Monday, December 7, 2020

Winners 2020 Ornament

 The winners for the ornament are the gals with these comments! Congratulations!! 


Fargo has a 32 foot artificial tree.  11 pallets are used to store the parts.  There is a cone shaped metal frame that 'tree parts' are attached to.  To my knowledge, it has never blown over.  I'm not aware of an official Christmas tree being erected in West Fargo, although the Park Department does decorate several real trees with colored lights.
p.s.  Would love to win this year's woodcarved ornament

Henny Penny
Thank you for the second chance to enter. I wanted to look back anyway and see what happened to the tree. It was so pretty. Too bad it got blown over. Betsy mentioned in a post that you asked about others having trees in their town. I meant to drive through town on the way home this evening and forgot all about it. I think there is one in front of the courthouse. We've sure had enough wind lately to blow 
one over.

We live in a very small town but we do have a Christmas tree and a lighting ceremony each year. The wind has never blown it over and hopefully it won't because it is a live tree - still in the ground!

Your town's tree is beautiful and hopefully will be put back up and strongly secured so it won't blow over again! We put a wide, heavy base on our indoor tree each year since we have cats. ; )

Our town does not have a Christmas tree. We live on a lake in northern MN and our neighbor decorated their outside pine tree with lights this year. It looks real nice.

Thank you for the chance (once again) to win one of your wood carved ornaments.

Bev and Henny Penny I have your address.  Bonnie and Kathy please send your snail mail address to me  captainconnie2001atyahoodotcom  I will mail ornaments in a few days! 

Thank you everyone for sharing the Christmas trees in your areas. 

Sadly the tree on Main Street could not be saved...however someone donated a smaller tree and The Grinch left a decorated branch one night...when I get to town I will take photos. 
Here is the woodcarving process this year for the 2020 ornament.  I struggled with this ornament and the painting of them...I tried several different techniques...I finally found one I could live with. 

Far Guy cut the basic shapes out of Basswood

Then they were carved

Then I wood burned the names and the year.

And painted and painted note my fancy peanut butter jar holder!
Some different colors...I tried to keep track of what colors so in larger families everyone got a different color...I believe the final count was 95 ornaments.

Here is our ornament! 

We have next years design all worked out and the pieces are cut out and waiting to be woodcarved...IF we get bored this winter...although we like to do this project outside when it is nice and warm! 
Far Side
** Remember Pearl Harbor


  1. Congratulations to the lucky winners! I love the ornaments that you two put so much love and work into. Beautiful!

  2. Congratulations to all the winners. They are lucky to get one of your hand carved ornaments. i love the one I won a few years ago.

  3. Thank you so much! I can't believe I won again. It's a beautiful ornament and I will enjoy hanging it on my tree year after year along with the fish carving I won in 2017. How fun! I love reading your blog.

  4. They are absolutely gorgeous Connie, you and Far Guy did such a great job! Congrats to the winners!

  5. An old-fashioned Christmas tree light like the ones that were on the tree when I was a child. Beautiful idea for a year like this where everything is strange and turned upside down.

  6. Congratulations to the winners! What a wonderful gift.

  7. Ohh, nice! I'm glad you showed those of us who don't get one what they look like this year! I know everyone who gets one will be thrilled to have a one-of-a-kind ornament from Far Side! :-)

  8. Beautiful ornament and lots of carving, painting and love went into those!

  9. I love your ornaments! I especially love the paint color… The way it shimmers a bit… Seems to have some metallic or pearl look in it?
    Glad you mentioned Pearl Harbor. I was thinking of it a couple of days ago. Often times it just seems a day to remember in history and we forget the age and emotions of the people involved in it. I read many different kinds of books and some are historical fiction. One in particular had such descriptions… You felt you knew the people… Like they were friends of the family or young boys knew growing up. Even though it was fiction… It depicted real life events and your heart broke for those young men facing such fear and danger.

  10. You two have again crated a wonderful ornament. I like the character of the ornament with the carving and the colors are great. It is a job well done for both of you. I just hung my fishing lure on the tree yesterday.Stay safer than ever.

  11. Oh the ornaments are so pretty! Congratulations to the winners.

    I visited Pearl Harbor when I visited Oahu in 2013. It left me with a feeling of awe and sadness, and horror at what happened there. I will not forget.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. Oh what beautiful ornaments this year! I love the old Christmas bulbs!

  13. The ornaments are just lovely!!! You guys are so creative. I love the different colors, too. Congratulations to the winners.

  14. That is a cute and clever ornament. Makes me think of vintage Christmas lights. How sad that the big tree in town couldn't be rescued.

  15. How exciting! I am thrilled to win one of your beautiful ornaments! I love the style you have done this year. You are both so creative and talented to come up with a new ornament each year. It has become a special part of Christmas for me each year just to see what your ornament will be! I'll be sending you my address today. Thank you Connie!

  16. I love your ornament. You folks are very creative!

  17. Carving is an interesting hobby , but giving away some carvings is also satisfying.

  18. Congrats to the winners. Really bright, cute ornaments this year. :)

  19. What a beautiful ornament! congrats to the winners!

  20. Congratulations to all the winners. The ornaments are absolutely wonderful!!! ~Andrea XOXO

  21. Congratulations to the winners. The ornaments are so nice.
    Next year you need to do miniature shiny brites. :)

  22. Congratulations to the winners. The ornaments are beautiful! You and Far Guy do excellent work!

  23. Aw, those are cute. I know they will be enjoyed by the winners.

  24. Congrats to the winners!!! I love your ornaments this year! I love your ornaments every year! LOL! I can't believe you already have the design picked out for next year. I think you must have been an efficiency expert in your last life!

  25. Your ornament recipients have a collection to treasure. Well done.

  26. I don't believe it! Oh, I'm tickled to death to be a winner of one of your ornaments. Thank you so much. It's amazing that you and Far Guy both can carve such beautiful things. I will cherish this special ornament. Thank you!

  27. Congrats to all the winners of your ornaments this year. I really like the ones you did for family and friends this unique and colorful too. Looking forward to seeing the
    new tree in town, when you get back in to take pictures amidst your regular shopping chores. Take good care of yourselves. December is moving pretty fast!

  28. Great job on the ornament and congrats to the winners!

  29. I missed this! very cool! Love those!

  30. Beautiful - congrats to those winners (they will love them)! The ornament is very clever ~ I agree they look like the old fashioned bulbs :)


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie