Monday, March 2, 2020

Going into March

I am feeling better almost normal...possibly a bit weepy ...but I get that way if I am tired.

I had only one nap on Sunday a long one 3 1/2 hours but after that I felt much better....and stayed awake the rest of the day.

I worked on a crochet project and my cards and between the two of us we managed to clean the bathroom!  Yeah for teamwork.

We have a busy week with five appointments this week.  It may be all we accomplish.

Far Guy is about the same...short of breath and coughing a bit...not better but not worse either.

Onward and forward into March...which seems like a very long month that can bring any and all kinds of weather to Minnesota.

Far Side


  1. Daughter told me last night she was feeling all weepy. She's got a cold and she said it's the weirdest cold she's ever had. I hope it's nothing worse. You never know these days. I'm afraid to turn on the news anymore. I hope you're feeling better and that March brings you sunny days and a permanent warm up.

  2. Glad you're feeling more like yourself now. Sorry Far Guy is still sick, but glad he's no worse... That's something at least. Good luck with the week's appointments.

  3. Glad you are feeling a little better and that Far Guy isn't getting worse. He is in my daily prayers for better breathing nd a lung transplant real soon. Hopefully Spring is on it's way real soon.

  4. Hello! Love that beautiful colored stick! Our snow is melting quickly and turning to ice at night. Mud and ice...but my neighbor on the ridge has started tapping his maple trees.

  5. I hope you are feeling much better, vaccine side effects can be pretty rough. Also hope that March will melt your snow instead of bringing more!
    That is exciting the you will soon have another great grand baby, sure to make everyone happy.

  6. March is by far the longest month in the entire year!

  7. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I have been praying for both you and Far Guy all weekend...along with the rest of the world. I've been a bit weepy and very unsettled too. I think it's from all of my "chicks" being so far away in these strangley uncertain times.
    Wishing you both the best this week and that you get news of a transplant very, very soon.

  8. Yes, March in Minnesota can be...well...interesting. Here in Michigan too, but maybe not quite as interesting here as where you are. We have lots of appointments this week and others. I like slow weeks better. I am glad you are feeling better, I have almost kicked my cold as well. We can get through March! Yes we can!

  9. Glad you're feeling better, I'm guessing you'll need your stamina for the week of appointments. I continue to hope that phone call comes soon.

  10. March has a split personality and teases us with a little spring only to whip back into winter. But this week we are expecting some spring weather and our snow is disappearing quickly. Maybe we won't see as much flooding if some of it melts now - before we get more. So glad you are feeling better.

  11. So glad to hear you are feeling better and that you got your bathroom clean! LOL!
    Sunday afternoons are great for naps. I may have to nap every Sunday afternoon.
    I hope the weather stays decent for all your appointments. I love your garden jewelry!

  12. I feel that way about just seems to drag on and on. March is full of change here so that helps. And farming the ground starts so that helps also.


  13. Happy March - and the sun is shining! Happy you are feeling a bit better!

  14. We might even have rain upon the snowbanks this week. March is always unpredictable. Glad FarGuy is not any worse. And glad you are feeling more yourself again. :)

  15. Glad you are doing better and Far Guy is holding. Prayers for easier breathing and a phone call.

  16. I'm glad you are feeling better and that Far Guy is no worse... holding his own, as they say. I have been weepy as well... maybe a side effect of the weather?

  17. Been slack on reading your blog so I am not sure what is wrong with Far Guy put prayers being sent. Hopefully spring will come soon.

  18. I'm so glad to hear you are feeling a bit better. I wish Far Guy was as well but I guess it's good he is not worse. Five appointments this week? I would not get much else done at all. I had three last week and just that kept me busy. Take one day at a time and rest when you can!

  19. Unpleasant to be so sleepy but better than getting shingles. I wonder if the second dose will have the same effects.

  20. I could see how the appointments will be enough to keep you busy. Our flu is almost done but their is still things effecting us yet. We have a funeral on Wednesday so we will have to get out.

  21. It's great to hear that you're doing better and Far Guy isn't any worse. Gotta be thankful for small mercies.

  22. I usually don't have time to nap between Monday to Friday but I do like a nap

  23. Same song, second verse: I'm glad you are feeling better and Far Guy is no worse. I also like your garden jewelry!

  24. It's good to have March here, with more sunshine. Makes a big difference in my feeling of well-being. I hope everything goes well for you.

  25. So glad to hear you're feeling better. Wish Far Guy was too! Hope all the appointments go well for you two this week. I've got a couple this week too. May we all do well! Take care!

  26. My doctor tells me I need to get the shingles shot. I just can't get up the nerve to do it. My brother-in-law has recently suffered through the worst case of shingles. He goes once a week now for acupuncture for his pain. His doctor says he is over the shingles but his brain doesn't believe it. (something to that effect) He has really suffered.


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