Friday, October 9, 2020

Fall Report

I got dish soap again!  Almost cause to celebrate!  This week curbside grocery pickup gets an A no mistakes and everything I ordered was there!  Will wonders ever cease?

Town seems a bit busier than normal...I heard that many retirees are staying here for the winter instead of going to warmer climates. 

My baby brother said there was a real pretty tree along one of the was worth checking out but the light was not great.  It is a Red Oak.

Other pretty Fall colors.

Far Guy and I got our Flu Shots...cross it off the list!  So far so good...we will see how it I write this I am 8 hours post injection...usually I wait til the 12-24 hour mark to feel miserable. 

Far Guy is doing well...his groin is all different shades of purple and yellow...very colorful.  He says that the stent must have been the size of a can of corn.  He speaks with the Cardiologist soon.

Far Side


  1. I was out looking at the leaves yesterday and just admiring them with my eyes. No photo could do it real justice...the glowing yellows and reds set against the blue sky was incredible. Of course many leaves are down here too. But still, it was a wonder!
    Hopefully you feel okay after this flu shot? Crossed fingers here!

  2. Yea for the curbside pickup. Hoping you don't get your usual reaction to the flu shot. Also glad Far Guy is ding well. Have a great weekend. Some of the retirees around here aren't going south as their usual places were destroyed by Hurricane Sally.

  3. I got my flu shot earlier this week and just today my arm stopped hurting. Here's hoping you will not get so sick this year. :-)

  4. Hope you have a good weekend with no side effects from that flu shot. Colors changed dramatically the past few days around here. I'm guessing some of those snow birds may feel safer staying at home this winter.

  5. Beautiful Autumn colors!
    Have a blessed day!

  6. Fall trees are so pretty!
    I hope you don't get sick from the shot at all this time. :)

  7. OUCH, poor Far Guy. That sounds very uncomfortable. We have just returned from our county drive-thru flu shot clinic. There was a long line in the church parking lot. I think a lot of people want to get a flu shot this year.

    I need to start my mid-month grocery order . . . They seem to be able to include the extra, but seem to fall short on the needs. User error doesn't help. Last time I forgot to put milk on my list for my 1 year old, four year old, six year old and eight year old grandchildren. The oldest two are here every day for breakfast and the younger two are here for ten hours. Milk is a number one priority!!

  8. Fingers crossed that this year's flu shot doesn't affect you as badly. Yikes, I don't think I ever want to have a stent.

    Take care and stay well.

  9. Glad the grocery pickup went well this week, and you got everything this time around. Hope your reaction to the flu shot isn't bad this year, and good to hear Far Guy is doing well.

  10. I've been watching for beautiful colors, but when I see them I am in a car going too fast. Happy Fall Connie and Gene

  11. I'm glad you were successful with your groceries. I, on the other hand, was not. About 60% of what I was trying to order was out of stock so I gave up and went inside and guess what? Everything except canned pumpkin was actually there! I used lysol wipes on the cart and rubber gloves along with my mask. My purse went across my chest so it didn't touch the cart. What a hassle just to shop. I've been trying to get canned pumpkin for over a month with no luck. I wonder why?
    My arm is doing much better today after my Tuesday flu shot. It's just a little tender. I hope you manage with no side effects this time. I didn't feel well at all for about 24 hours after mine. That was the first time in several years that I had icky side effects.
    I'm glad Far Guy is feeling better. The colorful area doesn't sound fun at all!
    I hope you have a great weekend.

  12. I got my shot today but I never have a reaction, hopefully. I hope you don't either. Your colors are so much prettier than here although we definitely are just starting really. So glad Far Guy is recovering so well in spite of the bruising. Good job on the groceries too!

  13. Yay for the good grocery pickup and for dish soap! The one thing I have not been able to find since March is Lysol or Clorox wipes. I had the foresight to order a case of 6 in early March but we now only have one left and no one - even Costco, seems to have them when we look. We use them to wipe down our groceries so I keep looking.

    Your Fall leaves are beautiful! I love to walk through the trees this time of the year.

    I'm keeping you in my thoughts on the flu shot! I hope this will be the year you don't have much trouble from it. Goodness knows, you've paid your trouble dues this year!

    I understand about how Far Guy is feeling from the stent. Tom's second stent was three months ago and he was pretty bruised from it too. It did heal up pretty good though and I hope Far Guy's will too!

  14. We went grocery shopping in person again today. Funny what the store was out of. Many cleaning supplies remain absent from the shelves. But prune juice?
    Sounds like the nether regions of FG are as colorful as the fall leaves.

  15. Woohoo! Receiving everything you ordered is worth celebrating. Actually, I don’t think it has happened to us once yet and we’ve been doing this since mid March. I hope your flu shot continues to be uneventful also. Pretty trees!

  16. I had my flu jab yesterday. Outside on a very rainy day. My arm didn’t swell up like it usually does but last night I kept waking up covered in sweat. Still, I feel a lot better today. Or I would if the Chef hadn’t hit my arm several times. I’ve noticed this in past years. Every time I get a jab the Chef seems to be compelled to give me a friendly/loving biff on my arm 3 or 4 times a day. I feel for Far Guy. I’m due a heart procedure at the beginning of next month. So looking forward to a black and blue groin!

  17. Great that you got everything on your grocery list for a change.
    I hope you keep feeling well and don't have the same difficulties you've had in the past after getting the flu shot. So far we've managed to avoid getting jabbed.

  18. Glad you're feeling OK so far. Will pray that you continue to do well post-injection. Wow...all your groceries were there.....amazing. Have a great weekend!

  19. We got our shots last Friday and it's the first time I haven't had a sore arm. Small blessings. Love the photos of the trees... I love fall colors. I hate the shorter days. Have a great weekend!

  20. Your fall remort is better then a reort on falling over

  21. Hopefully you won't have any bad reactions to the flu shot. Thinking of you, Mxx

  22. We will go soon for our shots. They wanted to do it drive through but it wasn't successful. So we will go inside. My neighbor complained about the injections site was so painful throughout the entire procedure.


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