Wednesday, March 18, 2020


I stole some photos from Maddies facebook page.

Here is the little princess Cee Cee...I hope her Mom revisits this photo when Cee Cee is a teenager!

Seems Hey Mikey likes his sister but is quickly over her and off to do something else...typical two almost three year old.

We wish they lived closer so we could help spoil them rotten!

I  talked to Maddie last evening, she says the baby is really good and Hey Mikey is helpful  most of the time.
Far Side


  1. What a sweetheart! That princess photo is precious.

  2. CeeCee is such a beautiful baby. Love the picture of her and Hey Mikey. When my grandson was born my son and wife lived in Houston, TX and I didn't get to see Logan until he was six weeks old. Still hardly ever get to see him and Logan will be 21 this year. Real bummer

  3. Hey MIkey is just adorable, as is his new sister. They are beautiful. :-)

  4. Glad Cee Cee is doing well, and Hey Mikey is handling being a big brother well.

  5. I love the photo of the two of them. What beautiful babes.

  6. Beautiful greats! The two of them together is so precious...

  7. Both of those photos are adorable. They are really cute kids. We never took cute photos like that princess one when our kids were little. I wonder why.... No one I knew did it though. I think they are wonderful.

  8. Wonderful photos! The internet is such a get to see and share that way

  9. Beautiful photos. It is hard when you cannot have close contact with loved ones.

  10. Great picture of both but I noticed a certain devilish look in his eyes!

  11. Oh how I love both of those pictures! Cee Cee is so precious and Hey Mikey has grown so much and is truly handsome. He does look proud of his new little sister. I know the two of you must be very proud great grandparents and rightly so!

  12. Cute kids! We have a new grandson we haven’t seen yet either. We planned be there this week but now I think it will be a long time until we get to hold him.

  13. What a darling photo with the crown and the sparkly royal cape! She is a cutey and so is Hey Mikey. He has grown so much. He looks more mature than a 3 year must be the big brother responsibility.

  14. Awww, such sweet photos! Sounds like Hey Mikey is going to be a good big brother.

  15. Thank you for sharing such beautiful family pictures today! Cee Cee is lovely and hey Mikey is looking cuter than ever. So glad he likes his sis most of the time! Such a cute family!

  16. What a beautiful baby Cee Cee is, Mikey is adorable.

  17. Precious photos! Mikey has grown so much. :)

  18. That first photo is just lovely! And hey Mikey is a real cutie too. Glad he mostly likes his little sister, lol!.


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