Thursday, October 8, 2020

Little Feet

 Cee Cee has little feet ...3 3/4 inches long...I had her Mom measure them and she sent me a photo. 

I finished the little boots yesterday afternoon and will mail them off today.

I put strings in them just in case they are needed.  I used about 3/4 of a skein of sock yarn that I got at the thrift shop a long time ago. (Yeah for using part of my stash!)

We had a busy day here at home yesterday.  Far Guy worked on his new old car and I did various "stuff" around the biggest accomplishment was the boots for Cee Cee. 

It was a non lawn mulching day ...although Far Guy said "look at that there are about ten leaves in the yard you should mulch." Funny Guy! 

Far Side


  1. Adorable.

    And your guy sure is funny!

  2. Those boots are just soooo cute. Far Guy is funny, haha

  3. Maybe you should have run out and gathered them and put them on his plate for lunch - he could "mulch" them for you!

  4. I got a flu shot a couple of days ago and my arm is still sore. I keep thinking about you, though, and how sick you get from them. Fortunately, other than a sore arm, I seem to be fine. I love those pretty little booties! :-)

  5. Those little boots are soooooo cute. Very creative way to take a picture of them. I hope you get a picture of her wearing them to share with us.

  6. Love your husband's comment about the "ten leaves" in the yard. Those socks are so sweet and will keep those tiny feet warm with love.

  7. *haha* Ten leaves... better get going!! :-D Hey, I can think of worse habits to have! Enjoy your mulching. ~Andrea xoxo

  8. FG sounds a lot like my hubby's humor. It made me laugh. I love the way you photographed the booties in the tree! Stunning!

  9. FarGuy is a funny one! ;)
    Cute booties!! Kudos for using stash--that's always a good thing. :)

  10. Funny Far Guy...he likes to rib you a bit, good for him, it's what keeps you loving him. Those booties are just to die for....might tickle her momma to get some too.

  11. There's a lot of satisfaction in making a pair of booties for a little one.

  12. The bootie boots are so cute! She will look adorable wearing them!

  13. Those little boots are so sweet and will keep little Cee Cee's feet nice and toasty...for about 3 weeks until she grows! Then you'll just have to use more stash to make her more.
    Love Far Guys comment. This is the first year in 42 fall's that we haven't had to rake, or mulch. It's kind of nice!

  14. Hooray for a day off mulching! The booties are adorable, they'll definitely keep the little one's feet warm.

    Take care and stay well!

  15. Those boots are really cute and I can just picture them on Cee Cee's sweet little feet! I can hear Far Guy now - "oops, there's another one 11, oh now 12" etc. 😉

    I hope your day out went well!

  16. Sweet little boots. I notice you call them boots and not booties. It reminds me of when I was reading a book about the Iditarod and read that the dogs wore leather booties. the first graders went hysterical with laughter. Puzzled, I tried to explain that booties were foot coverings and more more I said "booties" the more they laughed. Of course it dawned on me that they were picturing back sides, but it really irritated me that I could no longer say booties. So, nice little sweet knitted baby BOOTS!

  17. Cute booties and very creative way of photographing them.

  18. Cute booties, and a great way to use up the last bits of the sock yarn. The strings are a good idea, I think. They always kick them off and maybe these will stay put.

  19. Love CeCe's little boots, they are so cute. That Far Guy has quite the sense of humor... glad you had a day off from mulching!

  20. You are the Mad Mulcher....and far guy knows it! He's so funny, huh? Love those booties you made....the colors are wonderful. How did shopping go today? Maybe that's a story for tomorrow. Take good care you 2.

  21. Little booties, cutie pa-tootie!! Sounds like Far Guy is keeping busy with his car :) We are happy that fall is hanging on to some very nice days!

  22. They are such sweet boots. The little ones are so fun but we don't get to see them very often.

  23. Glad you got the booties finished for CeeCee. Thos little feet will likely need them in the coming months. Also, glad Far Guy was feeling well enough to work on his new old car. Far Guy is funny.

  24. Those booties are so cute! You could rename Him Funny Guy instead of Far Guy.

  25. Oh how adorable those little booties are! Little feet! This is such a precious time.


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