Thursday, March 19, 2020


It was a dreary day yesterday.   I took a long nap. Stress exhausts me and I start to yawn and cannot stay awake.  The news these days will do that to discouraging is all this business about the Corona Virus? 

I ordered some yarn online thinking that would perk me was a great maybe I will perk up after to arrives...

The wreath outside the door.  Yes the Christmas lights are still in place...I might turn them on again.

I called my parents they say they are fine.  I called to see if I could add anything for them to my online grocery order...and Mom had made a trip to the grocery store and pharmacy.

Miss Paige called to check on the elderly and a neighbor called to see if we needed anything.

The only people I have seen is my other baby brother and his bride.  They stopped by on Tuesday afternoon and we visited outside more than six feet apart.  Far Guy was asleep when they came over.

Today Far Guy goes into the Infusion Center for the infusion that protects his lungs.  I will have the online grocery order delivered to the vehicle and go through the drive through at the bank and then wait in the Clinic parking lot for Far Guys call....once at home groceries will be disinfected as much as possible.

Life goes on.
Far Side


  1. I've been putting my groceries in the sink and washing everything before putting them away including anything I get online. I may be going overboard but this is getting scarier-and closer. We had out first death here in MD. A 60 year old man. I hope that sobers The Mister up who's not taking this as seriously as I would like. Our stores have stopped all pick up and deliveries due to a break down in supply chains. Our shelves are empty so there isn't much use in going out anyway anymore. I just tried to find flour and pancake mix online and couldn't come up with anything, Scary times.
    Stay well.

  2. Cold and rainy around here yesterday and today. All activities have been cancelled -church, Bible study, coffee with friends, etc. Hubby is working from home 4 days a week. These are some really scary times. Hopefully it doesn't last too long or there won't be an economy left. Stay well and stay safe.

  3. So glad you are being cautious and have people checking up on you, and that you are checking with your loved ones. We are doing the same. Stay safe and healthy.

  4. We finally have some sunshine and warm weather. Since it's Thursday and I usually go hiking with my friends, today there are three different trailheads I could get to myself (no more carpooling) and join anybody who might show up, even if we need to stay apart and not visit as much. It's so weird out there, worldwide.

  5. I've heard other people say this week that they were considering putting their Christmas lights out again. I ran to the grocery store this morning at 8:00 am to get the cat food I forgot to buy yesterday. Early morning hours reserved for "old" folks. That was weird to just see old people like me in the store. And it's raining again today. Sunshine would sure help.

  6. Keep up the isolation tactics, you are doing well so far. It must be such a worry with Far Guy, and I truly hope you will both be okay during these weird times. Take care, Mxx

  7. Grocery stores have instituted early morning shopping for seniors and those in the high risk category which is nice. I still have a stocked pantry, so I’m doing well staying at home. I’m staying busy knitting and sewing.

  8. Stay well, My friends. My thoughts are with you. The times are stressful that is for sure.

  9. Yes sanitize sanitize - we are doing the same here. Even heard it is a good idea to keep your shoes that you wear out in one area or sanitize the bottoms. Take care!

  10. I am considering making my own sanitizer as it is hard to find now. I figure if alcohol is the main ingredient, then a bottle of Everclear (basically, it;s moonshine) and my aloe plants will do the trick. Isolation may be boring but it beats the alternative.

  11. Glad to hear everyone is doing well. I attempted to order some yarn on-line but unfortunately the shipping costs to Canada was more than the cost of the yarn so I said, no thanks. I have enough in my stash...I don't need anymore. :)

  12. I'm glad you're both doing well. I can't believe your Mom went shopping! None of our stores are doing delivery or pick-up now because there is no stock. I sure hope that changes soon.
    I never thought about disinfecting my groceries. I just put them away as usual. Uh-oh!

  13. It's a lot of planning and work, this staying isolated thing. It's cold and dreary here too. Had a sort of OK sunrise yesterday. Katie got her teeth cleaned and had 6 pulled, that was a shock. Poor girl isn't feel all that great today. But she's better than she was last night, so I'll take it.

  14. That's got to be the most stressful part of your week when you have to go for his infusion. You're doing it a smart way. Don't forget to wipe off your steering wheel and phones, too. Talk about big shifts in the world! Nice to have people checking up on us old folks. ;)

  15. I was wondering if I should try to disinfect the things that come into the house? Did you just wipe them down with a sanitising wipe? We got groceries today and I cleaned all the kitchen surfaces after we put the groceries away. The grocery store was sure depressing to see so many empty shelves.

    You two stay well!

  16. You have to be so careful. We are trying to be too. One of your commentors reminded be that I need to wipe down the kitchen counter since we grocery shopped today. We took advantage of the special "old people and the infirm" hours at Safeway, but the hours are 7:00 to 9:00 AM, way too early for our new stay at home routine.

  17. 6 Ft apart is the master cure for the virus. Best treatment is to NOT GET IT! And all this testing junk means nothing. Stay safe with Far guy. Sounds like you are doing everything you can. Yeah! Nice to have a network of concerned citizens out there looking out after each other. It is the way things should be in our society.

  18. the looking after is going both ways. We must look after each other.

  19. It all has become overwhelming. I worked hard today to not bring anything home to Della. Once home I threw all my clothes in the wash machine to not carry anything into the house. Yes our boys both give us their elderly calls. One son works in a lab with research mice and the other works downtown with lots of places to get exposed.

  20. Staying 1.5m apart isn't always easy but people are getting better at doing so

  21. Sounds like you're taking many good precautions these days. Good for you. I got a message from the big hospital in Milwaukee where I had my surgery done and all the follow-up work, saying don't come in if you don't have to. If you have elective things coming up, try to postpone them. My next thing is a CT Scan in July...I will postpone that if necessary. Time will tell. Please take good care of each other, you two. Blessings!

  22. Just this week I decoded I'd start wiping down all the groceries when we bring them home. I didn't think of the counter... now I'll add that to my list. We're learning a new way of living and I wonder if we'll keep it up after the whole scare is over.

  23. My daughter just read me an article about everyone turning their Christmas lights back on. I guess everyone needs a little bright spot in the midst of all this.

  24. I just turned my lights back on last night as I needed some colorful cheer. I have pretty white lights in the house and I turned them on for comfort too.
    No online anything shopping around here. I'm thinking of trying Amazon for instant potatoes and dry milk...most dry milk is out of stock everywhere.
    However I did score milk at 5am at a gas station 5 miles away yesterday. I bought small bottles and froze two!
    Stay well and continue to make your gorgeous projects!

  25. Glad everyone is checking on everyone else. Stay safe.


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