Thursday, March 26, 2020

Baby Brother's Birthday

My baby brother is older today...soon he will pass me up as I have decided to go backwards in age now so in a couple of years he will be older than me.  I was 2 1/2 years old when he was born.  I was the best big sister ever!
Carey and Connie 1954 at the farm in Carsonville Township.

He had knee surgery January 23 and says his PT gal really makes him work.  When he gets done with physical therapy he will have two good knees again.

The Trailcam catches him from time to time as he comes by to visit or mow.  Last summer we were gone to the University of Minnesota and he and his lovely wife mowed our lawn.

My baby brother and his wife stopping by to visit.  Their lake home is just down the road.

Happy Birthday Baby Brother!
Far Side


  1. So nice to have family nearby. I wish I had some down here. Happy Birthday to the "baby" in the family! :)

  2. A big Happy Birthday to your baby brother.

  3. Happy Birthday Carey! Enjoy your day.

  4. Happy birthday to another March baby! My 66th birthday was Tuesday. And 43rd wedding anniversary was yesterday. Pretty depressing way to celebrate!

  5. Happy Birthday Carey, soon you too will be on the far side of 50! Not a bad place to be at all.

  6. Happy Birthday! I think it is my SIL's birthday today and I know it is my youngest son's tomorrow. How could that kid be turning 39?

  7. Happy Birthday to your Baby Brother. It's funny how no matter how old you are, in your family your still the baby if you're the last born. That's me too.

  8. So good that you live close together and can see each other often. Sweet photo of the two of you as children :)

  9. How wonderful that you are still close! I never had a brother but my mom did. It was a very special relationship. Araignee

  10. Happy birthday to your brother. Aloha from Hawaii.

  11. It made me chuckle that you used trail cams pics to show us your brother. Hope he has a great birthday.

  12. Happy Birthday to Carey! I'm impressed you weren't choking him in the first photo...memories of my own children. ;)

  13. Happy, Happy Birthday to your baby brother. I would love to have family close by. We're pretty much alone out here. That's why even though we love Washington state, we're planning to move back to Nebraska when we retire. Family is SO important.

  14. Happy Birthday Carey! I hope he has a great day. It is so nice that you live close. You and Far Guy have a good day!

  15. Happy birthday to your baby brother. I have a baby brother too and baby brothers are the best.

  16. Happy birthday to baby brother. So glad they can stop by and you can shout at each other--LOL! ;)

  17. Such a cute picture of you taking care of your baby brother. Not the best time to have a birthday. Who’s going to help him blow out all those candles?!! My hair was the same color as yours at your age.

  18. Happy Birthday "Baby Brother" and many many more!! Take care Connie and stay well. Love, Andrea XOXO

  19. Baby brothers are the best...Happy Birthday.

  20. My baby brother is 40 but always my baby brother

  21. Happy birthday to your baby brother. How nice that he and his wife live so close by.

  22. It's good that you have family around. I'm glad your soon not to be baby brother looks out for you.

  23. Happy Birthday to your brother Carey! Does he know that he will be bypassing you in age one of these years? I love those pictures of your beautiful green grass. Seems like a long time since I've seen any grass! Hoping all is well with the 2 of you!

  24. Happy Birthday to your baby brother. I bet you were the best big sister ever. Sure looked pretty around your place when the pictures were taken. I'll be glad when everything is nice and green again.

  25. Happy birthday and Happy New Knees to your "baby" brother. The hard work now may be a pain but will pay off...eventually...

  26. Happy birthday to your baby brother.

  27. Happy birthday to him, and thanks for the fun pictures. You were a good big sister! :-)


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