Saturday, May 9, 2020

Big Project

Yesterday my other baby brother came over with his construction crew and we changed out the covering on the woodshop/greenhouse.

We had a white covering on it for the past 6 maybe 7 years.  It had several where a rabbit was getting in and out.  The last time the plastic was changed Far Guy did it all by himself.

This time we put it on loosely the previous was too tight especially in the winter....the bows moved! Years ago this was a vegetable, Native Plant growing greenhouse and a spot to hold special orders away from the retail greenhouse.  Since Far Guy was in charge it became known as "his greenhouse" then after the business closed a woodshop/greenhouse.

It is very bright in there now!  The white covering filtered out lots of light.
I will show you my aisle.

There is soap curing that was too smelly to bring in the house and on the right all my glass flowers and glass collected to make more flowers.  I should wrap up that project someday!

Cleaning inside continues until it gets too warm in there...we have a shade cloth that covers the entire house so that will go up soon.

My baby brothers crew did an awesome job!  Luckily the wind held off until we finished!  One big project crossed off the list!
Far Side


  1. Wow! That's a wonderful place to grow plants and do projects!! Especially now that you have all that light!

  2. It does look bright and cheerful in there. Congratulations on another big project finished. :-)

  3. That is such a cool place - so bright and cheery!

  4. Good work on all parts. Have a great weekend!

  5. I love it!! Since we brought all the trees down I have a little sunny spot that I would love to put something like that on. Our winters are mild enough that I bet I could keep greens going. I've got some seeds coming so I'm giving it a try with just some pots this year. And what a great place for curing soap. I have to say as much as I love making soap all the scents can get to me. I share that room with my sewing stuff and there are days I just can't go in there and work until those scents fade a bit. Araignee

  6. WOW! I love it! What a great place to work and 'see' your projects. Just lovely.

  7. It does make a nice bright work space for your glass projects. I’d be tempted to have some food growing in there in these times!

  8. Look at all of that light. It's wonderful! I'm so glad you have such a wonderful place to work.

  9. Do you also use it as a greenhouse on a smaller scale?

    1. We sometimes start a few tomoaes in there we are waiting on seed right now...:)

  10. That is a big project and so good to have it completed. How wonderful it is to have such a big workspace! There is room in there for both of you to have projects. Have a good weekend!

  11. That was wonderful that his crew could do it. Looks great inside. A ton of room!! Wind and rain come in over here. :)

  12. That was a big project. Sure is a nice big bright place to work. You mentioned the wind. Just wondering if it has been extremely windy there. We have had months of high winds. Never seen anything like it.

  13. Now that s an impressive greenhouse. I would love one but I would have to re-design my garden to fit one in.

  14. I'd love to have that greenhouse! Oh what I could grow in that. I'm confused though. Why wouldn't you want the plastic tight? It will flap around some in the wind I would think. Very bright in there now, you would need sunglasses. I guess once you get the shade cloth over the light and heat will be bearable. Lovely huge space, so tidy too!

    1. Too tight of plastic moves the bows and the end walls! Some flap is fine in the summertime. We can always make it tighter:)

  15. What a nice big workspace!

  16. Good questions about the flaps! My neighbor is putting up something like this. What a beautiful bright area!
    I'm pulling for a 'she-shed' to replace the busted up garage... :)

  17. Thank Goodness for your baby brother ( and his crew). The change-over went quickly and now it's done. Ready for the coming season.

  18. That certainly is a big project. And I was wondering how hot it would get inside, with the clear plastic...but I see you mentioned putting up a shade cover. Makes sense, although I was mulling that one over with a California thinking cap, not a Minnesota one! ;)

  19. A big project indeed, not something I would undertake

  20. Your greenhouse looks just awesome. How nice to have baby brothers to help with such big projects. You're getting alot done around your place. Good for you.

  21. Oh gosh, I still have nightmares about the time we were trying to put a new wrap on my father in laws hoop house when a gust of wind came up. There were seven of us holding it and we all came darn close to going para sailing!!!

  22. Now that's what I call a craft's room! No wonder your house is so clean and organized. If I had a place like that my house would be like a normal house! LOL! But then I have my basement so I guess there is no excuse for me and my messes! Great space though and so nice you have helpers!

  23. That's a nice greenhouse! I bet working in there on the cooler days is nice because it will be warmer inside. It sure gives a lot of room for projects!

  24. Glad you were able to get a big project like that crossed off your list.


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