Tuesday, November 19, 2019


I  will make a turkey next week, mashed potatoes (real ones not the ones in the box that I hate) and gravy.  We are gathering for a Thanksgiving Potluck. 

In the meantime I turned over the pumpkins to find the turkey again...love double duty decorations!

I suppose I should make Pumpkin Bread too...it would hardly seem like Thanksgiving without it.

I was listening to the shopping news and they say that since Thanksgiving is so late this year that the merchants will miss out on five shopping days.  Seems to me it all comes out in the wash....still as many days to shop every year. 
Far Side


  1. That turkey is a cutie! I'll make a turkey breast again...just right for me and still a carcass for soup and plenty of white meat for sandwiches. I did it last year for the first time and it worked out just right. I haven't made my menu yet but it will be pretty simple although I have to make sure I'm not hungry when I write it out or I end up with to much food! LOL! Enjoy! A potluck is nice then no one person is expected to "do it all". Enjoy!

  2. Son is having Thanksgiving at his house this year so no cooking for me. I will bring the pies but they will be store bought. I can't make a decent pie to save my life.

  3. Hubby and I will make a turkey breast again this year (just the two of us). Makes for great sandwiches and leftovers. Love your turkey decoration. You are right about the number of shopping days. Just not as many after Thanksgiving but otherwise still the same number of days in a year, 365

  4. The one thing that always makes it seem like Thanksgiving to me is the addition of cranberry sauce. I like it with turkey, even tofurkey, which we'll enjoy this year. :-)

  5. Our long standing Thanksgiving tradition is take and bake pizza with football.

  6. That explains why Christmas decorations are sprouting everywhere so early. And stores seem to have their Christmas ads out early too.

    I don't have to cook the turkey this year. My son-in-law is cooking. I just hope his mom is OK with us being there. She always seems uncomfortable with extra people around when we've all been at the kid's birthday parties.

  7. Happy Pre-Thanksgiving - that is a little funny (losing shopping days) -- I don't think the calendar has changed! All I know is that Christmas is sneaking up! (already)

  8. Like people can't shop before Thanksgiving? Silly.
    Sounds like it will be one delicious Thanksgiving. :)

  9. I think I am done with Christmas shopping. I watch the sales and pick up stuff all year. I can't stand the crowds and the mess they make in the stores. I spend more time refolding clothing and picking toys up off the floor than shopping. Those poor employees. Meanwhile, we are going to my daughter's house for Thanksgiving and I am making the pies. We travel almost 2 hours and those travel the best.

  10. The best part about preparing the Thanksgiving meal is having leftovers. Two-sided decorations are brilliant!

  11. Wal Mart starts Christmas/Thanksgiving/Halloween the second school starts...no late shopping days for them!

  12. I bought a 22+ lb turkey last week. I've been so sick this week that no preparations are happening at all and I'm thinking of calling the dr this morning to see if he can give me some stronger cough syrup. I haven't slept more than 2-3 hours for the past 3 nights. As soon as I fall asleep I wake up coughing. I've even been in the recliner for the past two nights. Ugh. I guess I was due. I haven't had a cold in at least 2 years.
    On the Christmas front. Everything is bought and wrapped. We're celebrating Christmas with the kids when they're here next week.

  13. Potluck, everyone brings something , the BEST way to do Thanksgiving, and a lot of people. Have fun.

  14. I can tell that you have the big feast well organized.

  15. We will be home alone this year by our choice. Our kids have the young baby and they can't travel with her. We will go out for a few days at Christmas time. We could go to Chicago for T day but it seems to be easier not to at this time. I am glad you have a family thing that you can do.

  16. I agree, people shop all year around. Enjoy your Thanksgiving!

  17. Enjoy your Thanksgiving feast with everybody! Mmm I can smell the good smells coming from your house. We will pick up our Thanksgiving dinner from an area store and enjoy it with some leftovers too. Too tired and achey to spend it with our kids and grandkids this year. Hopefully every month will bring improvements in how I'm feeling and doing. Hope you and far guy have a great Thanksgiving.

  18. For the first time ever in our long lives, Tom and I will be just the two of us this year. We are going to a Thanksgiving buffet at a local restaurant. I'm hoping for dry weather so we can go for a walk.

  19. I hadn't realized that your Thanksgiving was later than usual. In fact I had to look at the calendar to see exactly when it will be. I hope yours will be a good one.

  20. The kids all decided that it would be easier for us to go to one of their houses so we don't have to clean our house and cook all the hard stuff! Well, that only lasted two days and one of the kids texted me and said....did anyone tell you yet that we all decided to come out to your place? So much for an easy Thanksgiving! My daughter said it's just not the Holidays without going to Grandma's house! I guess it is a nice feeling! I miss my own Mama's special Holidays too! Sharon

  21. I prefer the real potatoes too! A holiday meal where everyone brings something is the best. You get a good variety of food and the workload is shared.


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