Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Sunrise and a crown

I was up early so I got to watch the was pretty.

Photo taken out the kitchen window.

I played 52 pick up and put away in it's proper place and supervised Far Guy while he did a dusting project.  ( All his books and "stuff" in his computer area were collecting dust.)

I power shoveled and shoveled.  I have one area left to do ...maybe today.

In the afternoon I curled up on the couch and watched The Irishman and crocheted a ear warmer headband that looks like a crown.  (I give the movie a 5 out of 10...lots of murder and mayhem.)

Here is another photo of it.  One of my nieces saw it on Facebook and said she would like one...her Sisters and Mom said she could crochet it herself...she probably could have ..but I wondered if I could do it. 
Apparently I can....and learned another new to me stitch!

The Tetanus shot has me feeling out of sorts and a bit tired...and cranky according to Far Guy.

Far Side


  1. Beautiful sunrise and I love the ear warmer.

  2. All that snow is just amazing. I hear you about supervising dusting. The Mister can't dust worth beans. He just got a scolding about the condition of his work area. He asked me to help him find a little missing something and I ended up having to take allergy medicine. Ah chooo...

  3. Well I'd be cranky too if I shoveled and shoveled. Hope today there is no shoveling and a better movie in store for you!

  4. Love that little squirrel on your header. We seem to have gray squirrels here. "Pink sky at morning is sailors warning"...reflecting clouds in the west...more snow? We have a winter advisory today and tomorrow...probably starting tonight.
    I thought about The Irishman but glad I didn't as I don't like all that violence.
    Have you watched The Crown? It's very good and got many awards too.

  5. That's a lot of shoveling! Your crown is just adorable.

  6. The early morning and busy day are probably at least part of the reason for you being cranky. Nice you were able to enjoy a lovely sunrise though, and get some projects done.

  7. The sunrise is really pretty! I'm not a morning person so I see lots more sunsets than sunrises. Monday morning I was up early however, and noticed we had 3 deer bedded down between a couple of pine trees in our back yard. One stayed around until about 9:00 am.

    The pneumonia shot is the one that made me feel out of sorts for a couple of days last fall.

  8. I was out shoveling snow this morning and thought of you with your MOUNTAIN of snow to shovel. Made mine looks paltry.

  9. Lovely sunrise! I miss being able to see that scene from my apartment; however, I can easily see the sunsets from my living room window

  10. The Irishman has a good cast and is expected to get some awards but I'm not sure I'm up for all the violence. Your sunrise is beautiful!

  11. Such a pretty sunrise and you did beautifully on the crown. I'm sure your niece will love it. With the weather you have, she's sure to get lots of wear out of it. Take care with the shoveling and I hope the bad side effects of the injection are soon gone.

  12. The sunrise is lovely. I hope the snow ends for a bit so you can get a break from shovelling.

    The headband is very pretty, you'll have to have your niece model it.

  13. I have a collection of tiny crocheted ... doilies??? That my grandma did. I can't imagine doing that fine work! I love these! Indeed that looks like a crown.
    What an awesome sunrise.

  14. When I saw "crown" in the title I was afraid it was an expensive dental procedure. Instead it's a cool crown. :-)

  15. Very nice! I liked the Irishman but I am addicted to all things murder in fiction reading and videos. Pretty sunset!💖

  16. "The Irishman" is not a feel good movie. With all that work and a shot reaction, I guess you can be cranky. You should wear the crown. It's good to be the queen now and then.

  17. I liked the Irishman. Mainly was fascinated by how they made them younger like they did. I'm used to movies with a lot of violence because I watch so many murder mystery, police, and detective type shows. Things have changed so much since people walked out of the theaters during the first God Father movie, that's for sure.

    Cute ear warmer band! Hope you feel better soon. :)

  18. Great sky photo.The days are getting longer.

  19. Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering why I was feeling so out of sorts! My arm is still bloody sore too.
    I thought the Irishman was a little dragged out. They could probably have edited out about an hour of repetitive material.

  20. I love the crocheted crown! We watched the Irishman a couple of weeks ago... interesting but you are right it was quite long and some scenes were pretty violent. Love the sunrise photos, very pretty, Mother Nature at her best!

  21. I was up early too but no chance of seeing the sunrise even if it hadn't been raining. Too many houses all around us.
    I leave the room when there's violence in a movie. I just don't have the stomach for it.

  22. You certainly are good at crocheting and figuring new patterns out. I wouldn't have a clue! That crown looks pretty cool! Wow, you have to do a lot of shoveling....don't fall down! We have to travel tomorrow for medical 1st CT scan to check for cancer, and snow in the forecast. Praying for safe travels....will be happy to be back home again late Friday or Sat. depending on weather. Thanks for the beautiful sunrise pic! Take care and stay warm. We're workin' our way through January!

  23. Sunrise is pretty boring here in the winter, the sun is so low on the horizon and hiding behind the big mountain that by the time it peeps over it's full daylight.


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