Friday, March 27, 2020

Town Report

Thursday is Far Guys infusion day.  The infusion protects his lungs for 6 replaces the protein that cannot escape his liver to protect his lungs.  WE are thankful for one more week.

Clinic Report:  They take your temperature when you enter the building, and ask the questions "Have you been out of the country?"  "Have you visited New York, California or Washington State recently?" " Have you had a temperature?  A cold or the sniffles?"  Then they write down your temperature on a post it note and stick it on your chest.  (Proof they did their job?)  They give you a mask to put on.  Then the gal tells you to go to registration....the gals there say "go ahead Gene you are all set Happy Thursday."

He is their every Thursday same time same place guy.

I waited outside in the parking lot...there are hearts in the window.  I called my sister and talked to her for awhile.  I crocheted.

After Far Guy was done we picked up our groceries from our online order.   Stopped by the butcher shop and bought bacon and brats.  You call in your order and they bring it out to the car.

Main Street was mostly deserted there were lots of places to park.

Minnesota goes into Stay at Home for two weeks this evening March 27 until April  10.

My other baby brother and his wife ( she who sees Robins first) stopped by to visit out on our patio. ( 6 feet apart at least)  She who sees Robins first already saw a Robin.  She brought me a skein of yarn from wally world so I can finish a project.

We are home and safe for another week   Stay safe!
Far Side


  1. My state, WI, is on lockdown from March 25 to April 24. Seems a little excessive to me since most of the cases are located in only about 4 counties. Oh well, not my decision to make. Hubby and I are both still healthy and bored to tears. Stay healthy my friend.

  2. WI is practicing 'Safer at Home'. Half our counties have cases and some of them are growing exponentially in numbers.
    When I went to Senior Shopping === we don't have the ability to order on line... it was like driving through a ghost town.

  3. Our community is ratcheting down on everything. They just closed the community pool and, horror of horrors... the pickleball courts! I can't complain. We are in a beautiful place with lots of open space and walking trails to enjoy. I anticipate that our county will go on "shelter in place" rules soon as the neighboring county is talking about it.

  4. Everything here is in lockdown, except being able to grocery shop, go to the pharmacy, or to the doctor's office. But I can still walk on the streets and trails, as long as I'm alone or physically distant from others. I'm trying to stay positive (but not positive for the virus!). Glad you and Gene are done with the infusion for another week.

  5. I wish our grocer would let up come and pick up. They are delivering today and I'm nervous about them just putting the bags in the driveway. Silly I know but "it" keeps creeping closer as friends and relatives report people coming down with it. We had a 7/11 worker change his test results and infect all of his coworkers and who knows how many customers. Araignee

  6. Another week safely passed! Yay! I need an attitude change today so that I can accomplish something - anything. I'm in danger of just becoming a "lummp" on the sofa.

  7. You are doing everything you can... love the sign.

  8. Keep taking good care of yourselves, Mxx

  9. Happy to hear you and Gene had a good week.

  10. Glad Far Guy was able to get his infusion. I'm sure it is worrisome to leave the safety of your home.

    Take care and stay well!

  11. Glad Far Guy got his treatment and you got your food and yarn. I got to Walmart this afternoon to pick up my groceries. Did you go to Walmart? I'm not sure how to do it I guess I'll find out. Did you sanitize your groceries when you got home? I saw a doctor do it yesterday on You Tube but golly it seems futile. I think I'll just pray that I don't get it.

    1. No I did not go to Walmart. Check and see if you have curbside pickup at your walmart...we do not have that here but a Walmart 30 miles away does. Yes all fruit was washed and everything else rubbed down with sanitizer.

  12. another week, and another...
    that’s all any of us hope for. Stay safe and look after each other.

  13. Thank you so much for the sweet card. I am getting stronger every day. We have been closed down in Ohio for about 10 days I think. We have something called insta cart where we can get groceries on our doorstep. So thankful for the essential workers (that is what we call them in Ohio) who are providing services.

    For my doctor appt, we arrive in parking and call in. They call me when ready. My husband waits in the car. The staff opens all doors with gloves. I don't touch anything. There is only one patient in the building at one time. Took my temperature as soon as I entered.

  14. We've been on various stages of lockdown for a few weeks now here in Washington. Now, you can only go for medical appts, groceries and if you're considered an essential worker.
    I'm so glad Gene is done for another week and you can stay safely at home. I have always loved being home, but I appreciate it even more these days.

  15. I've been teleworking at home for two weeks now and my state (Oregon) has been in lockdown for one. If it saves lives, I'm all for it! Keep safe and healthy both of you!

  16. Interesting to see how you cope during this crisis. Glad all went well with your hubby's appointment.

  17. He who sees birds has not seen a robin yet. Robins are here...lots of them. Enjoy your week. Be well.

  18. It must have been nice to have your other baby brother and hid wife over for a visit even if you had to sit far apart. Nice that she brought you the yarn you needed too. I'm hoping for nice weather soon so we can have out kids come over and sit outside, 6' away from us and have a good visit. I sure miss them.

  19. Thursdays are big days for you guys! I saw our first Robin a few days ago. I sure enjoyed seeing that little guy. We've had almost nothing but rainy, dark weather for three weeks now. I need some sun! Our lockdown orders are until April 30th and our governor just called out the National Guard. We are seeing many more cases locally now and I don't want to go to the store any more. We'll have to look for other options. You two take care. I am praying, praying hard!

  20. I am glad that it all goes smoothly. I had to avoid my neighbor to the north yesterday. He was outside working on rain barrels. We always have good talks but he has to get real close to me to talk so he can hear me. I just worked around him and went out when he was gone.

  21. Life is different now but some appointments are still needed

  22. We are hearing robins in the tree tops as the last rays of sunlight slip beyond the horizon.
    I'm glad you have passed another Thursday milestone. On to the next. We are all living a day or a week at a time now.

  23. Wow! Interesting to see California has made top billing on the clinic's list of Places-Not-To-Be. Actually, with the huge population in California compared to our number of coronavirus cases, it is not half as scary as it is for those who are in New York. Their case count is astronomical. Hopefully, that virus doesn't make it to your hideout in the woods, and you two and everyone you know will stay healthy and safe!

  24. Another Thursday victory.
    North Dakota hasn't officially gone on lockdown yet, but schools and businesses have been doing it on their own.
    Glad you got your yarn. :)

  25. So glad everything went well for Gene and you got your groceries and got home safe and sound. I love the words on the cinema in town! Good to remember. Take good care you two.

  26. First to see robins. Nice name... hehe Stay safe!

  27. Glad you had another successful trip for Far Guy's infusion. Hope you both stay safe and well.

    We're on lockdown here in the UK, with people only meant to be going out for essential errands involving food, medical supplies, or going to jobs that are considered essential and can't be done from home. We're also allowed a walk once a day with the dogs, though with them having put barriers at the entrances to the promonade so we can't walk along the beach, and the park entrances too, it's not much of a walk, so all we can do is walk around the block and then go home.

  28. #aworldofhearts Spread love not germs. I put hearts on one of our windows. Hearts are in business & homes around my town.


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