Sunday, May 24, 2020

Clinic, Groceries, Amazon and Cemeteries

The tourists are here.  In town on Thursday it was just nuts.  Hubbard County has it's first case of Covid -19 and Becker County has 32 or 33 depending on the source.  Far Guy had his infusion appointment and then some lab work that took 3 hours...guess who didn't grab her crochet bag?  Guess who had a nap, walked up and down the street and played games on her phone while she waited... Far Guy kept calling me with updates on why he was waiting so long and what orders had been faxed and what was messed up...guess who had to pee real bad by the time we got back home?

Anyways most of the groceries were ammonia, no lysol wipes, no paper plates, no ice cream...Far Guy could not figure out why there is an ice cream shortage. 

Most of Minnesota is supposed to open back up on Monday May 25. 
We will see how it goes.  We will keep on doing what we are doing.

Far Guy was locked out of his Amazon account.  (When he signed in he had to get a code from his email that never came to his email acct...go figure) I finally had to contact customer support for him, they called him and he had to prove over and over it was really him before they would reset his account.  Who the heck can recall what you have ordered in the past three or four months?  Finally they decided that it was really really really him and unlocked his account.  What a frustrating experience.

We visited some more cemeteries it is a good activity as most people there are dead already.  We trimmed away grass from a number of grave markers.  It was a good reminder for me that I need to spend more time at three or four country cemeteries getting photos of graves for Find A Grave.

A tree in bud at the church where I was baptized in 1952.
Far Side


  1. LOL..I can always recall what I've ordered from Amazon. I get something just about each month.
    But it is frustrating to not be able to sign in.

    I went to town yesterday early. Nuts. I'll switch back to very Early Monday mornings.
    After the State Supreme Court declared we were 'open' seems most folks think the Pandemic has ended. :(

  2. Our state is slow opening everywhere but the border. We are filled with tourists, too. We live near the Great Lakes and parking lots have lots of out of state plates. We did a curbside pickup at Lowe's yesterday and it turned out cancelling our state's "bike week" didn't work, there were thousands of motorcycles, too. We are staying home til Christmas, I guess.

    Our county has had one new case every day this week with 2 cases on Saturday. The neighboring counties have jumped because they tested a nursing home in the west and the veterans home east of us. Deaths have jumped, too. If one more person on the internet says these people lived a long life, I may just jump in my car and punch somebody.

    Public Memorial Day remembrances are cancelled, but our American Legion is going in a small group to every cemetery and doing a brief private ceremony. On Friday we took our grandchild home school to the church cemetery and a park in a neighboring small town which has a monument to honor those who served in each war and conflict as well as monuments to those who gave all.

    1. Can i add that it seemed that absolutely NO ONE remembered to pack a mask for vacation?

  3. Oh dear, I hope you made it home safely for that pee! :)
    I find it interesting wandering around cemeteries and it is usually very peaceful as well. I have a SIL who likes to do Find A Grave, but I have never done that.
    Take care, Mxx

  4. Goodness, the appointment sounds a bit frustrating, as does the influx of tourists. I just do not understand the selfishness that is demonstrated everyday by so many people. While they may feel they are low risk, the potential impact on the communities they visit and the health care system could be devastating. But hey they got to have some fun first! Yikes!!

  5. We too are filled with tourists now but thank goodness they are keeping the beaches and the water park closed so they come, look and then leave.
    I was locked out of my USPS account for the past month and it took weeks to finally get me back in. I was about to pull my hair out. I won't go in the local tiny post office so the only way I could do any mailing has been with Click and Ship. Araignee

  6. That sounds like an ordeal with the waiting at the clinic and dealing with Amazon. One of those days you're glad when it's over with. ;)

  7. When one lives in a major metropolitan area there is always the potential for crowds, even without tourists. We just don't go where there are lots of people yet. Masks are optional here, unless you go to Costco, I guess, so many wear them and many do not. Many still don't get it that masks are to protect other people, not just yourself.
    We would like to get away and visit some cemeteries where family are buried. I chuckled at it being "a good activity as most people there are dead anyway". We will probably go out on Tuesday, when the surge to visit cemeteries is over. Like you, we have people who served, but not war dead. And then there is the issue of where to pee when we venture far from home for a day.

  8. Life can be so frustrating sometimes.

  9. I decided not to decorate my family’s graves this year. The cemetery is a four hour drive and there are over 200 COVID-19 cases in the area. It was safer to stay home.

  10. It sounds like it was quite a memorable trip. I would have remember the need to pee much more than all the rest. But I've been known to find a secluded tree to help with the need. :-)

  11. Our state started opening up a few weeks ago but we are still staying in and taking the same precautions as before. Isn't it a pain when you run into problems with lab orders not showing up or being correct! It seems like that happens to us a lot. I am one that has to pee a lot and these days I try to avoid public bathrooms so that does create a problem!

    I suppose it is good that Amazon is being careful about protecting our accounts but that sure does sound like a pain! The last time I had to call Amazon I had a heck of a time finding the phone number for customer support. I don't think they want you to find it!

    I love the information you can get from Find a Grave. My parents graves are out of state and the first time I saw the marker on my Mother's grave was through Find a Grave. I cried when I found it and was so truly appreciative of all the work people do to keep it up. I joined it a while back in order to correct some information on a family member but I have not yet gone out to take pictures of graves. I want to do that to pay it forward on what someone did for me.

  12. Most people there are dead already. My dear, I had to chuckle.

  13. I used to leave a small bag of crochet cotton and a hook in the car all the time in case I was stuck waiting somewhere. That way I could whip up a dishcloth or two while I waited. Last fall I cleaned out the van and took it inside, your post reminded me that I need to put it back! A couple of our grandsons have an interest in old graves so we were going to take a few days this year to show them some of our old family graves and clean the headstones and trim around them. We haven't done that yet, but there's lots of summer left!

  14. My Wayfare password is messed up. Instead of allowing me a new password, I have to send for a temporary one. They certainly have not lost all my info and remember everything that I have bought from them. We didn't make it to any cemetery so far. I was suppose to go to my cousin's husbands funeral but that has been postponed. I was going to hit the one cemetery in Murray while I was there.

  15. WOW! Tourist season already. We are still in lock down 9 new cases in a very few days. I'm so tired of all this.

  16. When we went shopping last week there was still no yeast but to my surprise there was no icing sugar either. In fact the whole baking aisle looked rather bare. Luckily there was ice cream. And the line-ups for the cashier were not so long that we were afraid our ice cream would melt. Just in case there is a shortage I made sure to buy 3 tubs. Two for us and one for son2.

  17. Did the cemetery thing this weekend. My hubby and I are the only ones of either family that do this. When we are gone the parents and grandparents will be forgotten. So sad to think this way but I guess that is way it goes these day. That' why i don't want to be buried - who is going to car about my grave anyways. Glad you both are still healthy.

  18. I am very concerned about opening up. I think we're in for run away virus.

  19. Being locked out of an account is bloody frustrating and some companies want to know everything from the time you were born till when you last farted in order to prove who you are

  20. I like that last picture....very beautiful! Glad you were able to get far guy back in to his amazon account. Good Grief. We have alot of tourists here this weekend too. Take care.

  21. The tourists are here too, despite pleas for them to stay away from the local council, and the fact most of the local events are cancelled, and those that aren't are being done online. Guess they just miss the beach.

    That's annoying about the Amazon thing. Glad he got it sorted in the end.


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