Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Leaves and other crap

 It rained yesterday...the leaves in the yard were pretty damp to mulch...oh well they will either stay there for me or blow into the woods. 

As you can see the trees are getting more bare. 

We recycled and went to the post office.   I played 52 pick up and put away in its proper place.  Far Guy worked on his new old car. 

Our absentee ballots came in the mail they have been filled out and are ready to mail in.  God Bless America and the right to vote! 

I am real tired of the election /politics/stab everyone in the back crap.  I have had it with facebook and all the people that post politics crap that may or may not be true.  Facebook is not a real happy place...too many people with an agenda...I posted a photo of leaves...perhaps I should have added "leaf me alone."  Some people must sit around all day and post stuff...don't they have some thing better to do with their time?  Oh I forget..they are probably the people that have a phone attached to their hand 24/7.  Some people were unfriended....I just couldn't take it anymore.

We have a busy week with many, many appointments. 

Far Side


  1. Facebook is a nasty place right now, or it can be. So many relatives of mine and old long time friends are 'snoozed'. Some of the really far out ones got dumped. For whatever reason, it seems to be a place where you can put a Meme with something outrageous on a post and then sit back with popcorn to watch the fights take place.
    I refuse to get drawn in now.
    I scroll by and go to places where politics are not welcome. Groups on photography, fungi, and other cool things.
    I'm holding off for one last yard mow, and then we are putting the mower away for the winter.
    Hopefully all appointments go well.

  2. We are still in full leaf around here. Many are falling but the trees still have plenty left. I know what you mean about Facebook. There is hardly anyone left on my list of friends that I read. The friends left that post political crap I just ignore. I just thought of something my mother told us when we were growing up. "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all". Sure wish this was true today as I am really tired of all the lies. Have a nice day.

  3. I agree that Facebook is not a happy place. I have blocked anybody who posts political stuff and it makes it much easier to read. I usually only like to see what my friends are up to and places they have been hiking. :-)

  4. I keep all friends on Facebook & just unfollow them. We're still friends but their posts don't show up on my newsfeed. Love the trees!

  5. Good luck with the appointments for this week.

  6. That is exactly why I'm not on Facebook, too much BS! Love your photos :)

  7. totally agree with you on facebook. It is one of the worst disasters ever visited upon the world, right up there with the virus. Phones are right up there too.

  8. Oh that second photo is beautiful. We're in the midst of a provincial political campaign too, and go the polls in October. I had a conversation on the doorstep with our local MLA and told him basically the same thing. It's time for politicians to stop the negative campaigns - we want to know what their policies are and how they will help us through this dreadful time. I stay out of politics on FB mostly, though did get unfriended by a previous co-worker, when I challenged on her beliefs about the pandemic - she thinks it is a minor flu...I disagree.

    Good luck with all the appointments, take care and stay well!

  9. Please don't unfriend me...Please. I'm with you on all this hate and anger stuff. Just give me a world of joy and peace!

  10. Every time one of my "friends" post something ugly about politics I either Snooze them for 30 days or un-follow them. You're so right - it's just not a happy place. The fall colors do look beautiful. Our ash trees are beginning to shed those gold leaves, and the maples are turning red at the top. We just had an arborist here this morning to spray some pines for bugs. We have over 40 pine trees in our yard.

  11. I turned in my absentee ballot last Friday. I’m over the political game of tag: it seems to start all over the day after the election.

  12. Glad to see I'm not the only one with Election fatigue. That is why I try to post "Happy Things" on the blog. Same with Facebook.. Mostly pictures of cats and origami. ( boring stuff, I know) One of the reasons I like blogs like yours. Real people doing real things. Just my style!

  13. OH! I love the label "Cranky" hehe. Sometimes you just have to write yourself to a better mood.

  14. I admire your dedication to mulching. When we lived in Omaha we had one, (1), HUGE maple tree in the front yard. We would bag about 150 big garbage bags full every year and there would still be leaves on the ground when the snow fell. It was amazing. We called it the magical leaf tree.
    I feel your pain about FB. It's gotten to where I mostly just check birthdays and that's it. I have one Vintage group I'm in that has a no politics rule and it's wonderful.
    Take care and stay sane!

  15. I hate the political ads and all the mud slinging. It is sad that there is so much division in our country now. I have friends and family that have different political views than I do and that is okay. It's part of a free country. We need to be able to look beyond and respect our differences. It is the most discouraging to me that the pandemic has been so politicised. This is a time that we should be helping and caring for one another no matter the politics. I understand your feelings about Facebook, it's the worst now.

  16. Your fall colors may be fading but they are still so pretty. We have a ton of appointments this week, too, all the stuff we put off, hoping to avoid germs doctors offices and labs and stuff until the pandemic was OVER. Haha on us. Who knew.

  17. YEP-YEP-YEP about Facebook. I closed my account several months ago. Between politics, the virus, and the riots, FB became a downright hostile place that I surely didn't need in my life. You know what disturbed me the most? The cruel and awful things I read my friends say. I don't want to know that about them. I don't want to know how cruel they can speak. They never spoke that way about me and I don't want to know they can speak that way about others. So I left... and am happy I did. ~Andrea xoxo

  18. Some people are made ugly by talking politics. Hateful even.
    God Bless America

  19. I don't get on FB hardly at all for the same reasons. I have a few stitching clubs on there I like but the rest of it is sad....."too much" as my daughter and I like to say. I like Instagram as I can follow who I want and just "cheery stuff". I love your road there with the lovely trees and colors. That would make a beautiful card! I requested a mail in ballot but I haven't received it yet. Good luck with all your appointments. I hope they go well.

  20. I wish some people had a brain. I can tell they are brain less.
    Be glad when the election is over. I lost another friend to the
    Virus. He was only 57 and superintendent of a nearby school.

  21. I think it is good that your country like mine has postal votes for those unable to get out and vote. I don't geet people who don't vote

  22. Facebook can be a nuisance. I have unfriended some people.

  23. Wow....your leaves are really falling down fast. Faster than ours right now. We got our absentee ballots in the mail too...but think we'll go to the polls in person rather than fill them out and mail them. My friends on facebook have been pretty good about not posting a lot of election stuff. If they do, I just "hide" it. I'm glad I don't have a phone attached to me 24/7 like most of the people I know. Take good care, you 2.

  24. I have my tv on mute most of the time. Then I just shut it off a lot. We moved into colder weather and I am not done with all my outside work yet to do.

  25. I agree about the political posts. People have been using it to further their opinions. The arguments are horrid.
    I'm finding people are using it to post long trip photos, without commentary.So many have stopped blogging. I use it to check in with friends and family.
    Then, if I comment on blogger, some people won't tolerate another opinion. We really aren't inclined to civil discourse, are we?


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