Friday, July 10, 2020

A storm, groceries and art

I dropped off mail behind the Post Office and picked up my online grocery order.  It is always an adventure to see what they are out of...this week it was ham, dish soap, a cheezy bacon dip and Cara Cara oranges.  Everything was disinfected and put into our own grocery bags...I take ice bags along for the small sub zero cooler and an insulated grocery bag.  This was my 18th online computer printout keeps track of such things.

I headed over to Goose Poop timing was perfect as it had rained the night before...a heavy rain so most of the goose poop was gone!  ( they had 75 mph winds in town...lots of leaves down and a few branches and one tree that landed on NJ's new pickup...ouch)

There are five new sculptures in the park and three new ones downtown.   Since downtown is a tourist trap I will wait to photograph those sculptures after the tourists leave.  There were several bikers that came by on the trail...I just walked in the grass most of the time I was there...staying far away from everyone.  It was sad to see that the Little Library that used to be there was gone.

Goose Poop Park

This one is called "Dimentomorph"  
If you ask me it looks like a leaf on a stool.  What do you think it looks like?  

Oh well...
I had a nice stroll through the park and was on my way to pick up Far Guy when he called for a it all worked out! 

A branch at Goose Poop Park.

We got 1 and 4/10 inches of rain at our house, it was very windy.  Some leaves were down.  The storm hit about 2:30 was thundering and lightening almost constantly.  The power went out a couple of times but always came back on.  I watched the trees sway in the wind for awhile and then read until the storm passed.

Far Side


  1. We had a bad storm last night. Lost power for about 2 hours then thankfully it came back on. Still hot and humid tho. The sculpture looks like a leaf on a chair.

  2. We've had some good ole storms too but nothing serious but I had lots of branches to pick up but mostly dead ones that Mother Nature "cleaned up" out of the trees. i think the sculpture looks like a dragon wing not that I have ever seen one for real.
    What a nice park. YOur town is very nice...not too big and not too small....just right!

  3. NO idea about that sculpture, but I'm glad the storm didn't bring too much damage to your area. :-)

  4. I think Dimentomorph looks like a creepy alien spider - Eeek! :D

  5. I agree with the spider. While I dont envy you the storm I'd trade some rain for a hundred degrees and drought conditions.

  6. I immediately thought leaf as well. I have a friend who is staying at a lake cabin with her extended family somewhere in your general area. She posted pictures of lots of trees down and talked about how scared they were while the wind rattled the house. Glad you came out with only some branches down for the most part.

  7. I don't know what that sculpture looks like. I'd go with your idea of the leaf. We could sure use some of your rain, though I THINK maybe it rained a little bit last night. Maybe it will rain more this afternoon. Our grass is brown and it crunches when I walk on it. So I try not to walk on it. We are watering gardens daily, but that's not as good as getting a nice summer rain.

  8. I thought a leaf first too and then an umbrella underside and I love the dragon wing SAM I AM came up with.

  9. Goose Poop Park (hehehehhe) looks like a good place to walk. I think that art looks like a leaf with legs also or perhaps a bug walking with a leaf on it's back at that one angle. We got a little rain too & didn't have to water the garden for a day or so.

  10. i guess tis the season for storms and heat and humidity....just a typical summer around here, but hotter. Setting records for days over 90. Now they are talking about setting records for days over 95. Love 'goose poop' park...we have one, too....our sculptures aren't nearly as cool as yours, although in our future is a kid's music park section. Should be fun.

  11. That's a pretty park. I didn't have a clue what a problem goose poop was until last year when we went to an out of county pond. It was a mess. The Mister complains about it on the golf course and now I see why. Araignee

  12. Glad the storm wasn't any worse than that, and didn't do lots of damage. Nice you were able to have a walk in the park, and were ready just in time for when Far Guy was wanting his ride. It's interesting some of the things they keep being out of in the grocery orders.

  13. Looks like a bug or a crab at first. When I looked closer I could see the leaf with legs.
    Definitely know what goose poop parks look like...and what they are like to try to walk on--LOL!

  14. Hmmm, interesting artwork - a leaf or a wing we’re my first thoughts. After months of trying, I finally was able to purchase microwave popcorn for my grocery pickup order.

  15. Leaf on a stool makes more sense than the name it was given. I guess I don't appreciate the art.

    Glad you got some rain, but hopefully the winds don't cause too much damage. I was out for a walk in a nearby park and there were several branches down too.

    Take care and stay well!

  16. Goose Poop Park... that name made me laugh! I think that sculpture looks like a bug we have here that is called a stinkbug... appropriate for Goose Poop Park! We were supposed to get a thunderstorm and had warnings all day long but nothing happened, just a bit of wind.

  17. I thought it was a stool deliberately made to look like a leaf. We got storms, too. An inch and six tenths at our house. My daughter's town lost power for several hours.

  18. Ha ha, Goose Poop Park! It looks nice after the rain, though. Totally agree, anyone can see it’s a leaf on a stool! I guess they came up with that highfalutin name to make it seem more artsy.

  19. I heard them down by the swimming dock at the lake yesterday shooting the rifles into the air. It's to scare the geese away from the dock where they LOVE to poop. Some years are worse than others and this is one of them. The kids don't seem to care though! Ha!
    That does look like a leaf on a stool to me too. Modern art usually baffles me.
    I haven't bought groceries in several weeks. We have a lot to use up but I do need some fresh salad greens and fruits.

  20. I love your name for the park! We have a few Goose Poop Parks here too. The sculpture looks like a leaf to me too. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for what we can't get at the store. However for the past two months I can't get any canned broth - beef or chicken. I can get the large size cartons and sometimes I do but I have recipes that call for "1 can of broth". I think I'm going to start trying some other stores.

  21. Goose Poop park? Hilarious. Except it isn't. When I went home for a vacation, my brother took me to the park with a big lake where we used to fish and there were a lot of Canada geese and ducks and you couldn't actually walk on the sidewalk and take a stroll around the lake because of all the poop everywhere. Really disgusting.

  22. When I do my online grocery order I order from both Coles and Woolworths the big 2 supermarkets here and find that way I can get all I want most of the time.

  23. It's good to get out for a pleasant walk but it's not very nice to have a storm that knocks out power.

  24. I have yet to do on line orders. When we shopped in person Thursday morning we didn't see any other shoppers in our bid Safeway store.
    Wind is hard o trees in leaf.

  25. My first thought when I saw that strange sculpture was that it looked like part of a dinosaur! Maybe the back view of one.

  26. Those winds sound horrid! Too bad about that pickup! With much lighter winds last week, we lost an entire branch off a tree, too...thankfully just on to the driveway and not the car parked nearby. The 75 mile winds must have been ferocious! I'm surprised there wasn't more damage.

  27. We took a hit today. A LOT of rain!!! It was so needed. I'll have to rename the park by my MIL house Goosepoop Park & Golf Course

  28. I agree with you. That sculpture looks like a leaf on a stool.


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