Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Scarf or Cowl

I finished the last row on this scarf /cowl and will commence sewing the two ends together hopefully I left enough yarn on the ends to do a seamless job.

I may keep this one for myself or may go in the donation/gift box.   This one will go with just about anything you I wouldn't have to worry about being all matchy matchy.

I worked on the afghan while watching more of Ozark....who writes this stuff anyways?  I have one more row to finish and then figure out a border.

I spring cleaned the dining area today, it is not a huge area so it was an easy job.  I went through the cubbies in the dining room and sorted out some cookbooks.  Far Guy was busy washing the ceilings.

We walked to the mailbox, it is still chilly here...we saw some lake people out walking and talked with them from far, far away.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful colors. I am all for not matching most days.

  2. Those are the best colors yet. You are right in that it will go with just about anything.

  3. It sure is pretty. Whoever gets to wear it will enjoy it, I'm sure. Another beautiful creation added to the world. :-)

  4. That scarf/cowl is so pretty and yes, it would go with anything! I have not watched Ozark but I have often said the same thing. It scares me to think about the people out there that make up some of the horrible things on shows....where is their mind? They are scary!!! Far Guy washing ceilings? That is a hard job! I don't have the scrubbing strength when it's over my head but now I have a flat mop that I use and that helps. I used to do it with just a bucket and rag. Bless him...over your head anything is hard to do for very long! He must be strong!
    Glad I mowed yesterday as it is supposed to rain for the next few days. Take care!

  5. Pretty colors! Spring cleaning is keeping us all busy! Have a great day!

  6. And we get to practice our outside voices!

  7. The Mister just finished up the last season of Ozark but he can't say anything about it because I haven't watched it. I had to give up on season one because it became too intense when I was going through a thing right after my dad died. I am working my way through The Wire right now which I LOVE. I need a bit of humor to go with my thrillers or I end up biting off all my fingernails. Araignee

  8. Isn't it funny how talking -even from a distance - to someone else is such a treat? Maybe most folks will have a bigger appreciation for the little things in life after this.

  9. The scarf is pretty! I once did an afghan using that stitch. I think it's still at the lake house. Last week when I was walking Katie around the back of her yard a neighbor who lives two lots over, with a vacant lot between us came over and we talked. It was nice to talk to someone face-to-face. We figured if Katie's leash was between us we were at least 6 feet away from each other. Plus she got to get petted by someone besides her folks. She figured it was a win.

  10. I have a series or 4 of tv shows I record so I can fast forward through the commercials. Mostly British detective shows- I grew up on Agatha Christie novels and have loved the genre ever since. And the singing shows- so much talent out there.

  11. Adding color is always fun and this looks warm, too.
    Haven't seen Ozark yet. I do watch some pretty strange shows, though, so sounds like something I might like--LOL! ;)

  12. That is such a pretty cowl with all of the gorgeous color. You're right, it will go with absolutely everything. I'm glad you're keeping it for yourself.
    So many shows that I've watched make me wonder about the people that are walking around in the world. How can they write these things? What kind of dark thoughts do they have? It's actually a bit scary if you think about it too long.
    Good for Far Guy. He's definitely a keeper. Cleaning ceilings is hard!

  13. Another beautiful scarf/cowl! You are so speedy - you and Betsy!

  14. Beautiful work! Are a lot of people going to their lake homes this early?

    1. Yes I think some of them are escaping from the bigger cities to the lakes:)

  15. You do such beautiful work. It's always nice to have something that goes with everything. Sometimes I get excited when I see other people now. How crazy is that! Conversations from a distance can still be good ones.

  16. Cleaning my dining room is on my list of things-to-do tomorrow. Shouldn't take too much time and it's always nice to get it done.

  17. Pretty colors.
    I haven't caught the deep cleaning bug. Should I feel guilty> Naw.

  18. I have a afghan that my mom made probably sixty years ago and it was that same pattern. She bought it as a kit from Lee Wards. Her colors were all in oranges, yellows and browns. I forgot about it in the basement chest of drawers.

  19. Pretty colors in the cowl, you're right it will go with anything!

  20. You sure do a beautiful job on these items that you're working on...and I once again, really love the color of this cowl. sure are good cleaners. I bet your house just sparkles! I walked out to the mailbox today too....I don't think my walk is as long as yours...but it was nice to be outside. We also saw a kayaker go by on the lake this morning. that was nice. Seemed almost like normal! Take good care!

  21. Pretty colors and work , thanks for showing us.Made me smile.

  22. Very pretty! I'm surprised the lake people are there, people have been told to stay away in several provinces due to the lack of medical facilities in these areas.

  23. Nice to hear about more progress on finishing up projects. At least, if nothing else, this is helping you check all those things off your to-do list. Getting to see and talk to people from a distance was probably a welcome change though.


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