Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tulips, a tree and other stuff

I managed to have my yearly physical.  I passed.  Had some skin tags removed and got a Tetanus Booster.  She wants fasting blood work so I will do that later in the week.  She wants me to monitor my blood pressure closely...so Far Guy has a job again.  They are still short of the Shingrix Vaccine...so I am on the waiting list.

Far Guy went to Pulmonary Therapy while I ran errands and crocheted in the car.

We went to the grocery store together.  We split up the list and shopping goes much faster...except when he stops to visit!

Spring is at the grocery store.   Every week I pick out which bouquet I would buy if I could have flowers in the house.  This week it was the tulips...hands down especially those yellow ones!

Found this photo on my phone...one night Far Guy and I sat on Main Street together and took a photo of the Christmas Tree in the middle of the street.  It has been removed now....it takes up a number of parking spots.

Today and tomorrow we get to stay at home.  We appreciate the days that do not have appointments.  We could be hermits. 

Far Side

" Morning is God's way of saying one more time, go make a difference, touch a heart, encourage a mind, inspire a soul and enjoy the day."


  1. Good morning. Happy to hear you passed you physical. Love the picture of the Tulips; made my day on this freezing winter morning.


  2. What's the Shingrix vaccine? Is that for shingles? I need to monitor my bp too. The top number went up so they doubled my medicine. I wasn't taking very much anyway. My bp cuff wasn't working right. I may have to buy a new one..it's old.
    Love the lights on the town tree....really pretty! Glad you got a picture of it. We never have nice flowers here...just those dyed daisies which I don't care for and roses with no smell. I just remembered that about Far Guy. I hope the ornaments didn't affect him! I love that quote about morning....so true! Have a great day in spite of it all! A friend of mine used to say..."It's a great life if you don't weaken."......so true!

    1. Yes the latest vaccine for Shingles prevention. You need one shot and then in 60 days another.
      The smell of cinnamon was okay with the ornaments

  3. Glad the appointment and errands went well, and you get a day off from appointments.

  4. I noticed spring flowers in the lobby of the grocery store here, too. It sure is nice to see tulips, especially in January! I need to get that Shingrix vaccine as well as my annual wellness checkup. Thanks for the reminder. :-)

  5. I have a busy week of appointments for myself, Mom and the cat. I doubt Mom will be getting out in our very cold temperatures. She hates the cold and is like a bear in his cave during winter. Plus she has some stomach issues. I like the quotation you used.💖

  6. I don’t know how you resisted bringing those tulips home! I have a physical therapy appt three days a week for 12 weeks and I’m only on #3, so I know how you treasure those stay-at-home days with no appointments.

  7. My husband is on 3 waiting lists for the shingles shot here in Michigan. While at our Kroger store (grocery) he stopped by the pharmacy to get on their list and they said they didn't have a list, they had the vaccine! So he got the first of 2 and will go back in a few weeks for the second. He called his brother who was also on lists and the brother got his shot too. My point is, check with your grocery store pharmacy...I don't think people think about them and maybe they have it!

    I love yellow tulips too.

  8. I have to get out today to clear the snow up north. I am going to start myblower first here so I won't get into trouble in zero degree temps. It is suppose to be 3 degrees F. by the time I get there. My favorite town council member is probably saying my name with curse words.

  9. We have a friend who got the Shingrix vaccine last week. Walked right into the grocery store and got it. He had been told he was way down the list at the pharmacy. But...he had a horrible reaction. His entire upper torso from the waist up turned bright red. They showed us a photo. Now I'm afraid to get it and he's nervous about the follow up vaccine. I had a bad reaction to the old shingle vaccine and was almost hospitalized. I don't know what to do since I have already had shingles twice I don't want to do that again.
    Those tulips are lovely. I would love to have some spring in the house. :-)

  10. I think I could be a hermit also. It's snowing here and we have Dr. appointments in Grand Junction. Nothing serious just skin check ups.

  11. I have definitely become a hermit lately - too cold and snowy, and my friends are all currently traveling in warmer locations. It is way too easy for me to slide into that hermit state of being. But today I have to go out to ship some contracts for work and I'm going to treat myself to lunch in my favorite restaurant and stop in some favorite shops. Time to talk to humans again. LOL

  12. I would love to be a hermit. Hermits unite! hee 'Cept if you're a hermit that would be non hermitty.
    Love the flower idea.
    You are so laid-back. A woman for all women to aspire to be.

  13. We're finally getting some warmer weather so I hope it is on your way too. Mind you, we'll probably get more snow. I have to get out and shovel this afternoon, as my walkway blew in while I was away from home last weekend. My son parks in the garage in front of the house and doesn't pay attention. :)

  14. Those tulips are lovely! Those warm days we had forced some of my outside bulbs to sprout and now they look terrible from the cold. I hope I get some blooms this year. It's been such a weird winter here.

  15. I wonder if those tulips were shipped from the huge tulip greenhouses in our Skagit Valley.

  16. Yay for staying home! Enjoy! I love your choice of Tulips. I like the white ones but they are all pretty. And the price is right if you don't bring them home. ; ) It sounds like you have a good plan at the store. Tom likes to go with me but he takes *forever* looking at everything! Enjoy your days at home!

  17. I got my shingles shot last week and tetanus and pneumonia this week. Between that and shovelling I sure have sore arms.

  18. Nice to read your pysicial went well
    The tulips are lovely

  19. The tulips look beautiful and happy for your physical, it must be all of that shoveling you do!
    I had to monitor my BP for a while, but after a year at CrossFit, my numbers are really quite good which makes me very happy.
    Hmmm, I brought home some more carnations and roses, they barely had any scent. But they were very cheery over those dreary days last week.

  20. The tulips are lovely but I have no luck keeping them from slumping over the edge of whatever vase I put them in.
    I have to go for fasting blood work too but the girls that run the lab where we go are often late in opening and I'm sure this snow will give them an excuse to be very late! I'll wait until it melts.

  21. Your days are organized by some enforced routines.

  22. Oh dear, sorry you can't have flowers at home. Right now we have a big amaryllis with four beautiful blooms on it, plus paperwhites that are slowly getting taller but not yet ready to bloom. As life goes on, we have to adapt to more and more things as I'm finding out in this past year. Hope you two are having a good week!

  23. Inspiring quote. Who said that?

    Love the tulips. They are my favorite, too.

  24. Tulips and Christmas trees make a great combo. I like the colors of lights that teh town chose for their tree.

  25. The tulips are lovely... I like to look at the bouquet displays too, they are such a cheerful splash of colour to brighten up a dreary winter's day.


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