherry in MT

  22. Thank you for keepingus all up to date with how you are doing, I am interested helps me know what I may expect

  23. I hope you are feeling better and resting. I am happy I have had both shots.

  24. I've been binge watching second dose reactions to the 2nd Pfizer shot so I'll know what to expect for us. So far most of them say under 55 has much more severe reactions than the over 55 crowd. I sure hope that's true. Dennis gets his next shot on Monday. I've been praying for you Connie and I'm glad you're listening to your body and that you are getting the rest you need.

  25. Great to hear you're improving. Hope you continue to recover.

  26. Yes keep up the rest. I started work on a project and just plowed through with it but paid for it later.

  27. I bet you're glad you took that trip to Hawaii when you did! Sorry you are having that reaction. My arm didn't bother me as much but the exhaustion and the headache and chills. Times like that I am so glad I am retired!


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