Monday, January 25, 2021

Snow Sparkles and a Recipe

 We got a little over an inch of snow.  There are seven inches at the snowstick.

It was light and fluffy...a dry it was easy to shovel. 

The snow sparkles are hard to photograph.  Everything looks so much better in the sunshine! 

My other baby brother stopped by to say hi in the afternoon.  I just opened the dining room window and let all kinds of fresh air in while I talked with him.

Supper was a old recipe from my sister.  Far Guy requested it.

Chicken in its own Gravy

3 large skinless chicken breasts cut in half.  I flour them and then put them in a baking dish with some butter in the bottom to brown Bake 350 degrees about 30 minutes turning the pieces as they can speed this up if you use the broiler. 

Then mix together 2 cups cheese ( I used shredded Co Jack), 1 can cream of chicken soup and 1 can evaporated milk in a saucepan and heat it up. 

Pour over chicken and cover with foil bake about an hour.  Serve over rice.   If you don't cover it with foil the cheese sauce gets a little brown...but it still tastes good.  

You can use any cuts of chicken...without skin.  This makes six servings and freezes well.   Four servings headed for our freezer.  It is also really good over wild rice.  You can also use what ever kind of Cream soup you wish the original recipe calls for Cream of Mushroom...and I am not a fan. 

I should put dates on these recipes...I think this one is from about 1990.

Far Side


  1. This recipe sounds delicious!! I'm going to try it sometime. I bet that fresh air smelled good too, albeit a bit chilly, as you were talking to your brother. How nice to have a visitor. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. The snow sparkling is so pretty. The chicken recipe sounds like one my mother used to make and it was yummy. Very cold here again today with snow starting around 6:00PM. Have a good day.

  3. Snow sparkles are tricky. My father used to call them snow diamonds. I love trying to get a shot of them.
    Another fine recipe too! I may try it!

  4. The snow sure looks pretty. Greta recipe too. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Yum! Somewhat similar to our baked chicken & rice recipe (which morphed from an old pork chops and rice recipe) When we brown coated chicken, we go the fast route and use the range top. I agree, the magic of snow sparkles is hard to capture.

  6. Sounds yummy! My husband likes chicken baked with bernaise sauce.

  7. That chicken sounds yummy!! I may have to give it a try. I make one in the crockpot - boneless, skinless chicken, 1 can cream of chicken soup, 2 packets of dry chicken gravy mix, and a cup and half of water. I shred the chicken near the end and added mushrooms. Served over rice. My very picky husband picks out the mushrooms but likes it. He might like this cheesy version too.

  8. I love sparkly snow, it's so pretty. It is hard to photograph but I can use my imagination! Your chicken recipe sounds good... we eat a lot of chicken here so I'm going to add it my list of recipes to try. Thanks for sharing! Have a great week!

  9. I used to make a very similar dish, probably in the 90's! Instead of shredded cheese, we put a slice of swiss cheese on top of each chicken breast. I think I first had it at a dinner party and then it showed up in every church cookbook. I have not made it in a while. Thanks for the reminder!

  10. I think you did well with the sparkles. Thank you for the recipe. I am always looking for new things to cook....I get so tired of cooking.

  11. Pretty snow and thank you for the recipe! Comfort food, just what we need these days.💖

  12. I copied off your recipe. Sounds good.

  13. I love snow sparkles, and agree they are difficult to capture in photographs. It’s snowed the last two days (total of 5 inches) and like yours is dry and light. The recipe sounds like a keeper.

  14. Thanks for the recipe! I copied and saved it as it sounds like something we would like. Fresh snow is always pretty and the sparkles in the sun are almost magical.

  15. That's a nice Minnesota winter.

  16. I agree, the snow is prettier when the sun is shining and before anyone drives over it. :P

    The recipe sounds very good - I'll have to keep it in mind. I like trying something different. I thought I was the only person who didn't like cream of mushroom soup. Good to know I'm not alone.

  17. Your snow is very pretty. It's been snowing here most of the night and morning but so lightly that there is only about 2 inches. Very light and fluffy stuff. I talked to my sister in Omaha this morning and she said it's coming down at about 2 inches per hour!
    That recipe sounds delicious. I'll be trying it out soon. We eat a lot of chicken.

  18. Lovely sparkly snow. I walked in light flurries this morning but they soon turned into plain old rain.

  19. We have a lot of chicken for my diet. Split two breast for two different meals. I bet the soup would make it taste great. Rice is another bad thing for me.

  20. I've tried photographing snow sparkles too. It's almost impossible!

  21. Oh, I think that recipe has been around since then. I had made this so many times and it was always so good no matter matter which cream soup you use--LOL!

    This was a very sparkly, light snow. Just gorgeous! And it is difficult to ever capture that sparkle with the camera. So pretty! :)

  22. "Diamonds in the snow!" A line from a Michigan song so many years ago. ( Michigan outdoors theme song back in the '80's. I still sing it sometimes.)

  23. Sounds like a good meal for a cold snowy day.
    I do love snow diamonds. None for us so far this year.

  24. Your dinner sounds delish, as usual. I love when the snow sparkles too. We've been getting a little bit each day, like you.

  25. Pretty snow. Thank you for sharing recipes. I appreciate it a lot. Enjoy your day! 🌻💐

  26. Photographing sparkles is so hard - on snow and water - the photo never seems to do it justice. Your chicken recipe sounds good.

  27. A few of us are posting our dinner recipies today. Yours sounds really good. My meatballs didn't turn out so great.

  28. I love your pretty sparkles! :-)

  29. Snow always does seem to be hard to photograph. Glad it was the easy to shovel and nice to look at kind you had.

  30. I see the sparkles in the snow! So pretty! Thank you for the recipe. It sounds delish!


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