Thursday, March 12, 2020

Oh Baby!

We are thrilled to be Great Grandparents again! 

Cee Cee made her appearance very late on March 10th.   It was just 7 minutes til midnight when she entered the world.   Who was there:  her Mom of course and her Dad and the usual medical staff.

She weighed in at 6 pounds and 15 ounces and is 19 inches long.  Look at that hair! 

All dressed up!  Photos are from Maddies Facebook page.

Her hair sticks straight up just like her Mamas did when she was born.  She looks quite a bit like her Mama too! 

Her real name is not Cee Cee but that is what I am calling her.  She will join her big brother Hey Mikey at home later today...then the fun will begin! 

We are excited to hear more about her as she grows!  She lives in Michigan and we are not sure when we will get to see her....we love her already!

Far Side


  1. What a beautiful baby! Congratulations

  2. What a little sweetheart! Congrats!!!!

  3. Awwww, she is ADORABLE! Congratulations to everybody!

  4. Coongratulations. She is adorable. I especially love the picture of her in the hat with that sweet little smile.

  5. Congratulations! I'm so happy for all of you! She is precious and very photogenic! What a cutie and you know not all newborns are but she's just darling! I pray all are well and Maddie recovers soon to face her new reality! LOL! What a perfect little family....a boy and a girl. I wonder what Hey Mikey will think when he meets her for the first time?

  6. Congratulations to everyone. Glad that little CeeCee has joined us in the world. And thanks for the pictures! :-)

  7. Aw, so cute! Congratulations to her mommy and daddy.

  8. She is beautiful. The photos made me want to cuddle a newborn and sniff their sweet little head.

  9. Congratulations, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa! Beautiful baby girl!!

  10. Oh my goodness! How adorable! Congratulations! Cee Cee and Hey Mikey. That's so cute.

  11. Welcome to the world, little one! May your life be filled with blessings.

  12. Congratulations! Hope Hey Mikey adjusts well to having a baby sister.

  13. Exciting times when these little guys show up.

  14. How exciting! She is a little doll. I hope you get to see her fairly soon. Congrats!! :)

  15. What a sweet face. Hope you get to see her soon. Congratulations to everyone.

  16. It is so nice to have joyful news. Congratulations on the new great great grand. Our first grand was born like that. They got to the hospital and he was born quickly. We got an email from them a couple of hours away.

  17. She is darling! What delightful news! Hello CEE CEE!

  18. Congratulations to you all on the birth of Cee Cee! She is a beautiful little girl. Life is so precious.

  19. Congratulations! How exciting and what a happy ray of sunshine. She is absolutely beautiful and I love that head full of hair. Hey Mikey will be a wonderful big brother! Sending my love to the whole family.

  20. Congratulations! Miss Cee Cee is gorgeous!

  21. Welcome to little Cee Cee. I know she will be surrounded with love, even from a distance.

  22. Congratulations on the beautiful new baby in your family. Can't wait to see more pictures of her as she grows. Hope Hey Mikey learns to love her soon!

  23. Congratulations!!! Babies are sooo special!

  24. Hi, I saw you on DJan's blog. I am glad that the surgery was a success. Welcome to earth, Cee Cee. My cousin's nickname is Cissy, though her real name is Celia.

  25. Congratulations to all! What a cutie Cee Cee is!


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