Sunday, May 10, 2020

Snow and Mother's Day

Yesterday it was cold enough to snow so it did.  At least it was some kind of moisture.

The flakes were large and wet.

A short time later the ground was white.  Good thing I got my snow boots out the day before because I had cold feet outside.

We made a trip over to the County Transfer Station (Garbage Dump).

The small grain fields showed green along with the snow.  By evening the snow had melted.

It was a good day for a movie and a nap.  We watched The Last Laugh...funny even if it was about the elderly.  I give it a 7 out of 10.  Some parts of it seemed disconnected like a writer was fired mid script. Far Guy woodcarved and I crocheted and we both made supper together...ham and cheese omelettes and fruit.

Yesterday was opening Fishing here in Minnesota.
Today is Mother's Day ...happy day to my Mom and all the Mothers out there.
1954 My Mom and me and my baby brother
1953 Far Guy and his Mom.
Far Side


  1. Happy Mother's Day! What cute pictures of you 2 and your Mom's! Snow....hard to believe but we had a frost warning too! I had to go and cover all my little seedlings. Enjoy your day!

  2. Snow? It is cold here too. This is just crazy.
    Love those photos.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  3. Happy Mother's Day! We had snow in Ohio, too - almost an inch! But it all melted by 9 a.m.

  4. Happy Mother's Day! Love the photos.

  5. Happy Mother's Day! Fun to see your old photos.

  6. Fun photos! Snow on Mother's Day weekend is not something I have ever experienced, or ever hope to experience.
    Happy Mother's Day. Stay safe and warm and content.

  7. Cold and green this morning. If we had a few flakes I missed it if it was late in the day after I closed up for the night. But, according to my phone, there's a possibility until Wednesday so I may see some snow yet. Yup--Happy Mother's Day! :)

  8. It is snowing and raining this morning ... and cold. However we are happy for the moisture!

  9. Happy Mothers Day! I'm glad that your snow melted quickly. It seems like very strange weather this spring on top of everything else going on. Loved the photos of you two with your Mom's. Very sweet.

  10. I love your memory pictures, and am a little surprised that it could snow so late in the year! :"-)

  11. AW! Love those old photos! Happy Mother's Day

  12. Those were the days my friend! Enjoy your day.

  13. We had snow in Michigan too, but it didn't stick on anything. I've been covering up the perennials the last two nights but I don't think we got frost either night. Will tonight too, because you know if I don't do it we'll get a killing frost.

    Happy Mother's Day to you! Sounds like a fun movie to watch together. Love your pictures with your own moms!!!

  14. Where would we be without our mothers? I love your sweet photos :)
    Hope you have had a great Mother's Day, Mxx

  15. I love the pictures of both of your Moms! Happy Mother's Day! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  16. We had snow yesterday too! And a few flakes for an hour today.

  17. We got a little bit of snow today....but it didn't sit on the ground like at your place. Love those pics of you guys with your dear moms. Hope you're having a wonderful Mother's day, Connie, and that far guy is spoiling you. Jim made me breakfast, we had chinese take-out for dinner and then watched Episode 7 of "The Chosen." An awesome day. Take care you two.

  18. I spent Mother's Day with my girls and grandchildren, I liked all the photos you shared

  19. Just when I thought my Blog Postings of Snow in Iowa... You guys Trump me! I guess it IS Minnesota. Crazy arctic weather spasms! I never thought ot putting my Mom's picture on my blog... Seems everyone else is. I don't even know if I have a picture of her. (we did not bring many pictures after we moved to Iowa) I don't think I would be able to find a flattering "young and happy" photo of her anyway. Mom was "behind the camera" most of the time, So lots of pictures of Dad, Me, and My brother....Happy Mother's Day!

  20. Happy Mothers Day. No snow on our patch, woohoo!!!!!

  21. I'm late reading blogs tonight because of the kids coming over. We sat outside reasonably far apart, most of the time. I hope you had a good day. I enjoyed seeing the pictures of you and Far Guy and your moms.

  22. Happy Mother's Day to you! It was pretty cool today, we need some warm weather so you can put your winter boots away again.

  23. Wow...snow...just in time for Mother's Day. Would never have put those two together.

    Hope you had a warm and toasty day, staying inside and cozy!

  24. Glad you had your snow boots out ready for the late snow. Hope you don't get any more of the white stuff now until Winter.


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