Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Marching on

Yesterday I did errands while Far Guy was at Pulmonary Therapy.   The Nurse there says he is a trooper and many people would have cancelled when they are as short of breath as he is.  The Nurses at Pulmonary Therapy just monitor his blood pressure and Oxygen saturation levels while he is exercising...they will turn up his oxygen and that is about it. As for helping him with his shortness of breath that is way out of their area of expertise.  If he were to turn blue and flop over they would probably call someone from the ER.

Nothing much was accomplished on the home front...unpacking groceries...and then a bit of crocheting before I had a nap.  Supper was easy as we had picked that up in town.
Bouquet of flowers at wally world. I would have chose this one today as it has Matthiola incana or Stock in it.

Today we have dental checkups and cleanings.  It will be good to have that over with. One day at a time we keep marching on. 

Far Side


  1. I love that bouquet! Wow!
    I am trying to get my husband back to PT. He keeps dragging his feet.
    One day at a time.

  2. The colors in that bouquet are just gorgeous! They would make lovely wedding colors.

  3. Love that bouquet of flowers. Three cheers for Far Guy for being such a trooper at therapy. Praying he gets his transplant soon.

  4. You and FG deserve a medal award for patience. Also hoping the transplant call will come soon.

  5. Love your flower choices when you are out :-). Sorry about all the appointments. Sigh...

  6. That flower choice would have been mine too. Such gorgeous colors. Hoping that FG gets that transplant call soon. The waiting has to be tough.

  7. I love your bouquet! I also am fond of stock.!!

  8. What a pretty bouquet. It says spring doesn't it? I'm glad Far Guy is still hanging in there with therapy as it can't be pleasant for him.
    I had my dental cleaning last Tuesday. It's good to have it done for another six months. Dennis has his in a couple of weeks.

  9. Thanks for reminding what Pulmonary Therapy is. Good on FarGuy for pushing through!

  10. Agree one day at a time, the bouquet is so pretty, happy that Mr Far Guy is doing well.
    Have a blessed day.

  11. The colors in that bouquet are simply beautiful. I would have picked it too.

  12. I like that bouquet. A few days ago at the grocery store the young woman was throwing out partly wilted bunches of flowers each of which had at least a third of blooms still in great condition. I asked if I could buy them at a reduced price but was told they " didn't do that". I was sad to see those nice flowers get thrown out.

  13. Beautiful flowers you would have bought. Just think, now you don't have to water them! I do like that you picked up supper in town. A break from cooking is always nice, especially when you have a lot of appointments. I'm keeping my prayers going!

  14. I frequently "shop" by picking out the one thing I would buy if I was going to buy anything. It's almost as good as bringing it home.

  15. I wish there was something they could do for Far Guy. I'll keep praying about it. Those flowers came from Walmart? Wow! I've never seen any that pretty at my Walmart....lucky you!

  16. Far guy is amazing keepong on despite how he feels

  17. The flowers are lovely. Sorry that Far Guy is still dealing with shortness of breath. I hope that call comes soon.

  18. I adore the scent of stock. Have just planted some seedlings in the new garden, so am looking forward to when they grow bigger and flower for us.

  19. I thought pulmonary therapy would be a bit more helpful than that. Poor guy can't catch a break. I hope you're still feeling better! Those flowers are lovely....although nowadays if you get a rose with a fragrance you're awfully lucky. When I used to grow lots of rose bushes....there were some delightful fragrances in those. I sure miss growing roses. Enjoy their beauty...I know you can't take them home. Take care of each other!

  20. Sorry Far Guy is still so short of breath, but glad errands and appointments were achieved without incident.

  21. The flowers look great with the winter hanging on with all that snow. I will look up stock as that is a new one for me.


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