Thursday, October 29, 2020

Winter Activities

 While were are waiting for the snow to melt or the weather to warm up a bit we worked on projects.

If you cannot guess what this is... it is the chrome piece that surrounds the headlights on the new old car. 

Sometimes I share the dining table with him...his projects are I gave him an old towel to protect the table. 

I had a pile of crochet cowls that needed buttons. 

I am using up so much yarn I had to order more!  

These are simple cowls to keep your neck warm.  They will be gifts. 

I am almost done with water coloring the Christmas Cards...I have seven left.  Yeah me! 

Far Side


  1. Sounds like nice wintery-type projects... to keep the hands busy, which is always a good thing, isn't it. ~Andrea xoxo

  2. I'm so glad Far Guy has a project to keep him busy. So many men don't. I am also glad you keep busy. I try but haven't been doing so well lately, mostly due to the pandemic and it's isolation crap.

  3. At first I thought those silver things were new doggy bowls!
    I used to have a long folding table in part of the living room where I did projects. I don't any more. I miss having a space to just leave my crafty stuff out and a spot where I could spread the mess out.

  4. I am happy that FG is enjoying his new old car. I love the cowls you have made. They are so nice. Wishing you both a good day.

  5. FarGuy sure loves his car. Nice to find ways he can work on it in the cold weather--well, little parts of it. ;)

  6. Hard to imagine how people without hobbies keep busy during the winter. I’m certainly glad I have a lot of interests. How’s the milk can project progressing?

    1. I want to get a few more things done before starting to spin...:)

  7. It's probably enjoyable to sit and work together on different projects. My husband needs to find a hobby or 2 before he retires.

  8. That old new car must be restored from top to bottom!

  9. Forced solitude is different when you have a special person to share your time with. How wonderful to spend the quiet day together.

  10. Thank goodness for winter projects. Seeing as we are all staying home so much more, I can only imagine how much more difficult it would be without them.

    Take care and stay well.

  11. It's nice that you can both work on your projects together at the table. I love those cowls, they are great gifts.

  12. Very pretty cowls!
    Dave and I have to have separate work areas - we don't play well together, lol.

  13. Good for you!!! Coming to the end of a HUGE project is always a delightful feeling.

  14. It's nice to have "sit down" projects for quiet days. I love that Far Guy can still work on his car in the house when the weather doesn't cooperate with outside activities.

  15. Perfect projects for the cold weather. Stay warm!

  16. I like the idea of cowls to keep one's neck warm. Regular scarves annoy me. A cowl would stay in place. I have started doing a little knitting and crocheting again. I haven't done any for years but my fingers remembered.

  17. It's good that you have plenty of indoor projects. I will need to find some when the weather gets cold and wet.

  18. How fun to have projects that, even though they are different, you can still work on together. The cowls are beautiful and will be appreciated by whoever are the lucky recipients.

  19. The cowls are lovely! I think it was a great thing for FarGuy to buy that car :-) Larry spends a lot of time on car websites, listening to guys discuss different cars etc, but does not have a mechanically inclined bone in his body. Where our son gets his from I don't know, maybe his grandfathers, but even though he lives a long way away, the odd time he is here there is usually some mechanical thing I ask him to help with.

  20. Such lovely shawls they wiill be awesome gifts

  21. Good for you...almost done with the are a wonder!
    The cowls are gorgeous.

  22. Hello, I'm just jumping over from Cynthia's blog. Your little cowls would have been wonderful for me to have if I still lived in Illinois. My daughter tells me it's snowing there now.

  23. YEA you! for getting your Christmas cards just about done. Everything you make turns out so very nice. So you're both working on projects....that's togetherness! We have a beautiful week of weather coming next week.....hope you get it too!

  24. Good thing you have those Christmas projects almost done. All your photos are getting me in the mood for the holidays. It won't be long...

  25. I am so behind on projects... gardening and getting our winter wood in and doing horse stuff is my excuse!


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