Tuesday, April 21, 2020


I am working on getting 80 crochet squares joined.   It is a logistical nightmare consisting of several oh no moments....when two flowers were next to each other...the sequence is supposed to be ...a flower square...and a plain square...well someones brain must have been on vacation so she had to frog some of the joining and correct her mistakes.   I thought about leaving it...them..as there were two small easy to fix mistakes but one whole row was off...my CDO would not have allowed it.  Fix the errors and carry one correctly!   It is heavy and cumbersome...all the horizontal rows have been joined and I am working on the vertical ones now.

I threw it on the couch when I got out from under it for supper.  Far Guy cooked Hawaiian chicken, romaine salad and veggies. 

I have been watching Netflix while working on this project.  It Takes Two was a hoot and I enjoyed it very much!  I give it 9 out of 10 stars.   My sister recommended Salt....oh my...I watched it but all the time wondered about the stunt woman!  I give it a 3 out of 10 stars.  Jen recommended Ozark  a series so I started watching it...it is a bit gory and morbid too but I will probably continue to watch it...I give it a 5 out of 10 stars.

About that plate rack.  Far Guy and I built all the kitchen cabinets and drawers.   I wanted a plate rack...but one that was easy to clean.

See that tiny screw in the front?   If that screw is removed the whole rack comes out and you can clean the entire shelf. 

Our design works great...we had several different prototypes...this one  fits perfectly!  The wood is angled with dowels in between...the piece of wood at the back meets the wall perfectly.   I learned all about cabinet carpentry skills the summer we built the cupboards and drawers.

We are still feeling just fine, we went for a walk...it is downright chilly here.  It spit rain on us but neither of us is that sweet that we would melt.

Far Side


  1. I'm glad you didn't melt in the rain LOL.
    What a fantastic idea with your plate rack. My husband would have loved that idea, he loved making things with wood and was so practical with it.
    Good luck with finishing stitching together your blanket. Mxx

  2. I think your plate rack is "the cat's meow"! How practical. i know how you feel about the afghan and the mistake. I also must correct my mistakes even tho I may be the only one who even knows they exist. We had a heavy rain for about an hour last night.Glad you are all still helathy.

  3. Your squares are glorious!!! I don't really crochet but I got the idea a while ago to make a hexie motif afghan I saw someone make on Ravelry. I loved making the squares but joining them was no fun. It is also very heavy. It lives in a box under my bed now since I know if I had to wash it the whole thing would probably come apart. Araignee

  4. I saw photos from another person doing her crochet blocks...she laid everything out in a huge room. I may have not fixed the error. Sometimes I like having things imperfect just because that is the way I am.
    That plate rack is incredible! Over the next few days of storms I think I will be washing the inside of cabinets...

  5. The crochet project is massive, it seems. I can't wait to see the finished product. And yes, that plate rack is wonderful. Thanks for sharing all this with me. :-)

  6. What a clever design for your plate rack. No one in my house has those skills. I understand your pain with the crochet project. I find myself obsessing about mistakes in quilting too and usually end up taking the item apart and fixing my mistake.

  7. I would be bothered by the mistake, too. What a colorful blanket this will make.
    That is a very clever idea for the plate rack. :)

  8. You might want to try Derry Girls on Netflix. it's an acquired taste, but I thought it was funny

  9. I just know that my hubby and your Far Guy would hit it off famously, Connie. They sound like they have the same personalities and likes. As for you and your sister... well... it sounds like you both have different taste in shows. *haha* I'm not much into shows so we don't have Netflix (one of the only people in the world who doesn't, I'm guessing!)... but we do watch YouTube on our living room tv, with the aid of an Amazon FireStick. That afghan is going to be absolutely gorgeous when you're done... your nerves maybe not so much. Love, Andrea xoxo

  10. Good Morning Connie! Your squares are beautiful! I've been crocheting since I was 7 and I've made many granny blankets. Joining is my least favorite part and I've become a great fan of the "join as you go" method. I understand taking them apart to fix the issue. I so it all the time and it drives Dennis crazy. He says no one but me knows the mistake is there. Exactly.
    That plate rack design is ingenious. Is there nothing that you and Far Guy can't do? Did you two build your entire house? I hope you have a lovely day.

  11. After a huge protest in Denver and in Grand Junction...our goobaner is going to start EASING up on all this control we have going on here. He is worried about the Tourist season this summer...tourist = $ you know. Also, tourist areas are the hardest and the worst hit with the virus so he says he feels trapped. DUH

  12. The colors in your afghan are so rich. I hated joining the ones I made. It’s so boring! At least you can watch tv while doing it. I listen to a lot of podcasts while I work because all I have to do is listen and I can keep my eye on my project a little better. Can’t wait to see yours complete!

  13. The afghan is going to be stunning when finished. My Netflix list has many of the same shows/movies. Lately, I’ve been listening to audiobooks more than watching Netflix.

  14. The afghan is going to be so beautiful! If I were putting those squares together I'm sure I would make a big mess. I've certainly made a few mistakes with quilt blocks when my brain stops working. The plate rack is brilliant. You two are obviously geniuses in many ways. I tried watching Ozark but I couldn't go with it. I did watch and very much enjoy Breaking Bad even though I thought I would hate it for the violence. I thought Breaking Bad was just a well done series.

  15. Many years ago I had a white bedspread crocheted by a friend. It was also done in squares. My but that thing was heavy.

  16. When you're finished your project , you can be very proud of yourself.

  17. Ha! I think you're both pretty sweet! I love that afghan you're working on....such beautiful colors and patterns. You're not a quitter so I know it will be wonderful when you've finished with it. We are watching a new series called "The Chosen" about the life of Jesus. Jim likes to watch sports movies too and I like to putter on my computer. I make alot of Memorials for findagrave and make sure that I pray for each person as I make them. Stay well you two!

  18. I am very impressed with your self-taught cabinetry skills. You are one crafty lady.

  19. I cannot crochet or knit or do anything crafty at all

  20. I always looked for patterns that were all in one piece because I disliked putting pieces together so much. But they do get heavy and cumbersome, that is for sure!

  21. Your blanket is beautiful and I too would have taken it apart...I must have a little OCD also? That's amazing how talented you and Far Guy are to build your own cabinets. I always wanted to learn woodworking....it's still on my list but where should I start? Any hints for a beginner? Thanks for the movie recommendation; the other 2 don't sound like anything I would enjoy either.

  22. The afghan is gorgeous! I'm with you, a oh no moment must be fixed - someone else might not notice it but you'd see it every time you looked at it.

    Laughing at the sweet comment, I always I wish I'd melt a little. Take care and stay well!

  23. I like that plate rack idea. I am curious as to how the afghan finishes up sewn together.

  24. You have so much patience to work with all those details! I couldn't handle it.

  25. I'd have had to fix the broken pattern too. ;)


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