Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Snowstick Contest

It is that time of year again.

The snowstick is at 14 inches...when will it be free of ice and snow?   See that ridge of came off the roof and almost made it to the snowstick!

Leave me your guess...   just a date will do.  The winner will get something in the mail.   Not sure what yet but it will be worthy of a good guess!  I will accept guesses until Sunday evening at 9 PM.   Those shy people can email me with their guess.

I worked on some bark carvings last Fall and had some carvings almost ready to paint and I put them someplace safe...can't remember where that safe place was...but I shall be looking for it.

Far Side

Here is the Snowstick History:
2011  April 8
2012  March 13
2013  April 30
2014  April 10
2015  March 11
2016  March 8
2017 March 20
2018  April 22
2019 April 17

Your guess will appear here!
March 25 LAS
March 26 Sam
March 27 Sallys mom
March 28  Red
March 29  Chain Stitch Crochet     Linda Reeder
March 30 MJM   Betsy
March 31 Sara     Roz     thecrazysheeplady
April 1  silly girl     JT
April 2 Maebeme  DJan
April 3 Sonja
April 4 Wendy
April 5 Grace    Terry and Linda    At Home in New Zealand
April 6 Rita
April 7 Miss Merry
April 8 Harriet
April 9 marlu
April 10 Kay L
April 11 Bonnie     Cynthia
April 12 Jean
April 13  Alvina
April 14 Victoria Zigler
April 15 Lynne Ft Worth      Cathy    Bettina Groh
April 16 Mark o     linda m
April 17 Gemmas person
April 18 the bennie
April 20 Shirley
April 22 Debi    Diane in N Wisc
April 23 Joyce F
April 25 Andrea C
April 26 Marilyn
April 27 Lori
May 1 Tired Teacher


  1. April 7.i guess I am a pessimist

  2. April 1 - April Fool's Day is my pick!

  3. April 20- but I hope it's all gone before then!

  4. April 11th!

    You know, I'm always putting things in a "safe place" and then forgetting where they are!

  5. No guess for me. Just stopping by to say hi. I'm catching up on a few blogs. Not on spring break yet, so my sick time with my cold was sick time from work. Turns out I should probably be tested for Alpha 1 because it tends to be the cause for the other genetic fun I've been having for a long time. I don't see any grass in your photo. I have snow on my lawn, but I see more lawn than show... except for the plow piles.

  6. It depends on how much snow you get in the meantime...we're expecting snow this weekend and you seem to get our weather a couple of days later. Hmmm...I'll go with April 2.

  7. April 5th.
    Hope you have found your carvings. I am slowing learning not to ever put anything away in a "safe place" because I can never find it afterwards!

  8. This year is too weird to tell. My crocus (some of them) are up and it was 70 last Friday, this Friday it is supposed to be snowing and in the single digits (with below 0 for the weekend). Mind you I have had virtually no snow most of the winter here.

  9. How about April 2? It's not taken yet. :-)

  10. Is April 11 taken? If not, put me down.

  11. i want to pick April 16 as that is my hubby's birthday. Since someone else also picked that date, I will concede to him if need be.

  12. Well. It's hard to say but I'll guess April 22nd for the snowstick! Would love to see the snow be gone by then! We have a nice warming trend going on right now so you never know! Take care you two!

  13. Well, this year I'll try Mar 28?

  14. Happy hunting for that "safe place". March 29.

  15. March 26 since it is not taken....I was going to go for April Fool's Day but there were several already....we shall see! Always exciting!

  16. When you start your snow stick countdown, I figure Spring has to be coming to you. I think ours is here. Crocuses and Daffodils are blooming. Also the Harbinger-of-Spring and the Hepatica.

  17. If I can pick a date already taken, I'd like March 31. If not, I'll take the 26th.

  18. I am so amazed by the number of responses. This shows how much everyone is waiting for the snow to be gone and for spring to arrive. I guess it would be April 25 according to me. More than being part of this contest, I would like to appreciate you keeping us readers engaged even during snow. I too keep things in a safe place and forget where I keep it. So its no surprise. Thank you.


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your comments! If you have a question I will try to answer it here. I no longer accept anonymous comments. All comments will be approved before posting...due to spammers...may the fleas of a thousand camels infest every hair on his body. Connie