Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day 2020

Like so many things in this Covid-19 world we now live in Memorial Day has changed...although maybe for the better...gosh did I just say that?  More people have had time to reflect on those who have died...hopefully taking a bit of time to reflect on those servicemen who died in the trenches.

My Uncle Arthur  was killed during the invasion of Italy, he died May 20 1944.  He is buried in The American Sicily-Rome Cemetery In Nettuno Italy.  He was 23 years old when he died.

If he had made it home to be buried he would have been buried on this hill in Minnesota.  The first flag in the photo is on my Grandmother's grave because she is a Gold Star Mother.  My Paternal Grandmother was mother to 14 children; 12 boys and 2 girls.  Hugo  and Arthur were in WWII, my Dad, Andrew and Arnold served during the Korean War.  Hugo was injured and spent a long time in Military Hospitals and Arthur never came home.

It is the soldiers that never came back that are honored today.
Far Side


  1. I cannot imagine what it would be like to lose a child. Both my uncles came back from WWII but one was considered 'shell shocked' or 'battle weary'. It was interesting as a child to have them in my life.

  2. My dad was one of 6 brothers and they all served but him. Three had ships shot out from under them in the Pacific but managed to come home. I can't imagine the sacrifice of sending your sons to war. I lost friends in Viet Nam but that's as close as it every got to my family. Now I worry about my grandsons. This world hasn't seemed to have learned any lessons for all we've lost in the past. Araignee

  3. Instead of a parade, this year we took our grandchildren to the cemetery on a deserted afternoon. We visited the memorial to fallen soldiers. They are only 7 and 5 and were flabbergasted to learn that we still have soldiers fighting wars overseas.

  4. Many of my family served and have served, but thankfully nobody died in combat. I hope you are having a safe and satisfying holiday weekend. :-)

  5. We have several family members who served in the military, including my husband. We were very fortunate that they all came home.

  6. I always felt lucky that my dad was too young for WWII and too old for the Korean warm. And that VietNam ended just before my brothers would have been old enough to be drafted. I feel like our family slid through under the radar.

  7. Thank you for this post. Personal stories of sacrifice are always the most meaningful. That hillside looks like a lovely resting place.

  8. Very lucky that all our veterans in the family came home. So many didn't and still don't.

  9. You are so right, Connie... so many things about this virus are GOOD things. Time to reflect on what really matters is one of them. May the souls of all our servicemen & women who lost their lives in battle rest in eternal peace. Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. My heart goes put to the ones left behind to cope with the incredible loss and injuries. All my uncles served and my Mother and they were all fortunate to come home unharmed. They all belonged to the VFW and always participated in the Memorial Day ceremonies. There are pictures of them hanging on the wall in the VFW in my home town. I just feel so bad as they gave so much to keep this country free and I pray that all their sacrifices were not in vain.

  11. Yes it is important to remember those we lost. My father and all of my uncles fought in WWII. I had one uncle that never came home. His plane was shot down over the English Channel and his body was never recovered. He was just in his young 20s, had never been married and had never had an adult life before he went to war. There are so many losses and all so sad.

  12. We should never forget those who died for their country

  13. Somehow I find it very hard to forget these fellows and that's the way it should be.

  14. God Bless all those who died in service to our country.

  15. It's a nice cemetery, and the old church is well-preserved. I'm sorry your uncle didn't make it home. So young.

  16. That is such a pretty scene where your Grandmother is buried. Your cemeteries are in the woods. We didn't do the flowers this year. I miss it but we stayed home. May be a cousin or two put flowers out this year for my parents and brother.


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