Wednesday, October 28, 2020


 I like to hunt with my camera.  

The little spotted fawns grew up and lost their spots.  They are now sporting heavy winter coats. 

This fawn came into the yard and I took photos through the window.  

The fawn was our fun for the morning! 


I wrote an email complaint to the grocery store headquarters about the refusal of phone orders.  They called me and it seems they still do phone in orders...and they are not sure which employee my Mom talked to.  I told the store manager to call my Mom and to give her his phone number in case it happens again.  Problem solved for now. 

I can see the end in sight with my Christmas cards and my crochet projects are coming along. 

Life is very exciting here in the woods.

Far Side


  1. I'm glad you got the phone ordering thing straightened around for your mom. Now why in heaven's name would somebody have told her they don't take phone orders anymore? Some wise-cracker having a bad day, I presume. I hope her future orders go without a hitch. And I love your fawn!! ~Andrea xoxo

  2. What a lovely young deer!
    Glad you got your mom some backup if they pull that on her again.
    Cards and crocheting sound peaceful and calm. ;)

  3. How exciting to see those deer in your yard. I am so so happy you got things straightened out for your mom's grocery ordering. The employee that told your mom that nonsense should be disciplined.

  4. I'm glad you were able to handle that! Grocery problem solved!
    Wonderful shot of the fawn. Our trail cam in the woods is getting some really wonderful photos of young deer, does, and bucks!
    No hunting on my land this year. I don't need the meat and the last person I let hunt ... well it didn't turn out very well.

  5. Wonderful lovely young deer!
    Glad you got the grocery ordering straightened out.
    Have a blessed day!

  6. Your fawns are now grown into teenagers, it seems. All that snow and cold is more appropriate for winter than early fall, I think. But it is exciting, living in your neck of the woods. :-)

  7. Gorgeous photos! I'm so glad the store is actually still doing phone orders. Enjoy your projects :)

  8. The deer are coming into the garden & eating the leftovers. There are a few squash & pumpkins maybe some tomatoes that fell off.

  9. How cool you get to watch the fawns grow up like that.

    Glad it was just a mixup and your Mom will still be able to do phone orders. Also, glad your cards are almost done, and your other projects are moving along nicely too.

  10. Glad you were able to solve your mom's ordering problem. It did seem like phone orders would still be an efficient way of handling things for many folks.

  11. Life is peaceful in the woods.

  12. I'll take that kind of excitement any day. What a beautiful animal! Glad you got things straightened out for your mom.

    Take care, stay well!

  13. Glad you were able to help your Mom. I have a new E crochet hook. Hospice in this area is looking for crocheting people to make small hearts for the 18 inch Christmas trees they give their clients/patients. After three false starts I made one that looks like a heart. I found the pattern on line. I haven't thought about Christmas yet. We still have rain, not snow.

  14. I like to hunt with my camera also!!! :)

  15. Yay - the phone call ordering crisis is solved. Hopefully. I am sure your mom will feel better ordering her own groceries. Wondeful photos of the fawn.

  16. Beautiful fawn. There was one not far from our trailer yesterday morning. I enjoyed seeing him wander around.
    I am SO glad you were able to fix things for your Mom. It seems that they may have had a lazy employee answering the phones that day.

  17. Thank you for being your Mom’s advocate: it’s important to follow up and to speak up, especially now. My guess is that your Mom has been a loyal customer of that store for many years. Great photos of the fawn. Be safe

  18. So glad the phone orders are back on! I haven't seen the deer here but they are here at night I know...along with the armadillos digging up the lawn. Good job on the cards. I was going to make Halloween cards and couldn't find my ink! This is what happens when I clean and organize! I should know better! I am getting the crochet itch though. Not to finish any of the things I've started...oh no....I want to make Granny Squares...big and little and I want to order Lori Holt's cotton yarn at Fat Quarter Shop....I'm bad!

  19. Ahh, she has grown up into a beautiful young lady! I would love to watch her too. Good for you for contacting the grocery store headquarters. It is encouraging to know they called you about it and will hopefully fix the problem.

    It's great to see the progress on the cards and crocheting. If I know you there will be something waiting to do after those! Enjoy those sweet deer!

  20. I’m glad to hear it was a mixup with the grocery store employee. Your mom is lucky to have you in her corner. Beautiful young dear. I hope it survives hunting season.

  21. Don't know anything about hunting
    Your mum is blessed to have you

  22. I see you have left your glass flowers out for the Winter. I only have the one and I took it in last year but I think I will also leave mine out. Less bother that way.

  23. I imagine the Deer will be hitting your Bird Feeders from now on. If they can reach them. Cold Minnesota. I don't miss those days. It's plenty cold here in Iowa for me.

  24. Good news about the grocery delivery.
    That young deer is so beautiful.

  25. Good for you, advocating for your mom!
    We had a deer in the yard today, too!

  26. Love your pics of those deer....they look so pretty in their winter coats! So you're making headway on your cards too. Mine should be arriving in the mail in the next couple of days. Hope your mom can go back to her old arrangement in ordering groceries again. Good grief!

  27. It is neat to see them growing up.

  28. I love seeing wildlife, however being as how my house is far away from the edge of the forest usually I only see their tracks when I ride there. Sometimes I see them when I am feeding the horses, I know they are there as the horses always alert me so I try to see if I can spot them.


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